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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. How cool is the Sega Genesis I’m a staunch advocate for the use of the PSX abbreviation despite the rise in years since of PSX deniers.
  2. 6. As a kid I thought it was so cool to see . It didn’t really make any sense and the acting was pretty bad but did anyone expect it to be fine cinema? I was smack in the middle of the target demographic for a movie about THE controversial, edgy video game of the day. It’s been a really long time since I’ve seen it. At this point the thing I remember most about it is that I was annoyed that my parents taped over the second half of the movie with Species...at first.
  3. I’ve only played Odyssey. I really enjoyed it. Probably will pick up Valhalla at some point.
  4. Just discovered this this morning. Tried a couple games. Pretty neat. I’ve never been big on pac man and I could see this getting some more pac man play time. What a surprise when I go to fire up Mario 35 and it doesn’t work.
  5. I once spent $125 on a game. Once. 0 - 20 - no problems. No worries. 20 - 35 - is this a nice enough copy to spend $30 on? 35 - 60 - I’m gonna have to think about this one. 60 - 100 - How much do I really need this? Is this a solid price? How’s that condition? Let’s make sure not to mention the price I paid for some paper to wife. When I sell something down the road I’ll make sure to dedicate those funds to this purchase I made 3 months earlier. 100 - 200? - All right I’m going to rummage through my stuff with gvn collection tracker in hand to make this one something I’ll consider. Wife must never find out. 200+ - Nope.
  6. What I learned here is stores in the Philippines have way higher quality bags than here. I’d like to thank Giant Eagle for making sure I leave a trail of kitty litter every damn time.
  7. Surprise twist. She was actually mad because someone gave her a bag full of pennies.
  8. https://m.facebook.com/groups/511133745943568/?multi_permalinks=1576229856100613&notif_t=group_activity&notif_id=1617351865586762&ref=m_notif These guys get some interesting stuff maybe they can help.
  9. I mean it’s about $100 but it’s been that forever. Which is strange considering it’s long been considered one of the rarest long boxes. And it’s also more enjoyable than a Psychic Detective or something...sort of.
  10. Damn man. It seems my Klonoa is staying disc only forever. Should’ve picked up the last decent IB I saw for $50 years ago. Also, I think Starblade Alpha has to jump up at some point it’s sat pretty much within like $20 of where it is now for a lot of years. As long as I can recall at least. I’d suspect dating back to the PS1 price crash.
  11. I also have an Eileen story: Years ago I worked with a girl named Eileen. When she first introduced herself she joked , “Eileen over and suck your “. That’s it. All I remember about her. And I think about it every time I encounter that song.
  12. 1122. That last pair were both terrible so it was a coin toss.
  13. I loved Dune. Very cool concept and really engrossing to read. I think I made it through most of the Frank Herbert novels but he lost me on like book 5 or something when we encounter Space Jews.
  14. I haven’t seen it in its entirety since back when it came out but what a horrific disappointment it was. It’s like the only reference they had was, „hey this is what the main character looks like and it’s set in some sort of mushroom kingdom. Go“. definitely didn’t run around pretending to be super Mario bros movie when I was a kid. Hot garbage. 3.
  15. Still waiting for the bump in price on PSX rare but crappy titles err uh crappier titles than the ones that caught the last bump that is. I’ve got all these copies of F1 World Grand Prix 2000 that im waiting to sell til they hit $420.69.
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