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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. You clearly miss the sarcasm in his posts I really don't enjoy the sport. Hockey and rugby are really the only sports I enjoy watching. Anything else at best is indifference, and at worst is outright dislike. While I don't loath basketball, I couldn't be arsed to give a fuck about the sport And for the record, the only tattoo I have on my left arm is a tribute to the girlfriend who passed away three years ago. My forearms are entirely bare.
  2. It's really weird because I don't like basketball in general. But right now I'm 56-1 with Golden State (not sure how I managed to lose to fucking Seattle, but whatever ). The game's not bad, just takes a while to run through an 82 game season. Then I'll probably continue working on Tecmo Cup Soccer as well...currently in the pool stage as the Tops, but there'll be a lot of grinding before I can progress further. I've already run through three pool rounds without advancing. But yeah, if there's one genre I could do without, it's racers. Can't think of one that I've ever really liked. A few are okay, but not anything I would play for fun, and most just plain bore me.
  3. I'll try that. Oddly enough, I've been playing Tecmo Basketball for the last hour and no pain whatsoever. Probably just cuz I don't like racing games that much
  4. Oh god, after 15 minutes of playing Galaxy 5000, my steering thumb is killing me. How do y'all like this type of game? It's bloody painful!
  5. I'm sure if you didn't wait until Sunday to play every week, you might actually kill some of these games
  6. Playing the game normally, I'm finding that "catch" tends to suck unless the shot is coming from a long way out, and even then it's a crapshoot. Punch is more reliable. But that goes out of the window when you get to the big leagues...the teams are too damn strong if you get there early on...I can barely get close to the net, nevermind scoring. Gonna be a lot of grinding to get good enough to progress further...
  7. Wait, so you didn't realize that you could cancel and go back to the pass menu and get different options every time? Once I figured that out it was just a matter of cycling until the guy I wanted was available...
  8. You sure know how to make a dude feel good! And with @0xDEAFC0DE nowhere to be found, the odds are this year's gonna have a new genre champion. I'm hoping it'll be me, but I have no experience with any of the games being played. Of course, I had no experience with either of the games we've already played, so who knows, maybe I'll pull it off. I'm happy to have competition though. There may not be many participants, but at least this round was hard fought. Special shots weren't even necessary. I was scoring with normal shots from my end of the field against Germany. Specials were all but guaranteed (occasionally they'd hit the post), but even most normal shots could plow through three or four defenders and still go in. Brazil though, man are they ever beasts! 10 against them is insane...I thought 6 was gonna be insurmountable!
  9. That actually makes a lot of sense. There's room for variance with the occasional death here and there, but there really isn't THAT much room, at least early on, so I can see that being a consideration for sure. Although I noticed there's not many points to be had on most levels with one-ups, so point pressing on those levels would probably be more tedious than it's worth anyway. Says he was last online two months ago. It'd be a shame if he missed it... Does that mean you're gonna play? Let's see some more participation!
  10. I'm with @Krunch here. The game isn't like Contra or anything where there needs to be a handicap. My only question is why we have to stop with one life remaining when we could just take a picture of the game over screen (it shows your score at that point, so we wouldn't have to take a picture before the boss that way), but otherwise I like it. Plus it is very possible to have a few dumb deaths along the way, and in a game this long, the spare cushion is appreciated.
  11. I'd actually be okay with that. A split first place with 18 points (slightly less than solo, but slightly more than runner up) would probably be the best solution (although I'd still prefer 20/20 to have a nice even 40 points on the genre board ). Although with the low participation, the 20/20 solution probably won't make much difference either way. Seriously, only 5 players? I mean, I know it's soccer, but still, you'd think there'd be a few extra bodies doing a single game just for the participation points. Sheesh come on VGS...I know sports sees the lowest participation in general, but only 5 of us made the small effort to post? We can totally do better than that!
  12. Awesome. I just didn't want you to think you would get points and then not get them. That'd be unsporting
  13. Do we need a tie breaker? I thought it was just +20 points for the tied participants and the next one gets the third place total. But who knows. I would win the most points (single game), but we both pitched a pair of shutouts, so fewest goals wouldn't work. Anyway, playing from scratch is a MUCH different beast. Shooting from anywhere outside the box is a crapshoot at best, though every game your players gain experience behind the scenes, so they do get better and better each game, incrementally. Losing sets you back a match or two, but otherwise doesn't hurt too much, so you just keep playing until you are good enough to progress. I'm currently alternating between this and Tecmo NBA for my personal list, as they're both super fun to knock out a few games at a time and have long grinds ahead. It's weird to be playing two sports games, but this feels more like an RPG than a sports title, so it works for me.
  14. I was scoring with the nobody defensemen from my goal area. Anyone but James had the shot skill to make it, though using special kicks would increase the odds of making it through multiple defenders.
  15. Obviously it's because of his dedication to being the best he can be week in and week out It can't be that untouchable. I mean, two guys came within spitting distance, and both did far better on the Brazil game than I did. I honestly probably should've put some effort into improving too, seeing as I came so close to being beat again. And yeah, 20-0 took me a couple hours to get. And I was literally shooting every time I touched the ball, the instant I touched it. Straight up RNG there. Yeah, the trick to the Germany game is to literally shoot every chance you get, regardless of field position. The team is so broken that almost all the players can score from anywhere on the field. Nicely done! And thanks, I'm actually thinking I have a real chance at the genre title with two wins so far, so not stealing points from me is greatly appreciated
  16. Oh absolutely. I'd be playing the crap out of Brazil right now. I had one half where I got 5-0. If the RNG was more favourable in the second half, I would've added more than just the one that I did. And having played all week, I could probably push it right up to 10 if I didn't have to also maintain the score against the Germans.
  17. Unofficial Scoreboard A Goddamn Ringer - 3,165,800 Fat Bastard - 1,864,700 Some guy that didn't read the minimum score requirement - 430,100
  18. 1,864,700 Another slight improvement before bed. Got a couple levels further along, but my score was weaker this round compared to the last one, so I didn't get as much as I feel I could have by this point. That said, I feel like the 2 million mark isn't gonna be far away at this point. A slight improvement. Ran through faster, giving me more points, killed the boss and got a couple levels in, but those bombs don't fuck around! Really dig the game overall though, definitely a winner! A solid first effort. Sadly, my run ended on the first boss. I haven't played this since I was a kid, and it's just as fun as I remember, although it's also a lot easier than I recall as well. Still, I'm digging this, and am super happy to be given an excuse to fire it up again!
  19. 20 goals against Germany alone was insane. I'm honestly not sure I could possibly replicate that if I tried. That was some sheer perfection in the RNG that I doubt is repeatable.
  20. Yeah, I'm pretty confident that I can take out Germany with at least 18 points consistently, but Brazil...that's about the only place I could see an improvement being made, and there just ain't enough room for me to be confident that I can do it.
  21. Yeah, kinda pointless to post a downgrade I'm starting to think I should make another run though, just in case...you're gonna push me down to the wire eh
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