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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Infiltrator is done. It seems the learning curve is front heavy on this one...once I got the hang of the helicopter, I didn't fail a single flying section. The ground missions are a bit trickier, and definitely require a ton of memorization, but once you get them down they're pretty simple too. I gotta say, I dig the game, but man does the ending suck nuts. They put more effort into setting up each stage than the actual ending, which is just kinda sad in all honesty. But hey, there's another 10 pointer off the list
  2. I disagree. I rather enjoyed my time with the game. Was probably one of the very few who bought it when it came out and played the crap out of it.
  3. Working on Infiltrator now...always been an intriguing game, but also a frustrating one. Although I've done pretty good so far (got the hang of the helicopter flying, and managed to beat the first mission), I've rescued the doctor twice and not made it back to the helicopter in the second mission. Still, I'm digging it...it's a bit frustrating but once you know what to do it's not exactly tough. I'm hoping to have it done in the next couple days, tops.
  4. I get that. It's more frustrating than bad, kinda how I felt with Conan, except for some reason I really dug Conan in all it's janky glory. Peter Pan I just couldn't. Anyway, I just knocked off another personal albatross (so many done this year!) - Star Voyager has been completed after many, many, many attempts. Such a cool game, but man does the combat suck donkey balls!
  5. But I AM named Michael and I STILL don't stand a chance...
  6. Thanks! I wasn't expecting it at first, as sports is hardly my go-to genre, and I'd never played any of the games this year previously, making it all a mystery as far as my potential performance. But I guess my knack for figuring out patterns paid off. I actually thought I'd have a shot at the puzzle genre at the start of the year, as it's more my forte, but there were more twitch games on there than expected, which is NOT in my wheelhouse I'm happy to take sports though, it'll probably be the only time I win anything in one of these competitions in my lifetime, so I'm gonna enjoy it
  7. Peter Pan & The Pirates is also done. What a janky piece of crap that game is, and that's coming from a guy who likes janky piece of crap games. But now it's done, and I never have to fire up that turd ever again!
  8. I guess the kumate matches would be the name for them. The ones that after you win a fight the challenge notice comes up and you can say yes or no. I won the first, then declined, fought my next guy, took the challenge, then declined the second. Eventually it wouldn't make the challenge anymore. After beating Cogneur and getting the ending, it says to defend the belt, and then the remaining challenges come up. Anyway, if you use the strat I did with moveset 3, you should be able to knock it out no sweat. The only ones that gave me any trouble were against Cogneur and Warrior (the final challenge match)...they're the only two where I had to routinely block and counter (they tend to attack more than the average fighter, which made it harder to get close enough to spam kicks without blocking). Best of luck to you!
  9. Just knocked off Best of the Best: Championship Karate. I didn't get every belt, but I did beat Cogneur and all the bonus fights to get both ending screens. Honestly, once I figured it out, I rather enjoyed it...seems there's a fair bit of depth to it, but sadly it just ended up getting to be spamming one move to victory. Not great, not terrible, just average overall IMO. Glad to have it in the books though, that's for sure.
  10. Okay, after a couple more fights, it seems the bonus fights stop coming after a few declines, so DON'T do that if you want to get the 100% completion. That said, I have started using moveset 3, and spamming down-forward, using other attacks when range appropriate (down-back for mid range, up-back for long range), and so far it's knocked off Goldman and Elmutt. I'm still gonna finish this run to get the ending (I'm this far now, and who knows, maybe without finishing the bonus fights I'll get a different one...). Had I figured this out earlier this week, this game may have already been in the bag Another possibility is that I knocked of Flimrick before I fought Goldman, so that may have screwed the bonus fights up. I don't know, but it's possible I suppose... EDIT: Okay, so after the Elmutt fight, I decided to test a theory. I went to try and fight Cogneur despite having like 5 other fighters to go through...and beating him triggered the ending! So you don't have to beat EVERY fighter, just enough to allow the Cogneur fight to take place, and have high enough stats to survive a few hits. It also triggers the remaining bonus fights to occur! So I should have this one completely in the bag in a few more fights...all of which should be easier to beat than Cogneur (who wasn't so tough with the strat I'm using). EDIT 2 - Alright...so after winning the final four fights back to back, I got the "Best of the Best" screen. I'm not gonna worry about getting the last few belts that don't matter for shit, I'm calling this one (and my left thumb) done.
