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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Aww hell yeah. Rhap to the rescue. Edit: I’m in if that wasn’t clear @fox @ZeldaFan042 @fcgamer
  2. 10. Love this game. Ive played it a lot over the years. The only Zelda I’ve finished
  3. Got fed up with the collection of random lids and beat up old Containers and bought a bunch of these Rubbermaids. Pretty happy with them.
  4. I gave them both 7s. It’s been too long and I don’t remember what the difference between the 2 are. Good games. Almost could’ve sprung for 8s
  5. Oh shit this guy‘s really upset about black elves
  6. God damn it. Keep that bum away from my CMC stonks.
  7. The Polyphia album is the only one from that list that I’ve listened to. Really solid album. Guest vocals were obviously a major surprise but I think it works and makes the album more accessible. My wife enjoys the album which is wild to me because she normally thinks I’m nuts with the instrumental show off rock stuff. The track with Steve Vai at the end is pretty amazing though.
  8. Oh my. Parents in law are up from Florida staying in our guest bedroom, brother in law and his family of 3 are staying in my sons room. Packed house. My MIL’s mother died this past week. Funeral is the day after thanksgiving. My other BIL recently faked a stint in rehab for presumably Facebook likes. Just last night our family fantasy football chat was graced with a drunken message about how rather than read a preselected bible passage at the funeral he’s just going to get up and speak the truth about grandma. They are all out of their damn minds. BIL who’s staying with us’s wife keyed our car some years ago. The last time I saw her I got in a fight with her about a poinsettia. Tensions are high. This place is a powder keg. Send help.
  9. That new album is absolute fire. They’ve also got some of the most fantastisch videos.
  10. I feel like if someone hacked into my VGS account they could only improve people’s opinions of me.
  11. Don’t be a fucking Nazi and don’t support fucking Nazis and you won’t have to worry about it now will you. In the America I see all public restrooms will be replaced with piles of dead Nazis. Should have started by lining Pennsylvania Avenue with the bloated, mangled, swinging corpses of anyone involved in any capacity with the 1/6 insurrection and their friends and family.
  12. I still visit pretty regularly but I lurk a lot more than I used to. I‘m actually not actively collecting right now. If an interesting/unique topic pops up I’ll poke my head in but I’m pretty out on rehashing the same few topics. I’ve got a bunch of stuff I should actively sell at some point and I would prefer to do that here unfortunately there’s not really a big audience here for loose nes commons.
  13. Why would it? Just factual evidence that McDonalds turns you into a fat lump of shit and smoking makes you a cool black ninja.
  14. 9. awesome game. Really cool and unique enemies. Also I love that level where you get to ride on the whales.
  15. I always liked the Pat show. He seems kind of like a dick and I’m good with that. I AM a shelf collector. I like it that way. I’ve got this pile of 1000 games and yes I’m only going to play the same 10 games over and over out of that pile. Who has time to play all that? Nobody is passing out handys and cookies because you did or didn’t play x% of your games.
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