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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Um...so I can only take my photo after losing my last life, but I'm not allowed to play my last life? Which is it?
  2. It's not that simple. Gretzky had a career spanning two full decades, and never had less than 70 games played in a season. He also suffered a marked decline in his final few years. Lemieux, meanwhile, likely would've surpassed Gretzky had he remained healthy (he had a number of seasons under 60 games played, including 1990-91 when he played a mere 26 games, yet still had 45 points...this is two years removed from his 199 point year). And let's not forget losing three seasons to lymphoma while he was still performing at a high level. He came back and had 76 points in 42 games in 2000-01 after a three year hiatus. Imagine the production he could've had if he had been healthy and not retired. Hell, his numbers were still respectable in his final two years (9 points in 10 games in 2003-04, and 22 points in 26 games in 2005-06, when he was fucking 40 years old! Fun fact: Lemieux had a higher goals-per-game average than Gretzky did, despite losing several prime years and a ton of time to injury. So for fun, I took that number and multiplied it by Gretzky's career games played. Based on those calculations, the 500+ extra games Gretzky played would've put Lemieux's career goals at 1,121 While I doubt he would've hit THAT number, I do think that he had a legit shot at 1000 goals if he'd stayed healthy. But yeah, they played completely different styles of games, and the wear and tear on Mario's body is proof of that. Hate is a strong word, but I generally am not much of a fan. I think it's the linearity of it...I wasn't into Mega Man either, and Simon's Quest was the only good Castlevania IMO until SotN came out. Even games like Contra were pretty meh to me, unless I was playing 2-player. It's probably why I gravitated to RPGs and action-adventure games more than anything even in my youth. Let's not forget that it was good enough that Nintendo themselves brought it back to Japan on the Famicom...
  3. @Jeevan is much in the same spot as @Gloves is here. I've been saying this publicly within the collecting scene longer than almost everyone here. My opinions are hardly secrets man, and I'm nothing if not consistent. I'm sure anyone who feels like digging through the Wayback Machine could find posts stating more or less the same thing dating back to at least 2006, if not earlier.
  4. @Gloves has known me a long time. Pretty sure the only thing more well known than my opinion of Mario games is my procrastination skills.
  5. Some pretty nice stuff to be honest. Values may not be much now, but you have a ton of stuff with crossover appeal there. Mario is always a seller. Lego Marvel will appeal to gamers, Lego fans, and Marvel fans, so can't go wrong there. There's tons of stuff that may have future value. Stuff like your UFC or Call of Duty items may not have much value in the future, though it's hard to say too. The UFC ones have Ronda Rousey on them, so you could get some WWE crossover with that as well, not to mention any UFC fans that get nostalgic in the future. All told, use your gut - the longer you wait, the rarer they get, however the markets are fickle and it's almost impossible to guess where they'll be in the future. Regardless, nice stuff!
  6. Caps are easy to replace, the skillset required is pretty minimal. But here's a plus - if you don't feel like sinking the funds into getting it up and running, you can still use it for parts to repair other consoles down the road. Honestly, I always thought it would be more complicated than it really is to fix consoles and stuff. Newer systems are a lot trickier than older ones due to more components and stuff, but the basics of keeping them running is pretty simple.
  7. Jeez, I don't blame you for wanting label free carts. Not just cuz of the corners, but the art itself. It's kinda meh.
  8. It's the precise opinion I've held since my youth. Mario sucks nuts in general.
  9. Neo Geo hands down. Even the system's "commons" are pricey due to pretty much everything being somewhat rare, and I can't think of many games that would be considered outright stinkers. Mediocre perhaps, but not terrible.
  10. Just knocked of Tenchi wo Kurau II on the Famicom (Destiny of an Emperor II). While it's probably not for everyone, it's a marked improvement in almost every way over the first game...and considering that's one of the few RPGs I've beat more than once (I can count that list on one hand, and it's one of my favourite genres), that's high praise from me.
  11. It's the truth. I admit that SMB3 is a technical marvel, but I felt it was a downgrade over the experience I got from SMB2. Although being that I didn't like SMB1, that also makes a lot of sense to me. I think it was the gameplay in general...never been a fan of just running to the right. Although it may simply be that with the NES, while my game options were limited, I had choices that helped refine my tastes. I only had SMB/DH, TMNT, and Metroid at the time, and barring a rental, I gravitated to TMNT and Metroid over the drudgery of SMB. SMB2 felt like a step toward the games I liked, while SMB3 felt like it was stepping back. Conversely, my childhood experience with the SNES was at my uncle's house, and he ONLY had SMW. Thus, it was either play that or play nothing, and I only got rentals from them when I showed them my file with everything unlocked. Basically saying "I've done literally everything I can, can I please play something else now?"
