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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. I haven't managed to get any better yet, or even get close, but given how tough it is to get interceptions with the Raiders due to how slow their D is, I think I'll just keep chipping away as is. Regardless, I think I'm pretty safely in second for this round, so I'm not gonna sweat it too much.
  2. 112 Well, it's looking like a tie for first now...unless someone can squeak ahead. For some reason I found Miami's playbook to be really easy to snag interceptions with...I may have to play against them again at some point and go for long kicks so I get better field position off the interceptions instead of having Bo Jackson running 40+ yards every possession. Even Bo needs a break from time to time 100 point barrier has been broken! Had a perfect first half, with two timely interceptions, however the second half was hindered by my own ineptitude. Managed to salvage the game with a last second 45 yard field goal to get a new post. This may be my own personal peak, but at least I'm enjoying it. -------- Pretty sure the theoretical max would be @Bearcat-Doug at 112, though a well timed field goal could bump that a bit. Still, you have to be pretty good with the short kicks to ensure they don't punt (usually if they return to around the 45, and you shut down their offence, they'll go for fourth, otherwise they'll punt/attempt a field goal). Took a while to get a game this solid in the books, and while Bo Jackson isn't the beast he is in TSB, he's still pretty damn potent. I've tried out a few teams, including San Francisco, but the Raiders were the ones that seemed to gel best for me. That may change though, there's still plenty of week to go... A bit of an aside here, I figure I might as well give my impressions. Pretty solid pick-up-and-play football game, but there's really not much to it IMO. I much prefer the more simmy NES Play Action Football over this, but it's not terrible. Definitely a lot easier, and you could probably finish a season in the time it takes to knock off like two games in PAF. Maybe it's my nostalgia glasses, but yeah, PAF is still my preferred hand-egg game on the NES. As a side note for @BeaIank, since there was no rule against it, I've just been continuing my season rather than restarting every time. I figure if I'm gonna be spending the week grinding this, I may as well knock it off my personal completion list. I haven't noticed any difference with the AI yet, so I don't think it makes a difference, but if it does, please let me know so I don't go too much further. I don't mind, as I'd like to try a few other teams still, and I've noticed the Raiders D doesn't have nearly the speed I'd like, even with Beastly Bo scoring touchdowns whenever he touches the ball
  3. 2:29 + 4:22 = 6:51 Can I do better? Probably, this is the first time I've played the game, so there's definitely room to improve. But will I? Honestly, the game sucks nuts, so this may be the one puzzle game that allows the pack to catch up to me...
  4. Yup, by that point even Nintendo themselves started cheaping out on manufacturing of NES games.
  5. Fuck, is it really just @Dr. Morbis and @NESfiend this week? Maybe I'll have to give a participation score a whirl to get an "easy" third. "Easy" because I suck at shooters enough to know that there's no guarantee I'll hit the minimum threshold required
  6. Agreed. Obviously I would've liked something better, but that likely wasn't achievable on the NES...I mean, maybe it could've been polished a bit more, but what we got was pretty alright overall. I enjoyed it when I rented it, and again when I played it for my completion list. And yeah, it's short, but it still took a bit of work to master it...I died at Doc Ock and had to restart more times than I'd care to admit...and at those times, I'm glad for the short run time. Compared with Captain America, which objectively is a much better game, it's far less frustrating to get thrown back to the start of Spidey due to it being pretty quick and relatively painless to get back. Even The Punisher, a personal favourite of mine, takes an hour to run through, so a game over on Kingpin is pretty deflating IMO. Anything under a half hour though, I'm okay with it being a bit more difficult...even if most of the difficulty is the wonky controls
  7. Yeah, I wasn't very impressed with Wolverine either. I did enjoy Spider-Man though, if you haven't given it a go. It's flawed, but I thought it did a good job with the license, all things considered.
  8. A bit late, but I also really don't mind X-Men. It's not great, but I remember renting it a few times when I had friends sleeping over back in the day. Never got very far back then, but we all still enjoyed it. It's ass solo though...but yeah, with a friend it's not the worst game to spend a weekend with.
  9. Well, I'll have to see if I can even manage the score threshold here...if I get around to playing the game at all that is.
  10. It's the linearity I don't like, not the direction of travel.
  11. I'll be honest, the only one I really even like is Simon's Quest. Of course, it's well documented that I prefer free-roaming exploration in my platformers rather than "go right"
  12. What? I thoroughly enjoyed my playthrough, although that was ages ago.
  13. Damn dude...wonder if @Dr. Morbis has a sub-14 run in him...
  14. Sweet, instant participation score Saves me from playing the game...never did like it
  15. Overlord is daunting to those that don't know how to beat it, and for those that do it's too much effort for a single point Agreed on Koei though...I still need to do Nobunaga II for my personal list (it's my last unfinished Koei game), but I just can't seem to get into it.
  16. You mean Arcade right? The last two puzzle games are supposed to be Wario's Woods and Tetris...
  17. I dunno, if my aunt had sent it, and I knew she had the box and crap, I'd ask if she still happened to have it. If she did, I'd just ask her to set it aside for me the next time I visited (no need to mail that too), and if not, I wouldn't worry about it. It's not whining, it's simply asking about components that she might still have kicking around that she didn't realize might have value. Of course, all my family members know that video games are my thing, so they wouldn't find it odd for me to ask that. I don't know about the OP's situation, but to me it'd equate to being gifted a used movie without the case, and asking if they happened to have the case around. Asking for the rest of the package is not a sign of ingratitude.
  18. That's because even though the games are worth that much, there's maybe 5 guys who give enough of a shit to shell out full retail for it. If I were in his shoes, I'd ask a mint for them too, but the reality is that since 95% of modern collectors only care about licensed games, and 95% of the remainder don't care about Sachen, the likelihood of ever selling that lot is slim at best.
  19. @Trifecta Ya may find it easier to ask permission to use the info if you tag him in the post @Dr. Morbis Though since this project was what inspired his original post, I doubt he'd refuse.
  20. Well, I should've fired this up sooner. Forgot it was Sunday today, ugh. Ah well, not like I care about shooters anyway, but I may have been able to do something with this one. Always liked the game, but 7 minutes is just not enough.
  21. I've never heard of that one, though now I'll be adding that to my wish list... Yeah, I thought Chip & Dale 2 was better overall. The first was alright but kinda meh, but the second...maybe cuz it was shorter and didn't overstay it's welcome, but I did like it better myself. Tengen was kind of a weird one - they were essentially a division of Atari, and licensed a ton of Sega and Namco games to be released in North America. In fact, of the Sega titles, Shinobi was the only one that didn't see an official Famicom release. After Burner and Fantasy Zone were both released by Sunsoft, and Alien Syndrome was released by Sanritsu. The rest were either Atari or Namco properties.
  22. The Capcom Disney games aren't terrible, though some are more linear than I like. Duck Tales is the pinnacle of that experience though. Most of what I play are RPGs, strategy games, action-adventure games (think Simon's Quest or Metroid), etc. I will play pretty much anything once though, and have a soft spot for a lot of unlicensed games, especially Color Dreams (they shot for the moon and fell far short, but I respect the effort).
  23. I simply have never had the urge to play it. There's a lot of games I haven't played man. I mean, I own well over 6000 of the fucking things, there's obviously gonna be some that fall through the cracks. Plus it's not like it's the kind of game that I reach for.
  24. I've never played the game. That might take some time.
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