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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Not so much my mom, but my grandma for sure.
  2. That would depend on the game. Easiest way would be to pick a game without a mercy rule. Another way would be to use the quickest mercy as a tie breaker. So assuming a 10 run mercy rule, a 10-0 would outrank a 12-2, and a 10-0 in the first would outrank a 10-0 in the second. Extra runs scored on the mercy would be the top, with a 13-0 (grand slam at 9-0) being the best achievable score. That said, the exact rules would depend on the game being played.
  3. I'm Italian. That's the only way. Anything less isn't lasagne.
  4. You have obviously never made a lasagne before and it shows. There are hours of prep even before it gets baked. It's also extremely expensive. Lasagne is a meal that basically takes all day to make. It's not just noodles and sauce with cheese.
  5. I know the cut was a touch rough, but considering it was done freehand I don't think it was that bad lol. I'm constantly evolving the process though, and the cuts are getting better. I'm also local to him, though the last time he dealt with me was for dumping protos and I took an inordinate amount of time with them, so he may be worrying about that. He did PM me though, so he could just be checking the options and picking what works best for him. I would expect no more from anyone else. Not really a response to you so much as letting @Tanooki know that this is likely exactly the case. Unlike many people here, you aren't much of a social poster, and since his posts tend to be more in that vein and less pure information, on your end it's completely understandable. That kind of jives with how the couple direct interactions we've had have went too. You tend to be straight to the point, so with the style of Tanookis posts, I can see why you would be disinterested. That said, I would consider unblocking not just him, but anyone blocked for similar reasons, as by doing so you can miss the chance for some quality information that way. But that's your call. Yeah, I agree. That label has provenance, even if it's not original to the cart. The bare carts I get the desire to put a pretty label on it, but one that already has a well known label that can make the proto easily authenticated online probably shouldn't be altered. But as you said, it's his to do with as he will, just figured I would throw in my two cents.
  6. I could do it for you. They're not Uncle Tusk quality, but they're pretty solid.
  7. The FDS is comparable to the Sega CD and absolutely should not be considered as part of the Famicom library. Those carts you speak of were ports, not simply conversions. It takes more to play them without an FDS unit than just putting the same code on a chip. The FDS expanded the capabilities of the Famicom in the same way that the SCD did with the Genesis/Mega Drive. It'd be like saying the SCD library should be considered part of the Genesis library because some of the games exist in cart form.
  8. Actually, the AVS is a bootleg. As is the Retron and any other console designed to play games for an existing system. Regardless of the legality of their creation and/or existence, they are still not an authentic unit, and while the architecture is similar, it's not exact. They emulate the OG hardware, regardless of whether it's at the hardware or software level. NOAC clones also fall into that category - they emulate the NES architecture. The fact that they have games made for them that won't play on the Famicom/NES would actually show they are intended to be completely different, offering what would now be considered "backward compatibility," which is basically when a new console can emulate the architecture of a previous one in order to play existing games. Whether it's done above board or not is irrelevant to that status.
  9. @Dr. Morbis If you want to go for this, I can lend you my copy. Just throwing that out there for ya.
  10. Just got home from a weekend at my girlfriend's, and went back to Dungeon Magic. Before I left I'd levelled up to 12, but I'm still not strong enough to be comfortable against the enemies in the next dungeon, so I started grinding again. I just hit 13, and will likely make an attempt at level 14, as I'm now untouchable in the previous dungeon and can clean it out along with the two sky dungeons before having to rest. That means I can now level up on fewer trips than I could before. Always a plus.
  11. Famiclones typically aren't the same internals. It's why some games simply refuse to run on them. They're a cool bootleg product, but that's what they are - bootlegs. If anything, they're just their own thing entirely. They'd be closer to emulators than anything, as they are designed to emulate the real thing rather than to be a 1:1 copy.
