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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. It’s got to be Nintendo. The Atari days it was a novelty. Nintendo made it into an industry with the NES. Everyone else just built off what they created. Not to mention they’ve remained relevant and at times revolutionary to this day.
  2. Schwarzenegger movies are the best movies. Running man is the best Schwarzenegger movie. 10. At one point I was on a Stephen King kick and read the book too. Was actually really enjoyable. Totally different with, ya know, a story and stuff. Both awesome.
  3. Does a man have to choose? TNG by a little.
  4. I don’t know that I’ve listened to that many albums that were actually released in 2020. 2 stand outs come to mind. Ensiferum - Thalassic Hadn’t thought about these guys in a while. The lead single “Rum, Women, Victory” popped onto my Spotify randomly one morning. It was pretty friggin rocking but when the new clean vocalist hit I was hooked. So good start to Finnish. Saltatio Mortis - Für immer frei Caught the singles as they came out before album. Stylistic change for them but I really like it. It’s more German pop rocky but I like it. Little hipstery closer to where bands like Versengold are headed. Good stuff.
  5. I chose sequels. Only because there was no Star Trek option. Pssh. Bunch of nerds.
  6. I was a big fan through Horrorshow. Stopped listening after Glorious Burden. Gave the album when Barlow came back a listen and it was dull. Never went back. I had no idea he had amped up the right winger thing so much since.
  7. Never played it. Would like to, but I’m not willing to spend a bunch of money to do it. I remember the year I got my Genesis the debate had been Genesis or Turbo Grafx. Went with the choice that like 90% of people did.
  8. Man after learning Jon Schaffer is a full blown Nazi, I need a real metal hero in my day I wonder how Hansi feels about this recent revelation?
  9. No love here for Talespin on Genesis? I always enjoyed it. I think the platforming bits are fun but a bit frustrating. The plane sequences are tough but once you get the hang of them they make a nice little interlude. Got nice graphics and atmosphere too. Dang it’s been a long time since I played it.
  10. Why will no one ever answer the god damn question? Anyone? If you’re going to stage a violent autogolpe based on this you had better have some sort of explanation better than a fish faced pedophile said so. Edit: Who by the way very obviously has all the motive in the world to lie about this. Which means that no one actually gives a shit about whether the election was in some way fraudulent. It’s nothing more than a pretext to install a dictator whose policies support your cowardly insular world view. edit edit:
  11. Fun. The controls are stiff and that’s shitty. 8.
  12. What the actual fuck? Fuck him with a
  13. The most for me has been like 3-4 months on some random amazon something or other that shipped from China.
  14. Die/dice Background: B.S. in German Translation (Applied Linguistics) If there is historical precedent for dices (it’s certainly not a usage i can recall ever having heard actually used),I would say that this would be a situation where while dices and dice are both correct the usage dice is certainly the common and expected one. I personally would not use dices as a noun because using it would raise so many questions and eyebrows. Dices is the verb of playing dice. Dies could be used in a specialized context to refer to individual units within a groups of dice. Wait, why are we analyzing this? Edit: The gerund would be dicing? Hmm.
  15. Can I change my next week vote to Nirvana? I was thinking about it and I’d much rather discuss what trash Nirvana are vs how I like Guns N Roses.
  16. Not bad but not really my thing. If I really think about it, kind of annoying. If Paint it Black comes on the radio I will usually turn it. Respect their influence though.
  17. Will be watching your FS thread
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