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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. I have wonderful memories of playing this in college over LAN. I got pretty good. I really liked the Day of Defeat mod.
  2. With my boy, his first significant game experience was with the original Super Mario Bros. He was a 2 year old. It took a lot of coaching to help him figure out how to move/jump. It was a really proud moment when he first killed that first goomba. Now he can beat that first level no problem. He’ll be 4 next week. You kind of have to play with what keeps them interested too. Tiny Toon Adventures is pretty popular. Also stuff like Rad Racer and Mario Kart. I find you can’t force too much or they lose interest almost immediately. The NES is nice because the controls are simple for little ones to work and the controller is a good size.
  3. There’s a crisis of conscience across north east Ohio. I think it’s actually a really bad look for the NFL if they suspend him. If they suspend him it means they think he did something wrong and they feel a slap on the wrists is an appropriate punishment for a serial sex offender.
  4. Actually I believe baker was referred to as a child.
  5. Sigh. hey Cincy guys, you got any room on that bandwagon?
  6. Friggin ridiculous. We knew Haslam was a piece of shit from the start but oh your god. How ugly. Im gonna laugh my ass off when NO gives up 8 first round picks for Watson and he blows out a knee.
  7. ‘Member this video? Now that brings back 56k memories.
  8. I heard of it. Looked into it briefly. Sounded stupid.
  9. The smell of spent caps really takes me back.
  10. One time in college I got arrested stumbling home from Taco Bell in the middle of the night.
  11. Was that the commercial with the creepy ass moon?
  12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Family-Feud-Super-Nintendo-SNES-Fued-Brand-New-Factory-Sealed-Box-Creased-/144453801813?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0 box creased .
  13. Though all that packaging does make a nice makeshift plate for my meatball sub while I’m playing. Need something to go with it…
  14. Nothing says welcome like a bunch of internet strangers accusing you of lying and murder.
  15. What’s a good size trash can for my game room? 10 gallon? I don’t want it too small but I also don’t want it too big.
  16. It’s all about the gestures. Vigorous gestures.
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