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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. The fuck are you guys cooking over there?
  2. administrative search https://repository.law.umich.edu/articles/1436/
  3. Yes? Is that an RPG? I don’t know. Realistically I guess they could be anything that was released as an arcade cabinet.
  4. Aren’t arcade games games that are played for points?
  5. Err uh…yeah totally. That is totally what I’m smoking All joking aside, cigarettes are a young man’s game. Too expensive, you can’t breathe for shit, and who needs constant nicotine cravings. My MIL is the last one in the family still smoking and no one can get her to quit. Has to be on oxygen most of the time and that still doesn’t stop her. Sad.
  6. I’ve got Tales of Brizzaria or umm whatever it’s called on the ps4. Is it worth my time? Never played any of the series.
  7. Don’t let them get to you Estil. I’m right there with you buddy. I mean sure it’s because after years of binge drinking it makes me shit blood but I’m right there with you. Nothing better than a nice cup of coffee or tea while you’re sparking up right?
  8. Differentiates it from top down and 3/4 view not defined genre.
  9. I’d play that. Moesha RPG Adventure.
  10. Last night I was playing with my P and it froze up. Better turn it on its side.
  11. It is PSX. But, I guess everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion.
  12. That’s a no from me dawg. Got a few pity points for boobs.
  13. Holy stream of consciousness Batman.
  14. These questions are too hard. Ive got nothing for #1 -- wait, wait. The dentist. Has to be the dentist. #2 @goldenpp72i think? I spent way to long looking and I can’t confirm but if it’s the collection I’m thinking of it’s stunning. Also a fan of @CodysGameRoom. I learned today that more of you bastards need to document your game rooms in the show off thread. #3 For me it has to be @Dr. Morbisand that whole crew opening up sealed NES games to document the contents. Legends.
  15. 1. MM 2 2. MM 3 3. MM umm that’s all of them I’ve played.
  16. If you’re going to Victorious March you have to Without Fear first. One of the greatest 1 2 punches in metal
  17. But waiting is haaaard. Should I post boob pics to pass the time?
  18. Interesting. I like it. But with the clean vocals I can’t not hear Bush. There’s no sex in your violence…
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