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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Love it. It’s like the soundtrack to so many grainy home movies. 8
  2. I like tootsie rolls. Remember the big bins of scoop your own candy at the grocery store? I guess that’s officially dead forever.
  3. Costume contest? Also is it considered gambling if no one is investing anything in the giveaway?
  4. Lol. I’ll take a win by forfeit. Those were my best wrestling matches back in the day.
  5. I see you’ve lost your damn mind. I mean the book had, you know, a plot. I actually had no idea this movie (which is one of my favorite action movies) was based on a book let alone a Stephen King book. I thought the book was excellent. Not what I was expecting.
  6. Just got done watching new Borat. It was not as good as the first one. Which in turn was not as good as the skits. That being said I still enjoyed it.
  7. It was finally time to upgrade to grown up cookware. I’m not sure that $10 pans are meant to last 15+ years. Hopefully never have to worry about it again.
  8. I thought the movies were decent. I too saw Battle Royale first and much prefer it. And I also always make sure to comment about how BR was better when these movies come up.
  9. Hated Time Warner Cable. Hate em now as Spectrum. When we first moved into our house I kicked a Time Warner tech out after they showed up late with a bad attitude and without the tools she needed. Just waltzed right in and without even asking plugged laptop in with out even asking just to charge it. Kindly get the fuck out of my house.
  10. Just these bad boys arrived on our doorstep last night. Score.
  11. But what’s the game? Is there some sort of narrative? Do you fight people?
  12. I’m not even saying don’t pay it out of principle; I’m saying don’t let them jerk you around trying to pay a bill that shouldn’t have been your responsibility in the first place. After the store and the website didn’t work I’m out.
  13. I don’t think I understand what you do. i played some of dragon quest builders. I’ve heard it’s similar concept?
  14. That’s a lot of hassle. Should’ve just ignored bill. If they want their money let them get ahold of you.
  15. No sir I don’t like it. Definitely gonna get milk spilled all over my fridge.
  16. That seems really impractical. Are they like resealable? Or are they like those ones they changed to when I was in high school. Do you poke it with a big straw?
  17. No way. Anything south of Akron might as well be Deliverance.
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