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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Yeah, and that was one on my shortlist as well...just forgot to mention it.
  2. For me it's the Zelda games, Punch Out, and Final Fantasy that I can enjoy any time. Kirby was alright, but far too long for what it is, and my dislike of the Mario games is well documented.
  3. This may be considered heresy, but I'm not really a fan of the NES first-party lineup. Obviously with almost 70 titles there's some great ones in there, but almost half are the black box games, few of which I'd consider being worth more than a cursory play (I'm not really into the late 70s/early 80s arcade games that comprised a good chunk of the black box lineup). There's only around 10 games I genuinely consider to be above average or higher, and of those around half were developed by other companies. And of those 10, only maybe 3 or 4 are games I'd play through for fun after beating them once. So yeah, just not really my cup of tea.
  4. I second this. It's basically a thinly veiled history of the Soviet Union's formation. And considering that George Orwell was a Marxist, it's telling that he realized how poorly the system had been implemented by totalitarian regimes. 1984 was also a jab at totalitarianism, and a recommended read as well. And since @Abelardo mentioned Hemmingway as well, I'll have to recommend The Old Man and the Sea. It's probably already in his queue, but it's a pretty solid story, and can easily be read in a night.
  5. No idea, but there are few PAL games that won't play.
  6. Sticking to NES for my first year. Here's a list of games I have either come close to beating and given up, or games that I played as a kid and loved, some that are the last I need to finish a subset, and a few that just intrigued me. If I can knock off 20 of them I'll be ecstatic. Realistically I'll settle for 10. Adventures of Gilligan's Island, The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Bandai Golf Challenge: Pebble Beach Bionic Commando Bonk's Adventure Clash at Demonhead Deathbots Desert Commander Double Strike Dragon Warrior III Dungeon Magic Family Feud - December 30 Ghoul School Godzilla 2 Gremlins 2: The New Batch Impossible Mission II Ironsword James Bond Jr. King's Quest V Lone Ranger, The Magic of Scheherazade, The Metal Mech Mission Impossible Ninja Gaiden Nobunaga's Ambition II - December 14 P'radikus Conflict, The Predator Puzzle Rambo Rescue: The Embassy Mission Robo Warrior Rolling Thunder Silver Surfer Simpsons, The: Bart vs. the Space Mutants Treasure Master Ultima: Warriors of Destiny Who Framed Roger Rabbit Wrath of the Black Manta X-Men Wizardry: Legacy of Llylgamyn (yeah, it's a Famicom game, but I track those so it counts ) - November 21
  7. I'm trying to motivate myself to even play a game. I'm at 61 new NES/Famicom completions on the year, which means I'm 15 away from beating @Dr. Morbis's all-time best year, but I haven't played anything NES since round 1, and haven't played a game since beating Brigandine for the Playstation completion thread. I barely want to get out of bed these days.
  8. Toy story got the default vote as the only movie I've seen in the entire poll.
  9. I feel like that's what this is. But yeah, a few threads I remember are just missing here.
  10. Play this for her. She'll love it: Hell, the whole damn album is worth it
  11. The Mutant Virus comes to mind. It was totally worth leaving my console on for a week straight just to knock it off, but on the flip side, it was far too much hassle to play through to completion again. I still pop it in on occasion, but there's no reason to play beyond the first couple levels anymore (unless I get on a roll of course). Back to the Future II & III is another good example. I loved the game as a kid renting it, and I still enjoy it to this day. But man, beating it is a bloody chore. Another game that necessitated leaving my console on for an inordinate amount of time to get through it. I thoroughly enjoyed my time on it, but I can't see myself putting that much effort into it again.
  12. With Color Dreams, I really feel like their creative ambitions were significantly higher than their ability to actually make the games they had in mind. Captain Comic and Secret Scout both come to mind in that regard. I definitely agree that THQ is the crappiest publisher. James Bond Jr. is kinda fun, and I don't mind Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, but that simply isn't enough to offset crap like Wayne's World, Rocky & Bullwinkle, or Wayne Gretzky Hockey. Mindscape and LJN do have their fair share of turds, but they have enough gems to offset the "worst" label. And yeah, no unlicensed company would fit that bill either, with the exception of maybe Active Enterprises, but even that has the whole "dudes in their garage following a dream" backstory to give it some sort of gravitas. Yeah, THQ is definitely the worst of the worst.
  13. Tengen was basically Atari, and published games for Namco, as well as ports of Sega titles. That's three big names under one banner. Of course they're gonna be quality Camerica, while technically separate, was basically a North American publishing arm of Codemasters (as they made all the games Camerica published). They must be a quality developer, as they're still around today (EA purchased them last year in fact). Thus, their games aren't shit either. In fact, pretty much every unlicensed publisher that put out more than one title has some decent stuff in their catalogues. While they won't set the world on fire with their greatness, they aren't terrible games either. Well, maybe a few, but on the whole I can think of a few licensed publishers that put out more crap (*coughTHQcough*).
  14. Dude, Nintendo has Nintendo properties to contribute to their worth. Disney has their stuff plus Marvel, plus Star Wars, plus damn near anything they can get their dirty paws on. Comparing their net worth is not a good way to make the argument that Mickey is more recognizable. Frankly, I'd say their about even really. Based on my experience with my nieces, I'd say Mickey's appeal was highest in the toddler years, while Mario got more popular with them once they hit school age. Still, they're more interested in Minecraft and Roblox than either property, and have been for years.
  15. Sadly I have none of the above. I guess I should've posted a list, so I updated my list on Backloggery: https://backloggery.com/games.php?user=the_wizard_666&console=PS Maybe I'll take the time to update the rest of the site too
  16. Well, it's not hard for me since I don't really like many first-party games I wouldn't mind a few extra slots for Koei though, as I enjoy most of their lineup.
  17. No sweat man, I know how easy that mistake is to make.
  18. @Jeevan I have 6 completions, not 5. Looks like you added all my games though, so aside from the standings everything looks good
  19. Yeah, I've always felt it's prudent to post what you're playing, but if someone beats it first, then that's just how it is. I haven't played Vandal Hearts yet, though that's mainly because I don't have a copy yet Anyway, I just knocked off Brigandine, so that's one long one off the list Any recommendations for what to play next? Assuming I own the game of course
  20. Wait, I'm still in second? Damn, maybe I'm gonna have to try after all...
  21. Knocked out a four player tournament in Scrabble with the high score, so I figure we can call that one done now. The reason it took so long though...well, that's cuz I was playing something else Depending on my available play time, I'll also be scratching Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena off the list in the next day or so.
  22. Q*Bert is not a puzzle game though. So it's more in your wheelhouse than it is in mine.
  23. I already said my criteria was getting past the stage where missing meant game over. So beating 18 is good enough for me. Regardless, I was over level 50 on one duck, clay shooting was definitely in the 20s, it's only 2 duck that I ever had issues with, so that was probably only 19 or 20, but regardless, I'm done with it.
  24. I ain't wasting my time on Life Force, as shooters are one of my worst genres and no-deathing one is gonna be outside my wheelhouse. As for Q-Bert, I haven't fired it up yet. It's hard to be motivated knowing I'm gonna bomb out of the last round anyway.
  25. Did some digging, and it's both correct. That is, the speed increases every 5 rounds (with the max being at level 21), and the duck's colour being a slight factor as well (different colours give different scores, and the higher scoring ones are slightly harder to hit). Regardless, I achieved all I need to for me to cross it off my list. If you want to make it arbitrarily more difficult for yourself, have at 'er.
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