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Wu1F last won the day on January 20 2023

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  1. Just dropping in with a quick update! After spending the last seven months in web development purgatory, we’ve finally rebuilt our data aggregator. Long story short, data is now pouring into Mynty as we speak. Its done! Currently, we have over nine full console libraries live, and we're on track to hit over 30 by the end of September. List of consoles live: NES, SNES, N64, Gameboy, Virtual Boy, Genesis, Sega CD, 3DS, TurboGrafx-16 If you’re up for it, I’d really appreciate some extra eyes to check out what we’ve got going on, see how the data looks, or spot any bugs or issues. Feel free to ask questions or even roast me—I can take it! Check it out
  2. Thanks a ton for your feedback and questions! I really value the time and effort you’ve put into this. _How does this site improve upon features already in VGPC? I created Mynty because I was seeking more than just a middle-of-the-road, average value. Mynty offers a breakdown into three price ranges: 1. Excellent to Near Mint price, 2. Good to Very Good price range, and 3. Acceptable to Fair price range. This approach provides a clearer understanding of the actual selling prices for games in better condition as well as those in poorer condition. Mynty also lets collectors evaluate their collections based on condition. Besides that, Mynty stands out as one of the only true alternative data aggregators in the market. While there are other websites where you can see average prices for games today, the truth is they all use Price Charting API data. What does that mean? It means you're not seeing unique average values. What you see on Price Charting is the same as what's displayed elsewhere. Mynty changes this by sourcing our own data and aggregating it for our frontend users. _The site has a UI for phones / chunky fingers. Is that your target userbase? As a desktop-user, I find phone UI on desktop browsers are cumbersome and slow, requiring more scrolling a finagling to show all data onscreen. As an example, your site leaves half the width of the page devoted to box art. The other half is data. You could fit more data and increase legibility, if you reduced the space devoted to photos. That doesn't mean leaving things in the current left-right split setup. Our target user base includes both mobile and desktop users. We're always tweaking the UI, but I've got a soft spot for box art and the little details, so we've made room for high-res photos of the games. Plus, I feel the design has a retail-friendly vibe, which I'm hoping Mynty will dabble in down the line. Yeah, there's a bit of scrolling, but it's nothing too difficult. _Is there a way you can grab data older than 2023? Trends are a big thing. Chances are we might not circle back for the old data, but hey, never say never, right? For the moment, we’re all about stacking up the data day by day, building it up as we go. _How does your site grab data? VGPC recently stated they were adding AI to make better evaluations of listings to categorize them better than simply text. This means better organization by loose / cib / sealed, but also variants like Greatest Hits, black label, and other variants. I don't know how much AI is implementation there. In the past, I have emailed directly to add sales of variants or those which weren't caught by their system. We're part of the eBay developer program, so we've got the inside track on their data. Right now, we're piecing together a shiny new sorting and importing system with some nifty ML, but we've also rigged up some clever ways to filter out specific data. When we hit the 'go' button again, expect to see a whole bunch of variants – I'm a massive fan of those variant games, and we're planning to keep adding to the collection. _How does your site evaluate condition as there are estimates shown for acceptable, good, and excellent? We've developed an algorithm that crunches the numbers on the data we collect, giving us reliable condition estimates. Typically, high sales point to excellent condition games, and low values often mean poor condition. But we get that it's not always cut and dry, which is why we focus on condition average ranges. We're not about pinning down a single value as a definitive condition grade—it's more about painting the picture of a condition spectrum. I'm not sure how to treat this competitor. My main reason for referring to Game Value Now was that it recorded images of listings. The non-free VGPC has this feature now. The site as it stands is slow, cumbersome, and lacks years of data. I understand it's a work in progress. To offer full transparency, Mynty currently does not rival any existing websites for the reasons you've outlined. Our platform has been slow, unwieldy, and deficient in data. However, since January this year, we have overhauled our entire backend to accelerate the frontend and facilitate the sorting and importing of data on a grand scale. This enhancement will enable us to autonomously deliver sorted data for tens of thousands of games quickly. This capability is what Mynty has been missing. The overhaul signifies that Mynty is gearing up to be a competitive force. Our primary focus has been on improving speed and the comprehensiveness of the data we present. In the upcoming weeks and months, you can expect to see noticeable changes and announcements reflecting our progress.
