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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. I’ve had piles of PSX controllers of every model including the original pre dual shock dual analog controller and I can’t recall one ever giving out on me. Now PS4 controllers...
  2. Playing N64 must be really easy to choose what to play.
  3. 9. This is my #2 system after NES. The system of my teenage years. I was an earlyish adopter. Got one in the longbox years and my first games were Resident Evil and Warhawk. The PlayStation’s lifespan was a rollercoaster of creative awesomeness. Those earlier model PlayStations had some bugs that still needed worked out and my first PlayStation spent a good portion of its life on its side. Had to put her down when she couldn’t make it through the opening FMV scenes when Final Fantasy VII came out. I love this system. A lot of fun to collect for too. I had some of my most fun as a collector completing the longbox set. I had full set dreams at one point but rising prices and the sheer volume was too much for me. Got about half way. Mad respect to the fullset PS2 nuts. Been trying to pare down to more must have titles but that’s still a pretty massive list Damn it. After typing this up I should’ve given it a 10.
  4. I had a whole thing typed up about Gingrich and Limbaugh and Palin and W and both sides playing to corporate interests and churches being encouraged to become political entities and our national disdain for education and our worship of a economic system that 90% of the country doesn’t even kind of understand but they’ve been told that it’s Jesus and that sounds good. And the other economic system that has demonstrable benefits but it’s been tenuously tief to a word that we’ve been propagandized to believe is scary based on I don’t know Cuba or something. And the other side actually doesn’t believe in or understand science any more than the jesus freaks but are much more liberal in cherry picking science they like rather than throwing the baby out with the bath water. The core is simply fucking rotten. It’s just mush.
  5. I’m mean in a world that makes sense yeah but I don’t know if I trust that he’ll let fate take his course. Even after he’s gone something is going to have to be done about the up is down black is white crowd. I fail to see how this all just goes quiet next spring. So much propaganda has been pumped in...
  6. So, how does this end? I mean going quietly into the night just seems so improbable. Ol what’s his face has so thoroughly lied and deflected and insisted than a lot more than his cult believe without evidence that our elections aren’t valid because they didn’t get their way. This has to come to a head. What is it?
  7. The 9. An iconic game and nicely representative of Sega firing shots across Nintendo’s bow that kicked off an era of gaming that a lot of us cherish. I still remember my first experience was xmas of must’ve been 91? I’d been asking for one of the new systems and for whatever reason it was between Genesis and Turbo Grafx-16. The Genesis was saved until the end as a secret present. It must’ve taken my dad a half hour + and a lot of swearing to hook the damn thing up. At least it seemed so. It was hooked up in the back room of my childhood home that still had the cheap wood paneling, thick shaggy brown carpet, and thin faux bamboo blinds that must’ve been there since at least the early 80s. The tv was a smaller one up on one of those tall stands with ferns and stuff. My spinster aunt was milling around on Christmas Day. I always liked her. Haven’t seen her in years. Finally the system sprang to life. The vibrant colors and lively music were intoxicating. The attitudinal blue hedgehog shattered my expectations of a video game character. Level one passed in wonder at the sights, the sounds, and the smells. But oh boy was I ever in for my forever moment. Level 1-2 with its bubbling lava, pumping pistons and pseudo Greek architecture was so unlike anything I’d ever experienced. That moment in time working my way below ground is forever seared upon my psyche. This was a new era. Yadda yadda yadda. Water level. So cool, so nerve wracking. Wait, what is this? I drowned? What the hell? I don’t drown in Mario. Aww god damn it.
  8. I did. And solid replacement. Well I wasn’t sure if it was that or the other that got replaced. Glad if it had to be one of them it was Mastodon. Never really got into them. I remember Blood Mountain was super hyped up and I was totally underwhelmed. Tried Leviathan too and same thing. Never went back to them even though I’m sure if I gave it a chance I’d probably like it.
  9. 9. I kind of wanted to give him a 10 based on the fact that the man did a killer tune about Perry Mason. He’s always surrounded himself with phenomenal musicians and it shows. Awesome album after awesome album until what, No More Tears? Which by the way has some of my favorite stuff. BTW Cheers on picking the crackiest picture of him you could find
  10. 10. Im struggling to think of a better xmas movie.
  11. I had to look it up. My first thought was some sort of pedophiles for trump too
  12. Uhh like it’s pronounced Sah-wen. Duh. Spent most of my time at NA with some version of Samhain. Was on a Hasselhoff kick for a Minute.
  13. Trump administration is still in charge. Only watchlist that sort of thing puts you on is for potential political appointees
  14. I would pay a significant sum of money to see Jimmy Carter beat the shit out of Donald Trump.
  15. So the first time I dropped acid we had quite the delightful and terrifying experience with a Mr. Bungle album. Other than that there was a vague year or so in college where they kept popping up but that’s it for my Bungle experience. There’s definitely a time and place for them but not something I’m gonna pull out very often. 6.
  16. I was torn between 9 & 10. Gave it the benefit of the doubt. I wouldn’t say it’s a top 10 movie for me but it’s not super far back. Whenever it comes across my browsing its one of those movies I have a strong urge to put it on. I love the atmosphere and the stupid kid humor and it’s just fun to watch.
  17. This is all very unusual. Like you got into a car accident with no insurance so the judge sentenced you to be the other guy’s butler. Question: Can I root for her to snag the good stuff like I’m watching Supermarket Sweep? Find for the Coco Wheats! Aww it’s right in front of you! Damn.
  18. Damn all my interesting stories are from 1000 years ago. On my 21st I got hammered, my asshole friends just pointed me towards home and said good luck. Ended up getting somehow down a large ravine/cliff and making my way to a rather large river. Called my buddy told him I was certain I had to cross the river to get home. Ended up sending the police to pick me up and take me home.
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