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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. We have no reason to fight with Pat.
  2. Never played it and I looked at picking up a copy for a long time but I never saw it cheap enough for me.
  3. @Reed Rothchild agreed. Never thought of them as DT with violin before but I can definitely see that. Slania is absolutely a cornerstone album. My go to track has to be... That crushing foot pounding groove would totally get my hair whipping if any of it were still on my head. Just like ... I was way into Finntroll’s earlier albums but they kind of fell off my radar after a while. Don’t know if you’re familiar with the Visor Om Slutet EP but it’s worth a listen especially if you’ve got some bud on hand.
  4. Yeah that’s what I said. Listen I’ve got a demo disc Somewhere recorded on a cheapo 4 track from like ‘04 that was recorded in my buddy’s ghetto apt you might like. It’s called Stinky Mouth Face.
  5. Love these guys. Their regular metal releases are phenomenal and the acoustic albums are fantastic as well. Really great chilling out music. Eluveitie are one of the biggest names in the folk metal genre and for good reason. So many bands are a pale imitation of their sound. 9. So I don’t know what @mbd39is on about. He only kind of likes it because he only likes stuff with shitty production? Like Metallica? Are you a black metal guy? If you want something less polished their first album Spirit is probably still my favorite.
  6. There is no end game. I’m just collecting. I collect whatever the mood strikes me for at any given moment and I have no ultimate goal or scope or scale. I just try to enjoy collecting video games. I’ve been almost exclusively into CIB NES for a while now but show me some sweet steals on 3DO and I’m your huckleberry. I do not own nor have I ever owned a 3DO. Before Covid I was getting into collecting Wii. I really don’t have some sort of special affinity for the Wii. Whenever I played the damn thing it’s almost always Wii Sports. I was collecting it because I enjoyed being able to walk into a thrift store or wherever and being able to find games to look through. Bunch of shovel ware you say? For a dollar a piece? I’ve spent dollars on shittier things.
  7. Knowing what we know now Ghost Dad ranks a lot higher among scariest ghost movies
  8. Man I really like Zardoz even if it doesn’t make a lot of sense. It’s definitely got that bizarre 70s sci fi vibe down. Love that shit. I feel like Mr Connery agreed to do that film before he saw the wardrobe though.
  9. lol @ the guys who couldn’t come up with anything better to write on a sign than “Hunter Biden’s Laptop”. Come on bud, you’re not even trying.
  10. FPS is really not a go to for me and I only recently started warming up to some of the newer ones. Duke Nukem: Time to Kill - Classic. Just the right amount of raunchy for teenage me. The soundtrack to this album for me is ReLoad. Go figure. Goldeneye - Duh. Counterstrike / Day of Defeat - Any sort of computer classes in high school consisted of everyone rushing to finish the day’s assignment as quickly as possible so we could play counterstrike together on the LAN. Played a lot of these in the early days of college too. Battlefield 1 - I got really into this for a while. Was disappointed that 5 was crap.
  11. That’s what I thought. How different can they really be? I’m sure I’ll look up a recipe, see the amount of work and decide to go the tequila route. Ooh. Thought coming in now. I wonder how much of a pain in the butt it’ll be to find Cachaça.
  12. What do I do with pickled limes? I just eat them? I’d been thinking along the lines of carne asada. Or I guess I could go get a bottle of tequila. Is it hard to make Key lime Pie? Probably too much effort for me.
  13. They don’t let me any more after I showed up with a handful of cocktail weenies in a sandwich bag.
  14. Ive accumulated a bunch of limes. What do I do with my limes?
  15. Collect phone calls. Ahh I’m out somewhere weird and...wait man...shit... I gotta find a phone first.
  16. I hear that. I’m as handy as a foot. Nice goal though.
  17. That’s awesome. Neat little piece for your game room
  18. Man. I’d forgotten about Primestar. We moved to BFE when I was in 6th grade. If I’m not mistaken, my mother, who still lives there, still can only get crappy satellite internet. Ahh those were the days. Also, Pay-Per-View.
  19. Never played a lot of it as a kid. Didn’t have it. I had a cousin that had it. He lived in Virginia and I live in Ohio. He also had Tiger Heli. Suck at Battletoads now. That being said I still enjoy the first few levels. 7.
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