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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Ok. This isn’t about playing games but about collecting them. Why the hell is the text on the top of the box for Ninja Gaiden 2 reversed from every other game? Come on Tecmo, you’re messing up my new system.
  2. Fair enough. I’ve been in the game long enough to know when I argue with a woman even if I’m right I end up being wrong
  3. Ooh I want to play too. This is my favorite Laiho video since forever. Something a little different...
  4. Man. WTF. Sad. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kerrang.com/amp/children-of-bodoms-alexi-laiho-dies-aged-41
  5. 8. Not one I watch very often but always enjoyable. And that cast. Man. Also, maybe they don’t know about Schwarzenegger in their Igloos up there.
  6. A couple games come to mind. Dragon Warrior, Legend of Zelda, and SMB 3 (really 1-3) on NES PTO II on SNES Suikoden II, Symphony of the Night, and Final Fantasy Tactics on PSX. Suikoden III on PS2. Cant really say which one I’ve played through the most times. Probably one of the NES games just through sheer number of years I’ve been playing them.
  7. Nah, you’re good. You do what you gotta do to keep your kids safe. Also, claiming “I’m a nurse” is pretty meaningless. You can claim you’re a nurse when really all you have is that certificate that will get you a job cleaning nursing home bed pans. What she actually intends is for you to back down because she threw an appeal to authority at you.
  8. Definitely would like to try this out when I find it cheap enough. Looks interesting. Though I’ve had a copy of Red Dead Revolver for years and never touched it.
  9. Welcome. Those are nice systems to collect right now. A lot of cool stuff for not a lot of $$
  10. that’s slightly horrifying to me because when I think of the theme from Love Story it makes me think of...
  11. Going for the complete long box variant set eh? If I remember (big if sometimes) I’ll check and see what sort of doubles I’ve got and let you know. My collection and doubles got mixed together when I packed it away so it may take me a while. I’ll let whatever I’ve got go for a good price for you if you want. Least I can do considering how much I religiously hunted your PS1 rare list some years back.
  12. Welcome. 2 things: first, I’d like to see some pics of that genesis collection. You really don’t see pics of that sort of thing that often. Second, as I was scrolling through I absolutely read your username as DaddyMilk and was just a bit creeped out. Keep up the good work.
  13. I’ve kind of thought about getting a WiiU before. It definitely looks interesting to me. Saw one at Goodwill last year but they wanted way more than I was willing to pay for it and especially from Goodwill.
  14. It’s been a crazy busy week. Taking the day to do some household organization and drink some drinks.
  15. Herein I shall reveal my greatest collecting shame. A few years ago I broke up my complete set of PS1 long box games. I only sold a handful of them but they were pricey enough that I can’t just fix it on a whim. I had a baby on the way and I was probably drinking too much but it must have actually been a fit of madness. Heap your scorn upon me Sages. Oh what a fool I’ve been. Oh my dear Darkstalkers, why have I forsaken thee?! Edit: Although stimulus money did. just hit my account this morning. Quick, someone fetch my bottle of rum.
  16. More NES boxes. Maybe dip my toe in some SNES boxes. Awhile ago I accidentally bought SNES box protectors. I need something to put in them. Umm. I don’t really set much in the way of goals.
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