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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. You replacing cases with those ones that came out a while back? Those all look pretty clean from the pics. Always found getting those Sega cd style cases intact to be a brutal undertaking. In general though, you see a good number of people list disc games with smashed up jewel cases for cheap because it looks beat to hell but the actual contents are fine. I love it.
  2. https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs2191/f/Jon Ryan Schaffer Statement of Facts.pdf
  3. In that thread about being sad about selling stuff I mentioned that I’d sold some of my long boxes and it bothered me. Well, the stimulus did actually hit my bank account that morning so I thought I’d blow just a bit of it... also a couple more NES titles. I’ve actually been holding out on Star Trek in the right condition for the right price forever.
  4. A little sad about the Browns. Garrett looked like that Covid was right on top of him that whole game. Was still the best season of football of my adult life. By a lot. Go Bills!
  5. 9. Definitely one of my favorite Arnie movies. He was in a real groove for a while. Funny this popped up. I just randomly popped it on like 20 minutes ago. I‘m expecting the next one to be top tier like Pumping Iron or Twins. Otherwise consider this a divorce!
  6. I remember that tour. Big concert regret of mine. I was in college at the time and I think they played here over winter break or something. I stayed in town and forgot to organize a ride with someone. Missed out.
  7. I’d just like to point out that Vintersorg’s day job is as a primary school teacher. So awesome.
  8. I saw that announcement the other day. Maybe they’ll give us some more of those awesome Tuomas vocals ala the Carpenter Seriously though, I haven’t been interested in anything since Once anyway. Wishmaster was a damn masterpiece and Bless the Child wasn’t far behind. Dark Passion play had some jams on it but it definitely wasn’t the Nightwish I fell in love with. RIP.
  9. It seems to be like a big stiff joy stick. Cant really say how it functions though. Never been taken out of the packaging. Kind of looks like a big old controller tumor. PlayStation had some weird ass accessories back when.
  10. Same. Truthfully I don’t think I even knew it was a thing until I joined NA.
  11. I do remember watching the invasion with my parents. I would’ve only been like 6 at the time. We still had one of those old console TVs as our main tv at the time. It’s actually weird how vivid my memory of it still is.
  12. http://www.tommycarstensen.com/terrorism/index.html If anyone’s interested in the Parler dump. Wait...is that redundant?
  13. too funny. I mean, I realize Rudy is as senile as an old hamster but how do you not see something like this coming? This should be the least of his concerns. Does he think Trump won’t try throw his ass under the bus in an effort to save his own neck when the time comes? He should ask Michael Cohen how that goes.
  14. Handhelds. Bleh. And I find it a constant source of annoyance when game series I collect have mainline games exclusively on little Billy’s whatever stupid handheld that’s not the original Gameboy. Get that crap out of here.
  15. I like them. I prefer appetite to the use your illusions. Really the only 2(3) albums worth mentioning. I gave them a point for Axl’s concert habits.
  16. Haven’t played eternal. I really liked the 2016 but I think the original wins.
  17. Go Browns! Watching sad Ben Roethlisberger at the end was probably the best moment. Oh or that first quarter. Or maybe it was the 4 picks.
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