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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Sorry guy but you lose all the points for PAL . Better luck next time.
  2. Thats the one you really want. Since this is a Wii game i think we can go ahead and assume Nitus is now an ex-dog. Thats the rarez right there. Someone get wata on the phone.
  3. Has anyone ever opened one of these and played it? Also, lol at selling copies signed by the developer. At first i thought they were going to be signed by Jerry Rice. I'd buy that for like $10.
  4. I bought my copy years ago but you guys have me thinking maybe i should pick up a spare.
  5. 1121. Bob Dylan is a douche and I would like to see Bob Seger kick his ass.
  6. Isn’t @FireHazard51playing? Im waiting for my Colbert gifs. Awfully sus. Awfully sus.
  7. Any time I’m critically wounded in Dragon Warrior. How about a battle every step? Running away? Forget it.
  8. Sometimes I frequent r/gamecollecting. I automatically downvote everything Pokeman.
  9. It was unintentional and yet somehow I find myself very slowly working towards the long box variant set. Probably will never finish as I find it hard to imagine a scenario where I pick up the King‘s Field variants but who knows. Got these two in a lot. The Gradius is IB and the Ninja Gaiden is CB. Fantastic deals on both.
  10. I’ll have the rack of man please
  11. I don’t know about movies but I’ve always thought someone should open a cannibal themed restaurant.
  12. PSX Long Box boxes & manuals added
  13. Nope. Think more drunken hillbilly. It’s just some cans glued on to some particle board spelling out horny for trump or whatever.
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