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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. What about what they did with Rocket League where years and years later they just made it free to play and tried to cash in on the Fortnite model?
  2. Uh huh huh. “Key titles”. I wonder where he got that terminology from Beavis.
  3. Don’t feel bad, you’re not alone. I’ve never sat down and watched revenge of the Sith.
  4. I’ve always heard nose. Had it on DVD at one point years later too and I feel like I would’ve noticed him saying “blow your load“. damn it now I’m questioning it.
  5. Yes. Or maybe not. If you have less far to fall ?
  6. Before Atwood made his grand entrance no one had any idea he was sitting on a case of SE or any of the other stuff he has. Except maybe Minusworlds. Don’t know what that dude knows or knew or whatever. Point being, I’d avoid making those assumptions.
  7. 8. Not something I put on often but dudes a legend. Lot of good songs.
  8. I think someone’s messing with you. Never heard of a prestige collection. From your description do you mean like the stuff Tim Atwood has? https://www.hertz.com/rentacar/misc/index.jsp?targetPage=prestige_collection.jsp
  9. NES. The artwork on those boxes always seem like an event. The box art was an integral part of the experience whether it was good or bad. How many games did You buy because of the cool box art? Pre PS2 disc based systems are out because everyone pretty much was all using the same packaging (long boxes & jewel cases). PS2 and later is so cross platform that the art for the games can’t be considered unique to a system. And also more or less all the same dvd style cases. I think Genesis is a solid contender. Unique cases.
  10. Read them all up to Dance With Dragons back around when it came out. Never watched the TV show. Been waiting a long time for the next book. I don’t think I’d really be very interested even if he did put out the next book because it’s been so long I’d have to probably start over from the beginning and that’s a friggin long read.
  11. Been playing some Super Mario Bros because I now have a tiny trainee. This is the first evening we tried playing. FullSizeRender.mov
  12. It was on Hulu or something and I started watching it before I got distracted and wandered away. I have a pretty short attention span for movies and the stupid potty humor schtick wasn’t cutting it. At some point I should go back and try to finish it. Low priority. I do appreciate that I got to drink Ecto Cooler again because of this.
  13. I always liked McKids. Star Voyager. I played a lot of Star Voyager. What a game. The experience never really evolved past aliens show up and curb stomp me and I try to limp away. Also Ghostbusters. Didn’t care much how horrid it was back then. It was Ghostbusters.
  14. Some recent pick ups. Turtles is a box upgrade. Thing was a good price and in fantastic condition. I’m still a bit shocked by the acquisition of Super Mario Bros. I was a little inebriated before bed the one night and saw it posted for a decent price with OBO. Totally low balled the guy just for shits and giggles. Like 60% of asking price. Woke up to “your offer has been accepted”. Well alrighty then. Nice condition.
  15. Right on brother. Thanks. Totally gonna make mini me try them with me.
  16. This came out in the PS2 era right? I was in college at the time and I more or less completely missed this generation and the next.
  17. It’s been a while but I really enjoyed it. It was the first one and last one I’d played since RE2 until Biohazard.
  18. Actually I thought it was a couple of sealed copies of Golf
  19. Easy 10. You totally brightened my day @Reed Rothchild. I thought this was gonna be In Flames which I had quite a bit to say about too. But this is way better. Blind Guardian is absolutely one of my all time favorites. Top 5. Possibly top 3. They are absolute legends and deservedly so. Nightfall in Middle Earth is one of the greatest heavy metal albums ever written. Hansi is orders of magnitude a better vocalist than whatever scrubs you are into. Andre Olbrich is absolutely one of the most underrated guitarists of all time. He’s got technical chops for days and the licks are always tasty. One of the biggest losses for them was when Thomen Stauch left. He’s absolutely my favorite metal drummer who brought a groove and power to their songs that’s unrivaled except for maybe Nicko McBrain.
  20. That’s probably the device they used to imprison Joseph Smith. Really hope they don’t accidentally set him free. Bad stuff.
  21. Lol I love it. Guy mildly questions durability of controllers and is immediately accosted by 47 other members.
  22. What’s the difference between a dentist and a sadist?
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