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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Fringe. I watched the first few seasons during their original run but I’m watching it all now. Ive also got my wife hooked on Star Trek TOS. Just watched the episode with the dog with antennas.
  2. I have wonderful memories of playing this in college over LAN. I got pretty good. I really liked the Day of Defeat mod.
  3. With my boy, his first significant game experience was with the original Super Mario Bros. He was a 2 year old. It took a lot of coaching to help him figure out how to move/jump. It was a really proud moment when he first killed that first goomba. Now he can beat that first level no problem. He’ll be 4 next week. You kind of have to play with what keeps them interested too. Tiny Toon Adventures is pretty popular. Also stuff like Rad Racer and Mario Kart. I find you can’t force too much or they lose interest almost immediately. The NES is nice because the controls are simple for little ones to work and the controller is a good size.
  4. There’s a crisis of conscience across north east Ohio. I think it’s actually a really bad look for the NFL if they suspend him. If they suspend him it means they think he did something wrong and they feel a slap on the wrists is an appropriate punishment for a serial sex offender.
  5. Actually I believe baker was referred to as a child.
  6. Sigh. hey Cincy guys, you got any room on that bandwagon?
  7. Friggin ridiculous. We knew Haslam was a piece of shit from the start but oh your god. How ugly. Im gonna laugh my ass off when NO gives up 8 first round picks for Watson and he blows out a knee.
  8. ‘Member this video? Now that brings back 56k memories.
  9. I heard of it. Looked into it briefly. Sounded stupid.
  10. The smell of spent caps really takes me back.
  11. One time in college I got arrested stumbling home from Taco Bell in the middle of the night.
  12. Was that the commercial with the creepy ass moon?
  13. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Family-Feud-Super-Nintendo-SNES-Fued-Brand-New-Factory-Sealed-Box-Creased-/144453801813?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0 box creased .
  14. Though all that packaging does make a nice makeshift plate for my meatball sub while I’m playing. Need something to go with it…
  15. Nothing says welcome like a bunch of internet strangers accusing you of lying and murder.
  16. What’s a good size trash can for my game room? 10 gallon? I don’t want it too small but I also don’t want it too big.
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