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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. I remember using a code from the actual game in Pipe Dream to see the effect, and then resetting for my actual run. The problem would still have existed using real hardware, as I would've left the game on pause after resetting, exactly like I did on the emulator. The code stays in effect after a reset though, the only way to get rid of it was to do a power cycle, which I did when I realized the issue at hand. So yeah, that is hardly the best example to use, as it could 100% be replicated on actual hardware, and I would've had the exact same issue had I been using my NES. The only reason you even mention it is because I happened to be playing via emulator at that time. EDIT: And to be really clear, the only reason I used the code in the first place was to see if it could be detected on a final shot. And since we couldn't actually get a final shot using it, it proved that it was a non-issue.
  2. Having played on one duck almost to the point of rolling the score, I can say that I didn't notice the ducks get any faster. In fact, the speed of the duck is related to the colour of the duck, not the stage number.
  3. Oi, not the "everyone using an emulator is cheating" BS again...
  4. I have never required reaching a kill screen, just the loop point. With Duck Hunt that would be after Round 18 when you lose if you miss a duck.
  5. We can also knock off Power Play Sports Trivia. Talk about shovelware...there's really not much to it. Answer ten questions in Normal mode, and answer until you miss a set number on Last Man Standing mode. That's it. I made sure to have a positive score upon finishing each mode, but that may have been overkill. Anyway, I also fired up Scrabble, and got the high score in a normal match against 3 AI opponents. However, apparently the Tournament mode has three matches in a row. I'm thinking that should be the requirement for completion, but I'll leave that decision to @Jeevan...but regardless, I'm probably gonna knock that one out sometime tomorrow regardless.
  6. Once again I point out the Ikari Warriors thing and say you're not qualified to answer whether something is easy or not
  7. No wonder it was bugging me so much...I used to own a copy a decade ago
  8. Speaking of adding to the queue, WCW/nWo Thunder is done after Bret Hart won the title from Kevin Nash, who was the only real competitor he faced along the way. He earned his shot by beating such noteworthy opponents as Larry Zbysco, Scott Norton, Jim Neidhart, and Disco Inferno. It was also stupid easy...just engage in a test of strength (up and circle) repeatedly until they're in the red, then knock them down. I'd do 2 or 3 tests of strength each match, followed by Bret's Russian Leg Sweep and finishing them off with the Sharpshooter (which was far more satisfying than pinning). Pretty easy to finish. It's got such an expansive roster that it's a shame it's such a crap game.
  9. It's pretty obvious he knows it's Gremlins 2.
  10. No sweat man! I know participation dwindled for a while, so it makes it tough to want to update (I know from experience). If it was only a couple submissions I wouldn't have worried, but after a page I figured it was time to poke ya The important thing is that it's now on the front burner. Get it when you have time, and I'll try and add a couple more to the queue
  11. Looking over the N64 games, it seems to depend on how the game itself is set up. If each belt is a path, then beating a path is required. If they're part of a career mode that goes through multiple belts, then you have to do them all. Thunder is set up where each belt is a separate playthrough. That said, if only one belt is required I'd be inclined to go with the biggest one as well, so that requirement sounds good to me.
  12. Sounds good man While I have your attention, I was just playing Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 2nd Edition. Even losing gives you a cheque, and you get the choice to view the credits. Being a game show game, I'd say that the win condition should be to actually win the million dollars, not just getting an ending and viewing the credits. I'll probably be knocking it off anyway sometime soon, I just thought I'd mention it because this would likely also be the case for the third edition game as well (yay shovelware). Oh, and I was thinking I might run through WCW/nWo Thunder. Just wanted to make sure whether we could do any title or if it had to be the WCW Championship. The only difference is the number of matches (TV Title is 5, US is 7, World is 10), so I would assume the TV title would be fine, but it doesn't hurt to double check
  13. Just knocked off Blazing Dragons. Talk about a hidden gem! Anyway, @Jeevan, might be time for an update eh...I mean, there's a whole page of updates to add...
  14. Just dawned on me...since when is Q-Bert a puzzle game? Honestly, I didn't realize this sooner, but it's definitely NOT a puzzle game, it's an arcade game...
  15. Well, I suppose I'm gonna have to dig up a Zapper...this may take a while
  16. This may be redundant this week since I'm not sure I'll get anywhere near the minimums, especially Life Force, I'll post a score reserve just in case
  17. Batman was a lot tougher to get a good score though. Beating the Organ Grinder was a pain that took me all week to finally knock off. At least Pro Wrestling is pretty easy, I'm pretty sure I can at least get top 5 on that one. But yeah, the rest of the competition, while all great choices, are gonna be tough for me to even post a score in. But this is what I meant by saving the hardcore stuff until the final...anyone can coast into the tournament round, but only the best of the best will get a ton of points in it. No death run of Life Force? Yeah, not happening for this old bastard
  18. Well, looks like I'm not winning this year I don't think I've ever made it through more than one loop of DK Jr using ALL lives...and having never played Code Name: Viper, I'm not expecting much out of me there either I'll still make attempts, but I'm not expecting much...
  19. That's what I thought, but figured I'd check. 3 of the 4 matches were best times anyway, so I just swapped them. The difference was only a few seconds on the final match, so I wasn't worried. I'm rather enjoying it, so kudos on a great pick! Batman Returns was a tough one, or I wouldn't be running last-minute matches to get a good score now Did you notice that the last cat head on 2-2 sometimes doesn't drop the health, but actually drops a test tube looking thing? If you luck out and get that, it knocks half of Catwoman's health off at the start of the fight. It's random though, but I think it may be worth an extra trip down to get it. I also realize that, while you can definitely spend time grinding points there, you're better off not bothering, as there's only a couple enemies and it could take ages to really make a difference. Not worth the effort IMO, but yeah, a run or two to secure the test tube is HIGHLY recommended.
  20. This has probably been answered but I don't wanna dig through the thread - for Pro Wrestling, is it our best times on each wrestler or is it the best cumulative time @BeaIank? I'm sure it's the latter, but I wanna make sure before I delete pics
  21. I ain't holding shit Just got started with Pro Wrestling. I think my times could be improved upon, the Hulk Hogan wannabe took way more effort than he should have
  22. Functionally, all the games on the NES that also got a SNES release play just as well, it's the bells and whistles that the SNES versions have that make or break whether you'd prefer one over the other. Honestly, I think the first Uncharted Waters is best on the NES, but that's just preference. And Romance II has two saves on the SNES version, whereas the NES and Genesis versions only have one, so that's a factor too. As for the games that didn't get a 16 bit release, I find Genghis Khan to be pretty fun, as well as Bandit Kings. Honestly, the only ones I could care less about are the two Nobunaga's Ambition games. The first at least had a way to cheese the game (only have to fight like 3 battles total to win), so I could scratch it off the list, but Nobunaga II I just can't seem to get into, no matter how many times I try.
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