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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. I don’t smoke. This is making me want to go buy a pack. What percentage overlap do you guys think there are between those possessed with anti smoking fervor and also being suckered into the marketing scams that are organic, non-gmo, gluten free, Jesus, vegan, etc?
  2. That’s so awesome. I’d completely forgotten those existed. Those were so cool.
  3. Pretty cool. They should bring back the Halloween dress up nuggets too while they’re at it. I get the kids happy meals now a days and the toys are basically some trash they threw in the box.
  4. I can make it through the whole week in Paperboy.
  5. Haven’t been following. This true or hyperbole? Because if so that’s fucking hilarious
  6. Baked is the superior potato. Mashed is the only acceptable Thanksgiving answer.
  7. Don’t care about most of it but I would like some new Suikoden games. Fingers crossed Eiyuden isn’t crappy.
  8. I started out collecting cart only and have since moved on to CIB. The process of converting my NES collection has produced a good number of doubles in my collection. They are all technically for sale but in reality they continue to sit in my basement and I use them as the playing copy of that game. Unless…it’s one of the games I still have from childhood. Then all bets are off. Dragon Warrior for example, I’ve got my original copy, a playing copy, my CIB copy, my famicom copy, and I‘d be thrilled to have a sealed copy.
  9. Being theoretically less of a scumfuck than someone else does not make you not a scumfuck.
  10. 2121. Couldn‘t even be bothered to check the videos on #3 though.
  11. I‘m headed to my basement now to just randomly switch all the cases around on my PS2 games. Thanks for the tip
  12. This one was way better than the last. I want to see Toto dominate.
  13. Don’t flatten them if they are nice. How easy would it be to fuck up the flaps. Don’t fuck up the flaps. Fucked up flaps is an automatic pass for me. If they’re beat up do whatever you want.
  14. I‘m looking forward to watching Baker lay the smack down Week 1.
  15. What NES games had a save battery?
  16. I don’t have any iTunes or iMusic or whatever they call it on my phone. The only thing stored on it is the sampler U2 album that comes with it. Every time I get in the car, if I don’t have Spotify open, it automatically starts playing this crappy U2 album. So annoying. I can’t stand U2. Except Sunday Bloody Sunday. I like that tune. Edit: Now that I‘m thinking about it at an opportune moment I hunted that sucker down and deleted it.
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