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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Well, this is one of those games where I wish I was playing on the console. My PC controller is pretty crap with beat-em-ups in general, and this one is no exception. Gonna take a bit more practice if I'm going to get anything further than 1-2 I remember getting pretty far in it back in the day, as well as getting to the final boss while playing 2 player with @Dr. Morbis, but it always takes a fair bit of effort to get back into it, especially with it being over a decade since I last played it
  2. Sad part is that NA had all of them scanned (or at least they had all the US NES manuals...think SNES as well though), but sadly they're lost to the ages now.
  3. If the run went longer than 25 minutes, you could film it in two clips without losing any of the data, while still having proof of it being your run. I dunno, maybe you could find a camera designed for shooting videos longer than 25 minutes somewhere though...like a camcorder or something. Pretty sure they still make them
  4. You would play the VHS on your TV and use your camera to film it. Jeez. But if you wanna put it on your computer, I could lend you my DVD recorder.
  5. I know a 5 screw Punch Out would be pretty rare. Not as rare as the converter Punch Out, but pretty rare nonetheless. I have no clue about the European Version games except that they're PAL. That said, I'm not a variant guy, so @Jeevan may have recommended the wrong dude @Braveheart69 would be the go-to guy for all things variants, but I have no idea if he's even really active around here anymore or not. But there are a few European dudes around as well, so they may have more info. Welcome to the site dude!
  6. @Dr. Morbis, you have a VCR...just record the run, and if the camera cuts out you can rewind the tape a bit and start a second recording. Or I could loan you my DVD recorder if you'd prefer.
  7. It wouldn't really be a puzzle game if it was though...
  8. I don't know, but I do remember it being a staple of pirate multicarts back in the day.
  9. 64,370 Well that was more of a challenge than I had expected. A bit of it is figuring out the patterns, but a good chunk of it is the actual execution. To say it's tricky is an understatement! But it's definitely a fun game!
  10. If you remember correctly, I didn't really want to play RC Pro Am II in the first place, but regardless I wasn't the first out, that was Riley. Same with Super Off Road. Though I did suck nuts at Micro Machines. Regardless, human competition is far superior to the AI. Also, this wasn't my first run on the game, it's just the first run where I survived all four races. I had a few more hours to compete, but didn't feel the need to progress further. The game has a few tricks, and while there's definitely room for improvement, my thumbs were pretty much done by that point, so I wasn't willing to make a second run. Of course, I also thought the competition was going to be a LOT tougher as well. The game's not terrible, it's just not my jam, that's all. Also, for the record, it was achieved on Alpha controls. Although Beta seemed a bit easier on the thumbs, Alpha felt more natural for me. If I could've got used to Beta, maybe I could've done another run or two, but I just didn't care enough to bother. But yeah, this time around I didn't post a score until I had completed a full run, otherwise there would've been my typical run of "starting like shit and improving" rather than one good score and that's it.
  11. Whatever you do, set it to Yakity Sax. That shit makes everything hilarious!
  12. 603200 + 339900 = 943,100 Points Well, my thumbs ain't happy, but I got my participation in this week. I'm not likely to do a second run, so this is gonna be my score for the week. I'm out of town this weekend so yeah, not much gonna happen beyond this. Hope it's good enough to keep me at the top of the sports leaderboard.
  13. I honestly can't get the hang of beta controls. If I had an NES set up and my games unpacked, I'd bust out the NES Max to save some wear on my thumb, but meh, not worth that much effort. And yeah, I don't particularly care for it. It's not a bad game per se, it's just not my cup of tea. I can't even really say I dislike it that much, it's just, y'know, meh.
  14. One thing I've noticed now that I've swept the Clippers is that the remaining schedule shows up after the playoff brackets. When the game crapped out on me, that didn't happen, it brought up a blank screen instead. So basically, whatever bug I encountered screwed a good chunk of the game, not just awarding my wins to the other team. Again, I have no clue what triggered this bug to happen, but at least I found a workaround. Although now instead of the Lakers I've got to play the Blazers, which I find a much tougher team to beat...but really, after an 81-1 season, I should be just fine
  15. No, but by Mercury 3 my thumb is ready to say "fuck this noise." I'm not sure I'm even going to get much of a score at all this week because of it. Maybe I'll do like Pipe Dream and do a race or two, then pause and come back later, because I just don't see myself playing through that much of this crap.
  16. Ummm...do you mean completing the four races of Mercury, or playing through 16 races to get to the end of Mars? Because if it's the latter, I doubt I'll get anywhere near that far.
  17. Yeah, I hear that. It could be specifically tied to Golden State and Seattle, since they're the last regular season game on the list, and I feel like few would've played through a whole season with either of them back in the day. My 80-1 record should've stood out to me anyway, what with there being 82 games in the season, but at least I found a workaround to at least not have to replay the entire season. Anyway, after beating the Clippers once, it seems to be working as it should, so here's hoping.
  18. Well, I think I figured out the trigger. Apparently somewhere along the course of my season, the game decided one of the games didn't count - I think it was the final game, as both GS and Seattle (the last team I played) showed one fewer game played than there should've been. Anyway, as a solution, I screen capped the standings, but put in the correct game totals in order to start the playoffs again. It means I'll have to sweep the Clippers again, but that's a small price to pay. Better to lose the results of 7 games than 89 games.
  19. Hey guys. I just ran through a full season with an 80-1 record as Golden State, and started the playoffs. I was initially seeded against the Clippers, and oddly, they showed that they had already had a win despite no games being played. I then proceeded to beat them and advance, being seeded against the Lakers in the second round. In this series, despite winning four games in a row, much to my chagrin it showed that LA, not Golden State, had advanced through to round three (it should've been a four game sweep in my favour). I'm playing the REV-A ROM on Mesen, but I don't think that'd factor into this, as it seems like just a weird bug that I've encountered. Lucky for me I saved state after each game in case of crashes or similar issues, and I'd encountered another glitch a couple times where the ball would disappear (no idea what triggers it, but both times was off a missed dunk). Anyway, that one resolves itself once the shot clock winds down (you get hit with a time clock violation, but the game then proceeds normally). Anyway, I don't want to switch teams, as I'm really comfortable with Golden State and would hate to have gone all this way just to change in the semifinals, so if anyone has an idea how to progress past this bug, I'm all ears... EDIT: I have also tried the unorthodox method of simming and reloading state until GS got the win...even in that circumstance, the Lakers advanced. I'm completely at a loss for what causes this or how to fix it. Anyone?
  20. Well, I'm not too keen on RC Pro Am either, so that won't help much. Honestly, I don't mind the Alpha controls, it seems more natural for me. It's just the wear and tear on my thumb is much worse than I thought it'd be.
  21. So I tried it again, and the Beta control is even worse than the Alpha controls. I think I'll just stick to Alpha. But man, do I suck at the game.
  22. I played through it last year, and it definitely does start pretty generic. It comes into it's own after the first few chapters though. Great game overall, just a bit slow to get started.
  23. I know eh! Like, he's pretty much always being sarcastic. You'd think it was obvious
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