  12. Looking only at the title, I'll say this: I've never liked SMB3. I don't hate SMW. Take that for what you will.
  13. Nice man! I actually like it better than the Taxan game. The branching paths do it for me. Though I may have to go back to it one day...still haven't managed to beat Destro, not to mention I'd like to 1CC it one day.
  14. So you're either going to piece it together whenever you find cheap shit, or you're gonna save up to buy the entire collection in one fell swoop. Either way, that'd be awesome man. Best of luck! And I'll keep you in mind when I get around to getting my dupes listed.
  15. Oddly, I am quite fond of the game. It's flawed, and hard as hell because of it, but I still enjoyed playing through it.
  16. I've got a ton of 360 games I haven't got around to listing. Pretty much commons all around, but there's some good stuff in there too, and lots of fun, playable games. I'm just curious when/how you plan to buy. Are you setting a threshold for your profit that you plan to dip into and buy lots, or are you picking up specific titles you find cheap? There's no wrong way to do it as long as you don't spend everything in one go, but yeah, what's the methodology here?
  17. Well, I guess I won't worry about Krusty's Fun House for this list anymore Still made some good progress though, so I may still do the rest for my personal list.
  18. Dragon Warrior 1 was great as an introduction to the genre, but it's hard to play once you've played better. Still worth playing through once, but it's just such a slog by comparison. Madara I haven't put much time into but it seems alright. And Ghost Lion...did that for the first and last time this year. It's okay, but nothing special, and I just don't see enough value to replay it. I'd put it honestly square at the bottom of the list, at least off the top of my head (I should make a list of RPGs I've beaten to see how it all stacks up).
  19. It's not like Konami is known for their RPGs though. I haven't played much of Lagrange myself, but it really didn't grab me much. I'm surprised you ranked Metal Max so low though, from your list I'd probably put it around 5 or 6 myself. I do agree that Juvei Quest should be a mid-tier RPG, but for me it would be the higher end of the middle. Of course, my list would be MUCH longer than 16 games Anyway, sorry I've been so quiet lately...with my real life shit and my focus on both the weekly contest, I haven't been gaming much at all, and the bit that I have been has been for my personal completion. I'm at 49 personal first completions this year, already a personal best, but since my personal list is at 19 Famicom games, I'm making #50 a double-milestone. Sadly, that means I'm not doing anything for the list right now, as I'm working on Tenchi wo Kurau II (Destiny of an Emperor II). I'm roughly half-way through and just loving the game...takes everything good about the first one and makes it that much better overall. Once that's out of the way, I think I'll jump back into Krusty's Fun House (if it isn't claimed by then), since I'm already a few levels in. Romance of the Three Kingdoms II was another that I'd put a bit of time into before my focus shifted, and I could easily pop back into that one. And then there's also Bases Loaded, which I haven't played in a while, but I'm still 15 games closer to the end than anyone else at this point But I'll figure that out once Destiny is done.
  20. It's a tough choice between Conan the Barbarian and First Blood, but I think I'm gonna go with the latter.
  21. I'm with @Dr. Morbis that the cart looks a bit sus. While there could be small changes to the ROM aside from language, the fact that they put "proto" on the label just doesn't sit well with me. I assume you did your due diligence with regard to the seller of course, but that's a worry that stands out to me. It's quite possible that the label was added at a later date though, rather than being from the studio...I just can't recall ever seeing a legit prototype that actually said prototype on the cart.
  22. You can pause, but it doesn't always register. Probably why Bea is also allowing the high score to count. I was using Classics as well, since looking for just "Donkey Kong" on a ROM site brings up a TON of non-NES ROMs
  23. I can't wait to see what your score is! (Yeah, I know you meant "scoreboard," but I'd seriously love to see your score)
  24. 49700 Man, it took me like an hour to manage to beat the first loop. Oddly enough, I did the second loop on one attempt. Still, I stink at this...if I can push it much higher I'll be shocked, but at least the game is fun enough to be worth the attempt.
  25. 2-2 Well, I got to level 2. That's something I guess.
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