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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Making your own booze as an under 21 is a bit much. When I was under 21 I drank pretty heavily and we just had a couple buddies that were 21. Kids tend to have a pretty wide and frequently accessed social network. I mean someone you know at the very least has an older sibling. I can’t really speak to drinking while still in high school as I can count the number of times I drank in high school on one hand.
  2. Le chat est sur la lit.
  3. Does it make a difference for that that sign is probably in a Goodwill or some similar?
  4. I got nothing again. Sorry. Have you seen Quantum Leap? I’ve seen Quantum Leap.
  5. I think this point is getting way too glossed over here. What the hell is going on there? It looks like that tub with random crap just stuffed in it that everyone has but behind a glass case. Why are there random universal remotes in there that are the only organized items? This one’s a hard pass for me.
  6. I went with 7. Wasn’t super sure with my rating as it’s been a lot of years since I played more than like 15 minutes into it. I used to really enjoy it once I got the hang of it.
  7. we all know what happens next in this picture. Edit: I am a degenerate so I did in fact google Sidney Powell hentai.
  8. Tricked me. Thought you were gonna take it out of the original box.
  9. That’s been on my list forever too. I’ve actually put it on my hold list through the library several times and then forgotten about it when it finally comes available.
  10. Man. I‘m sorry for your loss. Like @Strangesaid, let us know if you need anything.
  11. Hey me too. 2 copies on the 64 because I may have forgotten I already owned it.
  12. I don’t understand how Crazy Town is dominating like that. That trash is such trash. Bunch of Oscar MFers around here.
  13. I‘ve never played it. During its lifespan I really wasn’t involved with video games. The only thing I’m aware of on the system that I’d like to play is the Metal Gear game and Final Fantasy...13 I think was on there?
  14. I had considered that before. Something about the cool artwork and $1 games really appeals to me as a collector though. Someday.
  15. I’ve actually never played the actual console. It’s one of those things where I really would like one but the price would have to be nice and I don’t even know that I could hook it up. RF only?
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