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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. You get better photos of planes if you hang out by the airport.
  2. Is this like that time you didn’t know what MySpace was or whatever it was?
  3. Dood. What a disappointing night. Oh well dumped my ETC @ 41. I was pretty pessimistic about that one from the start. Still a tidy profit. I always meant to put that money into ETH when things looked favorable. I guess this would be it. Set a couple buy limits for ETH on the way down.
  4. 10. I’ve never not had an NES since 89. My original has gone everywhere with me. Lost a few games to trade-in to buy an SNES years ago that have since obviously been replaced. Home to so many legendary games. The only system that comes close for me is the P. The P is the system of my teenage years but the NES is my childhood.
  5. They love P in Europe. I’d kind of like to unload my P sports games but it seems more trouble than it’s worth.
  6. I think I’m gonna try P for awhile. Really kind of get it out there and see how I like it.
  7. Nah. I think I’m just gonna shut up and sit tight.
  8. Oh wow. Im glad I didn’t do the thing yesterday I said I wanted to do.
  9. I’ve got a handful of ETC I’ve now nearly doubled my money on. Was looking to dump it at 25 yesterday but I just missed the brief window. Today I’m not so sure that’s the right call
  10. Uh huh. No doubt talking about all those sweet PSX games at Codemonkeys house.
  11. Nobody in the history of anywhere that isn’t Japan has meant a Japanese DVR PS2 system when using the term PSX except in the context of pointing out that it’s a different system than the PlayStation.
  12. It’s PSX. It was PSX during its life cycle and there is no reason it wouldn’t still be PSX. PS1 doesn’t make any sense. It’s not called the PlayStation 1. Well except that one time it was but that was One not 1. PS also I guess could be acceptable but it denies the system it’s rightful 90s extremeness that only the X can provide. PSX is the correct choice. PSX>PS>PSOne>PS1 err uh actually I use PS1 as my secondary to PSX when I’m not somewhere like this because I prefer not to stir up the inevitable “buh thas a Japanese console” guy.
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