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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. 10. Love these guys. I’m usually snobbish Euro metal guy but these guys definitely hit a certain part of my musical personality right on the head. I hate to use the old Springsteen comparison (I don’t think it’s really apt after the first few albums) but I do really like a bit of lighter blue collar rock music. I get a hankering for some Bob Seger every once in a while. I’ve seen them a couple of times live including one very memorable time at the Hard Rock in Las Vegas where Brian Fallon ended up drunkenly fighting with the crowd about Obama v. Romney. Good times. I’ve also got a thing for that whole scene where punk singers do acoustic solo albums.
  2. Witcher 3, Dragon Quest XI, Ratchet & Clank, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Battlefield 1, Assassins Creed Odyssey
  3. Alleged pig. I had no idea until I was trying to find the sprite
  4. That’s awesome! It’s the screeching hot dog monster Woody Pig from Ghosts N Goblins.
  5. In good Ohio we like to pretend Cincinnati is part of Kentucky.
  6. I thought about Dragon Warrior but back in the mists of time with that childhood imagination is where that first play through is best kept. I’d probably say Final Fantasy Tactics or Castlevania Symphony of the Night. I may be over thinking this but I think those would probably be my best choices that aren’t completely intertwined with the experience of the time and place when they originally came out. In that regard SOTN might be pushing it too. ...Actually now that I think about it I don’t like this game at all. It’s best to leave those experiences where they are. There’s a retarded amount of games in my basement as a plastic monument to my deep affection for my past experiences. So I’d have to pick something modern. I’d be good with experiencing the Witcher 3 for the first time again.
  7. 6. Pretty good. Not a big Steve Carrell fan. Probably favorite movie I’ve seen him in. Better than Will Ferrell. Ugh. For the life of me I can’t figure out why people think he’s funny. Might as well be that sock puppet guy. Anyway it’s been a while since I’ve seen it but I enjoyed it. I’d watch it before bed if it were on.
  8. I’m down with that. I’ve got a lot of NFL Gamedays, NBA Shootouts, and NHL Faceoffs I might be willing to part with for the right price.
  9. That was fantastic. How did I miss that?
  10. Hell yeah man. I’ll even wear a silly hat.
  11. Don Knotts? I’d get behind that
  12. Sure why not. If people wont go for a new holiday you could always replace a shit one like easter. Also i want candy. And pasta.
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