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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. 6. Absolutely dominated in its generation by the PlayStation. Still a handful of really good games. I will forever love my time playing Mario Tennis in college at my buddies apt. I fancied myself something of a beast on the net. Also has one hell of % of quality titles in the library. Only 9 decent titles? No worries. There’s only 36 games.
  2. Who here is drinking I certainly will imbibe Happy Friday all
  3. What is this nonsense get out of here and go play Dragon Warrior
  4. Been teaching my almost 3 year old to do the ‘Motorin’” bits. It’s really a chorus part everyone should be familiar with. Made me think, what other must know sing-a-long choruses are there?
  5. It’s the only game on the Wii I ever consistently came back too.
  6. 1. I wasn’t suggesting concern for future value as a commodity. I mean the cost of adding them to your collection is increased. 2.Won’t you still be able to buy them new at a cheaper price some years down the road?
  7. I’m really don’t understand the attraction of Collecting for current gen systems. If you wait a couple years 99% of the library is going to be lower in value. And it’s not like you could really predict the 1% even if you looked at the production numbers. Certainly I could see it for certain pricey genres but the actual rarest titles don’t usually end up as the most $$. So I feel like collecting current gen shoots the collector in the foot vs waiting until say the end of the PS5s life cycle.
  8. 2112. Because Rush rules I agree with others about Harvey Danger. Probably would’ve beaten anyone else on this list. Although — it is actually kind of a stupid song. It’s got a good melody though. I like the 80s vs 90s thing going on in a lot of these matchups.
  9. I’m not sure I even fully understand what it is. It’s like an interactive book? Like the things I’ve been buying off Amazon for like $10? Says airplane and donkey and stuff?
  10. Ha. Me too. It was so sleek and “modern looking”. Made me think of Batman too. I’m sure not unintentionally. I really should pick one up one day. They pricey CIB?
  11. I will only recognize your pedigree if it consists entirely of Indiana Jones games.
  12. That is so awesome. Why wouldn’t you keep it? Otherwise what the heck are we all doing here anyways?
  13. I’ve got the totes. Doing it feels like having to take old yeller out back and put him down. Except you keep the remains — in a tote, in your basement.
  14. Cool idea. I especially like the thought of being able to manage saves via web app. But I wouldn’t pay that much for it. Cut that price in half and then we’re talking. I’m like you ans have a billion memory cards lying around and it has always been annoying trying to find the card with the save you want. Mad Catz made those cards with like 300 some slots but if I remember correctly they didn’t work that well.
  15. 9. Some years ago this would’ve gotten a lower ranking from me mostly because I suck at Tetris but the Tetris 99 helped improve my skills so that I can enjoy it at faster than the slowest speeds. I still suck but at least now I can more thoroughly enjoy the game. I also recognize it for what it is — the gold standard against which all puzzle games are measured.
  16. Anyone in on $APHA? I’m sure the gap will narrow before that merger but $TLRY is going berserk and that is looking like a pretty tasty discount.
  17. 7. Easy. After that it’s probably 10, 8, 6, 9. If we were talking favorite including spin-offs FF Tactics beats 7.
  18. Wowee. That the Outfield video. What an aesthetic. Makes me a little sad that the mullet fell out of favor.
  19. Like others have said eBay is so buyer friendly that there’s not even really that much risk. Not all low feedback sellers are necessarily scammers or whatever. Everyone has to start somewhere or not everyone uses ebay that often. From my experience they are usually just inexperienced in using the platform so you actually end up snagging some good deals. They are more likely to underprice their items or are more open to discounts through OBO. On a kind of related note, I’ve actually grabbed some pretty brilliant deals from bigger sellers whose main selling focus is items other than games. Guy has dozens of listings for old clothes and Hummel figurines but also happens to get in a boxed copy of Simons quest he’s selling for $20? Oh hell yeah. No pictures is a bit off putting for me especially if it involves old cardboard something or other because condition could vary so wildly and I require a certain condition quality that it’s hard to just roll the dice on that one. More Likely to lead to the hassle of a return. On the flip side I’ve had my fair share of instances where bad photos and a nice price have actually turned out to be far superior condition to what I thought I was getting.
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