  3. Our upcoming feature will simplify the process of adding your collections by enabling you to upload a document that contains all your games at once. This will allow you to effortlessly match titles and bulk add them to our site. Initially, we'll support uploads from popular collection platforms such as PriceCharting, GAMEYE, and CLZ. Simply download your collection as a file from these sites and upload it to ours.
  4. It's worth mentioning that this cartridge is in very good condition, making it particularly appealing to some collectors. We've observed two other sales recently: one for a cartridge in great condition and another in acceptable condition, which sold for $2K. It would be intriguing to see how a cartridge in similar condition would fare in the current market. Indeed, the values for this game are on the rise. Check out the details at Mynty here
  5. Hey everyone, just dropped some fresh data into Grind Stormer. If you notice some games are showing up with zero data, it's mostly because we haven't got around to importing their data yet, or we just haven't seen any data come through for them. Sadly, a lot of our Sega and Xbox titles are in this boat right now. We've been really focusing on Nintendo, PS1, PS2, and PS3 titles, so they've got a bit more love data-wise. I might've mentioned this before, but I'm currently putting our new autonomous aggregator through its paces. This nifty tool is going to sort and import data all on its own, no human babysitting required. We're aiming to have this up and running fully in the next week or so. Once it's good to go, we're planning to start a mass import for all the 40K+ games in our library. So, stay tuned for that!
  6. You know, I do end up repeating myself quite a bit, mostly because I encounter a lot of the same questions. Sometimes, I just find it easier to copy and paste certain responses.
  7. First up, thanks so much for your feedback. I really appreciate it when people step up and take the time to share their thoughts, as it helps me tackle any issues head-on. I actually covered this topic in my last post. At the moment, we're importing data to the site manually—yes, manually, believe it or not! But I've recently brought on board a new development team to overhaul our aggregator system for automatic functionality. What's in it for you? Data importation will be significantly quicker on a daily basis. How quick, you ask? Right now, we manage to import between 100-250 games a day. With our new tool, we're looking at 700-1000 games a day. One thing eBay doesn't offer is the separation of data by condition, and that's where Mynty excels. Sure, you can dig up the most recent data on eBay, but it doesn't sort by condition. You could do that legwork yourself, but why go through all that hassle when you can find it easily on Mynty? We're here to save you time and offer you more. Oh, and I've just updated both of the games you mentioned below Dungeon Explorer / Super C
  8. You've made several excellent points. We've temporarily put this task on hold to focus on a more significant project. But will get back to it right after. I'm thrilled to announce that we're in the process of upgrading our aggregator to automate the sorting and importing of data without needing manual intervention. This enhancement means that data for all 40,000+ games we track can be imported automatically upon command. This development will address the current data scarcity on Mynty and enable us to update our data more frequently. I consider this the crowning achievement of our current phase. Following this, we'll aim to optimize further and introduce additional features to the site.
  9. You don't have the new iPhone 26? Check out this grab. Decided to remove the affiliate link to give us more room... Who needs money anyway right??
  10. You don't have the new iPhone 26? Check out this grab.
  11. What up Inasuma!? Yes, we're currently addressing some load time issues. We've managed to optimize the site a bit since then, but there's room for more improvement. At the moment, our main focus is on transferring all our images to AS3 to enhance load times. Additionally, we're implementing some strategies to minimize image loading, especially since we use high-resolution images to ensure a clear display of the games.
  12. Yes, no worries, it's just a graphic mock-up. We left "Nintendo" as is in this graphic to save the designer time. This doesn't mirror what's in our database. Check the link below Silent Hill PS1
  13. Thanks for your valuable feedback! I always welcome more of it. I'm excited to show you what we're working on your request, particularly how it'll look in both desktop and mobile responsive views. We're increasing the number of games you can scroll through from 12 to 24. On mobile, where you currently see 1 games, you can now see 3 and you'll soon be able to see more games per load. Take a look and let me know your thoughts; I always appreciate your input. Keep in mind, these values aren't accurate; they're just part of a designer's mock-up.
  14. No, I'm not the dev, but I manage the project closely. If you're asking about the programming language, Mynty is mostly written in PHP.
  15. After completing a few tasks, I'll be adding a search bar to all consoles so you can easily find a specific game. Following that, I'll be working on implementing a 'list' view layout.
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