  11. That's entirely possible. I'd be curious to see your Shockwave poster though...I didn't see it on your want list so I'm presuming you've checked it off at some point. Might shed some light on the subject.
  12. Yeah, I'm on Goldman too, and have two of the bonus fighters down as well. I found out you can decline a fight and come back to it later, so you don't have to win them all in a row, so that's a plus. Gives me a reason to kick the shit out of Tsong Po a few times anyway Good to know about the training thing, I was wondering how I'd occasionally get huge bonuses, though I suck nuts at the reflex training, so that may take a bit for me. My timing is typically a fraction of a second off, so I only manage to get two to four pads per run, making it extremely slow to build up. But now that I know it builds faster after a fight, and that I don't have to do the extra fights all at once, plus watching the TMR video below, I think I may have a chance here...I'll give you a report after I do a couple rounds and see how I fare...
  13. Overlord SHOULD be incredibly tough, but there is a way to beat it in mere minutes. That's probably why it's a single point. For those like me that have already knocked it off, it's not worth firing up again for a single point, but for those that haven't beat it, they may not be aware of how quickly it can be brought down. I mean, it did take a few attempts, but I played it for under an hour in total (and the winning run was like 5-10 minutes tops.
  14. I don't think I've even GOT to level 18 before, so I may actually struggle with this one. Reaction speed isn't exactly my forte...though I am pretty good with spacial recognition, so it's possible I can get something...assuming I don't just keep playing Best of the Best...
  15. I thought I mentioned that I was digging it earlier in the thread... I'm doing the same thing actually...I was away all weekend but I plan to go back into it. Now that losing fights is no longer a concern, nor is fight order, I'm hoping to knock this one off the beaten list as well. It's quite an interesting one. Care to share your strategy? I was using Selection 7 and using primarily the Up-Away and Down-Forward attacks, mixing a few others in here and there as well. But I'm finding a similar issue where I just can't seem to do enough to win. Even with significantly higher stats, the damage output is just not enough to really make much difference, while they only need three or four hits to take me down a light. It's kinda frustrating, but I'm thinking it's more of a strategy thing than a stat thing. Really just need to find another one that works... Oh, and congrats on winning the week. I'm sure it would've been a tighter race if I had been at home, but it is what it is.
  16. Beat: Tsong Po, Woodman, Le Blanc, Watanabe, Ivanoff Lost: The Bear (invitation after beating Ivanoff) Cash: $105,000 Stats: 61 + 65 + 43 = 169 Damn...Given that going into the fight against Ivanoff I had over 70 resist, losing was a hefty defeat. I also lost the cash won from the Ivanoff fight. I'm not sure if I even had to do the fight against The Bear, since it doesn't show up like a normal fight (no ring, etc), but I figured I should for completion's sake. I do assume it's unnecessary, which means I only had The Lord to beat, but I think beating 5/6 is probably gonna be enough to win the week. And even if it isn't, it's enough to secure the Sports Genre Championship, so my work here is done Also, this is one hard ass fucking game. I've kinda got the hang of it, but it seems everyone after Woodman can knock your ass out randomly. I haven't figured out if you can do that to the opponent either, so it seems pretty dickish on the part of the developer if it's impossible to do. Still, I kinda dig this...it's frustrating, but extremely ambitious given the hardware.
