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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. The only movie I’ve seen is Bill & Ted and I watched that while doing other things so I didn’t even get that good of a viewing of that.
  2. My family is shitty. I actually prefer her family.
  3. I played a lot of Ecco the Dolphin as a kid. I actually got pretty decent at it. My favorite part was when you find the blue whale. Very majestic and mysterious. 9
  4. Damn it. I edited my post. Just saw that rule. Swear it had nothing to do with my choice.
  5. I guess I’ll go with @doner24. pretty convinced it’s Gloves though. But he’s already taken.
  6. I love SG-1. I actually really enjoyed Atlantis too. I actually got a buddy of mine to start watching recently. The whole traveling through space to a variety of themed worlds where everyone magically speaks English always kind of gave me a Star Trek TOS vibe. Plus Macgyver.
  7. Very cool. Are those window clings? If so I definitely need that.
  8. Uh what? I wonder how that meeting went where someone first uttered the phrase “chicken chamber”. We are pretty much done as a functioning society at this point I think.
  9. Sure would like to win that one. Just last year watching Browns football was that same old excruciating feeling. This is absolutely something else.
  10. I was just wondering the other day why I haven’t really seen this thread pop up because I wanted to say Go Browns! Wooo!
  11. If I was drunk I would totally put this on. Probably try to woo my old lady. Hey baby. Probably fail. I have before. Next time I am I may. Also bonus points for one of the best mullets of the decade. Ummm...8.
  12. So I decided to try this out as I was having some space issues. I don’t hate it. I like it better than the mess that was happening because of space constraints.
  13. Yup. It’s just poorly drawn. I’d like to point out that there appears to be a pick guard? slapped on behind the bridge. So uhh yeah. Also, If we’re getting technical the neck is way too short of a scale to be a bass.
  14. I got your back bro. Also, it’ll be easy to match language families if we only use germanic words. You ken?
  15. Welcome. I believe your music is the weekly music poll topic. You must’ve heard.
  16. I too struggled with how to rate this. I went 5. Honestly, most of us have no real context in which to properly rate these. They were such a foundational building block and so primitive that even looking back through the lense of the 2600 or some such makes PONG consoles look like fancy paper weights.
  17. What ever happened to that guy that was here a while back selling the plastic levels for displaying nes carts? He said he was working on one for boxes I think?
  18. Yes. Yes my little Cyberpunk. That’s it. Work your way to the bargain bin. Daddy’s got a nice crisp $20 with your name on it.
  19. Face forward with Vidpro cards on little rings in front of each title. Actually I don’t dislike the on their sides as much as I thought I would. I say go for it. I may try that myself and see how I feel. I’ve been feeling a bit of space crunch myself.
  20. No it is not. But the PlayStation was the system in the US referred to as PSX. It is super cute that you’ve read the same factoid as everyone else here though. Good job.
  21. Yes. If you’re into obscure technicalities. It’s called colloquial usage. I don’t know maybe you’re like 15 and missed the 90s.
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