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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. I mean if other people are annoyingly slow you not using a card isn’t going to make them not use it and be slow. Unless...you fully anticipate fumbling around with it agonizingly and you are actually pre-being very considerate. You sir, are truly a gentleman.
  2. Are cards not prevalent in Taiwan? Because the rare occasions I use cash are like a weird novelty at this point.
  3. Damn it grandpa. Take your Werthers originals and get out of my KFC.
  4. I just can’t fathom that in a universe so vast and complex that in all probability we are biologically incapable of truly understanding it‘s workings and complexities, that anyone would be satisfied with the answer of it’s magic. Im staring at a giant nuclear reaction more than a million times the size of earth and I’m supposed to base my worldview on Bronze Age literature thats worried about me chopping off my foreskin? I’m sorry but I don’t understand how you reconcile a world with satellites and indoor plumbing with that. If there were some sort of entity manipulating our reality I find it pretty unlikely that it is in any way connected to any of the religions we’ve come up with.
  5. Sort of unrelated but we’ve been pretty heavy into Dr. Seuss the last few months here and I’ll say I never realized before what a fantastic learning resource it is for basic vocabulary and the use of prepositions. Don’t know if they have Japanese text dr Seuss.
  6. Not Japanese but years back we used to have free access to Rosetta Stone through work. Tried my hand at a bunch of languages including Mandarin and Russian. I remember thinking that the program was not great with explaining unfamiliar ie; non indo-European, grammar systems as there’s really no direct explanations and it’s all done by example.
  7. When I was a kid we were nominally catholic. Mom‘s Jewish though so that probably contributed some to the pretty mild role it played in my life. Went to the psr classes and stuff until about 10. I‘m a pretty firm and unsympathetic atheist. I‘m going to tread very lightly in this one.
  8. I don’t know. This opinion is based on nothing but this whole thing sure does seem like one of those things where everyone’s predicting and dopes like me go I want some of that then the whole thing comes crashing down in short order.
  9. @spacepup‘s question totally reminds of when my wife and I first started dating. It was back when all the physical book stores were actively shuttering and we used to go around seeing what we could find. Pick up this beautiful hard cover faux leather Hitchhikers Guide compendium on the cheap. At some point she loaned it out and it was never heard from again. Haven’t been able to find an adequate replacement since.
  10. I actually started reading it a few days ago. Sucked me in pretty quickly. Been on hold cuz Survivor but pretty stoked to read this finally.
  11. Isn’t that already the way it is? If you’re pre loaded and are just bringing your millions into their country isn’t it more or less a comeon in sort of deal? Maybe not. Im pretty sure I’m entirely just making that up. Or....start grading them golfs and call the history channel boys.
  12. Still holding. Thinking about selling and buying back in next time it dips. even if it only ever gets back down to 1700 that’d be a win.
  13. Oh I know. And you know. But he’s under the impression that he’s 21,000,000 sandwiches away. Someone should tell him.
  14. I find it difficult to picture metric distances in my head so it makes most of the distance measurements pretty meaningless to me. Wish we would convert and eventually it would click. Currently if I hear something is 100, 200, etc meters I have to think of it in football fields to have any concept.
  15. Pardon me. But do you have any grey poupon? But the only one gonna pound me is my wife...uh yeah.
  16. Very funny Gloves. im assuming you did this as it was 70 yesterday Also took me 10 miuutes to type this upside down
  17. Ha. I actually just got it for the same reason.
  18. Ooh. Yes please. I’ve never been able to pass a “shoulder work ahead” sign without commenting about there being guys doing shrugs on the side of the road. It’s a disease really.
  19. You know, I’m still not sure I understand what we do. Is it playing Paperboy? I can Paperboy. But...that’s about it.
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