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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. I bet against the Bills in I think the 1993 Super Bowl. I won $5. I also got yelled at for making a bet with money I didn’t actually have.
  2. Ahem. Baltimore squeaked in. We were hobbled by Covid we most likely got from those diseased freaks.
  3. Browns fan here. I think most of us are pulling for you guys. I’m hoping for a Bills - GB super bowl. Definitely feel you on finally being good after being the laughing stock for so long.
  4. I’d be interested to see your most prized pieces.
  5. 10. In my opinion superior to T2. Grittier, better atmosphere, less big budget cheesy. My #2 Arnold after Running Man. I‘ll ask you this, which had a better getting clothes scene? Also, the original “I’ll be back”. Then he drives the damn car through the wall. Mmmwah. Masterful.
  6. Thanks. As you can see I actually tried two different styles. The ones with the PlayStation games are https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0006VSTU6?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title they’re nice and uniform and pre printed and everything. Letters sit a little lower than I’d like on the longboard though. The ones with the NES games are actually comic book dividers I cut to the depth I wanted https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01MTP3QO4?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title not super thrilled about having to rely on my handwriting but the white bits are standard sticker label size so you can mix it up if you decide you want to sort by genre or something. Pleased with the results of both.
  7. I recently decided to pull my PlayStation longbox collection out of storage and display it. I’ve also been working on rearranging my NES stuff.
  8. 8. It was an excellent console. I have far more memories playing the Genesis vs the SNES. Blast Processing.
  9. This. I don’t even use iTunes. Why the hell is my phone auto playing U2
  10. I don’t know that it’s definitively my favorite genre but RPGs in only a vague order — 1. Suikoden II 2. Dragon Warrior 3. Final Fantasy Tactics 4. Final Fantasy VII 5. Suikoden III 6. Witcher III 7. Dragon Quest VIII 8. Final Fantasy X 9. Lunar: Silver Star Story 10. Suikoden just outside the bounds of this list are the likes of Dragon Warrior II, Secret of Mana, Dragon Quest XI and Chrono Trigger. I’ve had Dragon Warriors 3 & 4 for quite a while but still haven’t gotten around to sinking some solid time into them. Final Fantasy 6 is overrated.
  11. Ugh fine. This is some pinball prejudice. Spinball is my favorite sonic game. Of the video game pinballs I’ve played it’s probably my favorite...well after pinball I guess. The Genesis Sonics were good other than that it’s mostly been crap city. #1 is my #2.
  12. Whoa. m night shamalayan that story had one hell of a sad twist. Did not see the tumble weeds coming.
  13. This threads totally gonna come in handy. We’ve been talking about getting a van or something this fall.
  14. Didn’t know penises came up that often Certainly is a nice easy way to dismiss the point I was making without actually rebutting it though. I did ignore the hrw link because I’m not going to read a 45 page document for an argument on VGS to find the bit where they may or may not call them a threat to western democracy when the damn thing is titled China’s Threat to Human Rights, which we’ve already established is an issue. And what makes Melissa Chen an expert on this subject? The subject of the US’s aggressive policy stance towards one of our biggest trading partners. No one’s arguing that Xi is a good guy or that the PRC isn’t committing human rights atrocities. The question I posed was whether taunting them solves anything for anyone.
  15. Awaiting furious googling of actual corroborative articles. Nobody Leads with their back up “experts”.
  16. First nobody said to close our eyes and pretend their abuses are not happening. What I said was that maybe stomping around scowling and impotently waving our metaphorical old shriveled penises at them is not the best foreign policy option in a delicate and difficult situation. Certainly, there is a threat to American hegemony but I’m pretty sure that ship is sailing of our own volition. I think you’re confusing the USA with some sort of greater Western society. Also, you mention numerous national intelligence experts and your links are a Trump appointee and a Singaporean journalist/activist? Hardly strong support for your position. Sad.
  17. Some paranoid Cold War stuff right there. It doesn’t make any sense for them to want to topple western democracy. Certainly they would like to be calling the shots but casting their intentions as some great amorphous existential threat is absolutely silly. They are a nation looking to protect their self interest just the same as the US. Are they willing to trample on others to get what they want? Sure. But what nation with the strength to do so doesn’t. Certainly not us. Just ask the people of Iraq. They’re Chinese people not Skeletor. Ooh I’ll get you next time He-Man! Edit: just for fun..,
  18. I don’t understand the train of thought where being antagonistic to China is a positive thing. Certainly you could try to influence them in a better direction on human rights in whatever way is possible, but I don’t see that as being advanced in any way by being overtly antagonistic to them. They are, like them or not, major trading partners for the US.
  19. Solid 4 material. They’ve got a couple of good tunes but as a whole I’m not really a fan.
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