  17. I actually include the Ivan "Ironman" Stewart part. For me it's a small but important difference. With Punch Out and Super Off Road (as well as several others), the person on the cover had nothing to do with the actual game, and the name is part of the title because they were PAID to be part of the title. With guys like David Crane, Garry Kitchen, etc, those are guys that designed the game. Their name was never intended to be part of the title. It's the difference between "Steven King's It" and Steven King's "It." Same goes for corporate entities. Their name isn't meant to be part of the actual title, just a reference point. It falls under the same sort of category. Very subtle distinction, but I think it's pretty obvious (at least to me). Also, I always thought it was Blobonia. Never noticed the extra syllable Amazing Labyrinth is fucking AWESOME! Sadly my copy is missing a tile...but I do have the Master Labyrinth as well, so that kinda makes up for it.
  18. So I don't have anything you need, nor need anything you have, but I noticed AGCI posters on your list, and I'm not sure those ever actually came with the games. I know Death Race just had a contest entry form (for a contest that was to my knowledge never actually run), and Shockwave (not listed, but relevant to the point) didn't come with any extras at all. I opened both sealed myself previously, and confirmed it looking at the sealed contents list. Chiller has never been opened, but based on the other two releases, I feel like it's a safe bet to say it doesn't exist. There's actually circumstantial evidence that Chiller didn't even come with a dust sleeve, though that's never been conclusively proven to be accurate. Anyway, the TL/DR is that if you are looking for the posters that came with the games, AGCI likely didn't have any to worry about. If you're looking for posters that may have been available from other sources though, feel free to consider this a free bump
  19. Okay, I'm really digging this. There's some subtleties to it that make it better than it first appears. Once you get it down it's not terrible. Not great, maybe 6/10 or so, but definitely not as bad as I had expected at the outset (despite looking forward to it, I had a feeling it'd be a slog). If the training sessions weren't so damn tedious I'd probably enjoy it more. Also, it seems that you can fight beaten opponents again, which explains that rule. I'm probably gonna run this for my personal list regardless of how I place, so it's good to know I can use that later to build my stats in a less tedious way than constant training sessions. For now though, I'm grinding away. Just for clarification though, do we have to fight the fights in order? I ask because it seems you can jump straight to the last dude if you choose, though more importantly I'm having a bitch of a time with Le Blanc...motherfucker keeps one punching me despite me having insane stats (at least compared to him). Also, I've been noticing that occasionally my money increases after a training session...not every time mind you, but when it happens it's a $20K increase. Coupled with the statistical improvement and it seems grinding it is the way to go if you aren't gonna make it past a second fighter. Though the first two seem to be doable with decent stats anyway.
  20. Oh damn! I was wondering about that, though it was seeming like tapping the button toward my opponent did that. It actually looks like he gets the gloves up to block, though it only works against some moves. I also tested a possibility about losing a bunch of matches, since winning gives a huge stat boost. So I lost to see what the stat change was. Lost one strength. Not sure if the loss is random or not, but I figured it'd be quicker than training a bunch. Especially since I suck at the reflex part. Alas, it was not to be. Time for the training grind.
  21. I just edited my post about that. Though I'm not sure what down does on it's own.
  22. Holy crap, I just discovered that the A and B buttons aren't used All strikes are done by the D-Pad ONLY. The A and B buttons are only used for menu options, and the A button in training. That's a bit of a game changer for me...definitely less mashing gonna happen EDIT: Okay, that's not 100% true. The D-pad left and right move you, but you can hit A to attack with the forward and backward movement. And for some reason the down button does nothing unless you press A. But every other move does NOT require the A button.
  23. I think it's similar to this in that there's a learning curve that is very much not intuitive. You'll be seeing the game over screen a ton
  24. Until the next time @BeaIank gets her sadistic streak going Actually, I kinda dig it...I'd dig it more if I could figure out how the fighting works (perused a manual scan and that did nothing to help), but it's kinda okay. I think the key is training the shit out of your guy, but that's so damn boring
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