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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Ha! That’s so funny you mention that. I remember when that happened. I spent a year studying at the University of Leipzig from ‘06 - ‘07. Everyone was up in arms about it and they were getting no sympathy from me. Oh, the number of jaws that dropped when I told the how much it was costing me a semester.
  2. Damn. At first I was like that display shelf is so cool and then you zoomed out. Sweet game room.
  3. Some cool bits this go round and also some that I just picked up cuz they were cheap. The 3 bottom are just boxes.
  4. No one here is telling anyone to do anything. It’s an oddity to us. No one is in contact with this woman in any way. We’re not even the target market. I don’t think it’s out of the realm of reason for us to give our opinions to each other on this forum without someone unthinkingly screeching about what misogynists everyone is at the slightest provocation. This is the purpose of her act really. Do you think it’s unintentional?
  5. Of course it’s up to parents monitoring. Who do you think all of these parents are who aren’t monitoring their children’s activity? Ad absurdum. Stop portraying women as these defenseless flowers with no understanding of the consequences of their actions or accountability. That’s how we get Anti vaxxers. Thanks a lot.
  6. There are so many I’d like to make a “modern” commentary on that are locked away behind NA.
  7. What if I posted a video of myself jiggling my man bits on YouTube? Under a banana hammock of course. And I posted it with a thin veneer of whatever the hell teenage girls are into? Clothing reviews or makeup tutorials or something? Knowing full well that this is a site that is absolutely completely integrated with teens lives. And then I made a plea at the end to see my schlong for $5?
  8. I’ve been obsessed with this tune for about a week. This video is phenomenal. With that gettup he looks like the king of white people . Uses mayonnaise for deodorant and such. The obsession’s really expanded my appreciation for Phil Collins.
  9. Nope. I can’t recall any particularly bad delivery. We’re pretty neurotic about getting delivery and contactless has been the best thing ever. Not food but we tried to tip our usual Amazon guy $50 at Xmas time but we never saw him again. Sucky timing.
  10. Not that I saw. Shame. He’s done as much for public science education awareness as anyone.
  11. In all seriousness Jeopardy is done for all intents and purposes. When they let this douche host with all his essential oils and magic crystals and other snake oil you might as well hang it up.
  12. I don’t know that this is something to get panties in a bunch about. It’s just a mediocre porn chick targeting a relatively untapped but known highly fap-ready market. I mean the usual go to for them for trying to stand out is to take more Schwanzes than everybody else. She’s actually like those fancy pants California construction workers you guys were talking about. Makes more money AND she doesn’t end up walking like a cowboy.
  13. I‘Ve never heard of it until now but that watermelon sugar video is giving me the creeps. Seriously weird hipster dude in Elton John glasses eating strawberries and stuff at the camera is giving me the heebie-jeebies. Also my only experience with Lorde is that she’s really Stan‘s dad.
  14. This one was kind of brutal. 1222. Really didn’t recognize most of the tunes. hmmm... Did I do that right?
  15. I generally wouldn’t be too concerned about the clothing arguments of teenage girls. Also like Mr. Wunderful said, I’ve heard more than my fair share of whining about resellers from game collectors over the years.
  16. We’ve implemented weekly pizza night because the kids get so excited and it means I get to skip cooking on a weeknight. Score. Other fast food we usually will grab something as a lunch when we do. There is always of course the very occasional late night (that’d be about 8pm) taco runs.
  17. Raiders. If Jedis are so awesome how come there’s only like 1 of them?
  18. I am wondering If Estil meant for me to think He means vaginas
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