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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. My main supply comes from videogameboxprotectors but at least his eBay store really doesn’t have a lot of sizes that aren’t standard whatever System game boxes. Unusual size boxes come from Retro protection. I tried Kollector Protector once and I ordered NES and I got SNES. I didn’t really like how thick they were. I like the standard .3 that everyone else is using. They are also more expensive. I’ve ordered some from Buzz & Bingos moon circus too. Perfectly fine but I like the ease of folding and the clasp on vgbp better.
  2. Different countries have different stores. Sometimes they’re nicer sometimes not. That’s just kind of part of everyone not living in the same place. Sau Sau Sau Saubillig und noch viel mehr würd ich kriegen wenn ich bei Mediamarkt wär.
  3. Still working on this. About 40% lol. Slowly but surely. I like it so far. Agreed the jumping around is a bit jarring.
  4. 1222. I’m not sure 2 was the right choice for #4 though.
  5. I always really liked Sinergy. Girl power. Laiho really got around. You know he did an album with Impaled Nazarene? Speaking of Marco, I saw he was leaving Nightwish. I wonder if Tuomas will start doing vocals again I mean The Carpenter was awesome
  6. I really struggle to understand the various drum trigger musics. I find it very grating. Makes me think of back when Mushroomhead ruled this town with an iron fist I mean anyone remember Kitty? Oof.
  7. Pretty decent. Reminds me of Sinergy. Throw in some more sweepy guitar licks and you’re there. I see the singer died though. That sucks.
  8. R4 is awesome. Definitely the best racer I’ve played on the system though admittedly I’m not really a racing guy. I don’t know that I’ve ever played Gran Turismo. A couple of titles come to mind. Dragon Warrior 3 & DW 4 - I played the First 2 and I love the Series and the original is in my top 5 games all time but I’ve never sat down and played 3 or 4. Brave Fencer Musashi - looks cool. Never played it. Chrono Cross - it’s supposed to be good. Never played it. Legend of Dragoon - See above. Actually let’s just say this sentiment goes for a lot of cool PS1 RPGs i haven’t gotten around to. Anything on the switch not called rocket league or Tetris 99 - yup.
  9. You just keep that sweet sweet power metal flowing. I‘ve still got a few tricks up my sleeves
  10. The CD resurfacing guy? The only thing I have that I don’t know the value of is...well I don’t even know who I’d ask. I saw @PapaStu is on here. He’s one of only two names I’ve ever seen actually discussing these things and that was some really old threads. (The other being Dangerboy) Pretty sure it’s a let the auction figure it out sort of thing and the magic number is probably like $20. Never see the damn things but I have no idea who else is collecting this stuff. All I ever hear is crickets. Which is why I need a pure bullshit hype man. Wait? Can I just use WATA guy? edit (a bit less silly): If I was picking someone active here I’d probably go with someone like @TDIRunner. He seems to have that same PlayStation sickness I had for a while . Ive seen his posts/thoughts on PlayStation collecting for a long time now.
  11. Man that was pretty good. Will check out more. Don’t think less of me if I say it total makes me think Dragon Ball intro music. My man Vintersorg is a primary school teacher
  12. Rescue Rangers was a solid cartoon but pretty forgettable. As far as Disney offerings go it was no Duck Tales or Tale Spin. 7. probably higher than it should be. Friends is obviously stupid. The plots are idiotic. The characters are contemptible. It was a silly girl show. All that being said I‘ve always enjoyed watching it. 6. Tales from the Crypt was HBO right? Not a thing we had. I’ve seen an episode or 2 over the years but not enough to have an opinion.
  13. I’ve never actually dug that deeply into what’s really rare on NES but I know enough to know that it’s pretty much like any system you’d collect for. There’s what I like to think of as pop rares, games that are widely held up to the casual collector as the rare games of the System. NES these are your Samsons and Panic Restaurants and Ducktales 2s. These games aren’t necessarily the scarcest games on the system but they all could be considered very uncommon to rare by most collectors. Then there’s the actual scarcest games on a system which like 9 times out of 10 is gonna be some crappy sports title or something that is rare because no ones ever cared about it except for people who care that no ones ever cared.
  14. Lol uhh hell naw. Forget Sumez. I’ll give you 30 for just the box and a sealed copy of Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader for the poster.
  15. This thread was confusing to begin with and now apparently there’s a Nazi in here?
  16. Straight 1s. Starting to get good. Been really into The Outfield lately. I’d like to hope Your Love stomps Ah-ha when the time comes but I have very little faith in the musical taste of VGS.
  17. Try me. Just try me. Because I would love it! seriously. Wtf is wrong with these people.
  18. Welcome. I’m glad to see you correctly abbreviate PlayStation as PSX Don’t listen to anyone who says any differently. Let’s see if I can brush off that semester of Italian from 15 years ago... Sono un po ubriaco.
  19. I wonder if Jakob Dylan is a disappointment to his father?
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