  12. Technically the Taiwanese are Chinese. I'm sure being there you'd understand their history and the current political situation, but to say they're separate goes against what they themselves believe. Famicom to NES isn't porting, it's localizing. You don't need to translate the game to play it on the hardware. You need to do that so the local audience can play it. A port is to make it play on completely different hardware than the game was originally intended to run on, and typically needs to be re-optimized for the new console. It's why 1:1 FDS ports are practically nonexistent in cartridge format. Dude, that's Taiwan's actual name. It's what they call themselves. In fact, much like the PRC lays claim to Taiwan, Taiwan lays claim to China for exactly the same reason. There's a ton of pertinent info floating around the internet, I suggest checking some of it out. History is fun
  13. Agreed. The games for the FDS are completely separate. Even games like Metroid that were released on cartridge in the US aren't identical, they're ports of the FDS game. The code won't run without either the FDS or a complete rewrite. Definitely not the same console. That said, if you plug the chips from a Famicom cart into an equivalent NES board, they will run perfectly fine. Same system, just a different region. Physical redesign notwithstanding, the internals are functionally the same.
  14. I don't think there's really a bad golf game on the NES. Any would be great for a competition, save maybe Jack Nicklaus...the draw times are kinda frustrating. I vote for The Punisher as well, if only cuz it's my one chance to annihilate the competition. Though it is a great choice for a score competition. I'd also like to see Play Action Football. It's my favorite football game on the NES by a mile. Though its admittedly tough to get into, it'd be a nice switch from the Tecmo games. Continuing with sports, there needs to be a baseball game. In two years we have played almost every other sport, but the most represented sport on the NES has been noticeably absent. I don't like the sport or anything, but considering it's popularity, it has to be on the itinerary this year. If I were to select the sports category, I'd probably go with Bandai Golf (a full game can be played in a half hour or so), NES Play Action Football (for something different that isn't a complete turd like NFL), one of the RBI Baseball games (I hear they're pretty good), and Harlem Globetrotters (it's a fun one that gets no love). If you cut out two genres as I suggested earlier, that would open up two more slots for added diversity, where I'd suggest maybe Goal (no clue if it's good or not, but there aren't many soccer games to choose from, and I feel like its one of the higher quality games) and something random...I dunno. WWF Wrestlemania could be interesting for example. Shooting for other genres, I'd say kinda the same thing - more offbeat but quality titles. A couple completely out of left field games would be fun, but to keep participation up we at least need top tier titles to be a thing.
  15. Actually, by definition, it's an on rails shooter. By the terms of the contest I'd class it as action, but it's still a rail shooter.
  16. I don't see it as an issue. I made my list as a shortlist when I can't decide what to play. It doesn't preclude me from playing anything else, just a way to make the decision a bunch easier when I have nothing in mind. Play what you want, and hit the backlog when nothing stands out and grabs you.
  17. That doesn't sound too bad. I kinda like it, if only because I can play as the Canucks on my console of choice without it being the complete turd that is Wayne Gretzky Hockey
  18. How many games do you have to play through for it? I played a couple single games over the years and enjoyed it, but I'm curious about the full experience, as it's incredibly hard on my thumbs
  19. How many games do you have to play through for it? I played a couple single games over the years and enjoyed it, but I'm curious about the full experience, as it's incredibly hard on my thumbs
  20. He stopped in the SNES era because none of his friends played it anymore, though he still had his childhood stuff. Regardless, the logic was sound...he figured because the 16 bit ports came out around the same time that the NES port would be a stripped down waste of time, like many other examples (Prince of Persia, TMNT Tournament Fighters, etc). Before playing it in the contest, he never felt inclined to try it out and discover otherwise. And in fairness, I likely would've told him, except I never liked Rampart as a game, so couldn't be arsed to play it myself.
  21. Well, progression wasn't as much today as I had hoped, only clearing a single additional dungeon. The next dungeon is the underwater one, and is a huge jump in difficulty, so I spent most of the couple hours I played today gaining levels. Just pinged level 12, though I'm thinking I'll gain a few more, just to play it safe. Most of my dungeon runs to this point have had me barely able to take damage, and since I have all the best possible gear to this point in the game, I can either level up or rush through the dungeons. And I hate rushing
  22. I'm roughly half way through Dungeon Magic. Hoping to finish it up in the next couple days, as I'll be away from my NES this weekend, but odds are it'll be next week.
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