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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. On the plus side, I think anything above 20 is just hard to replicate with the rules as is. Since we have to play both games for a submission, you'd have to have two killer games consecutively to get there. @Krunch had an unreal game against Brazil, but falling short of both of our Germany scores had him come in just shy of it. Even if he could match the 20 goals I put in, the odds of doing both that and having 5+ goals against Brazil is pretty slim. Not impossible, but not easy either.
  2. Damn dude, I haven't been able to get more than 6 against Brazil. Their goalie is fucking unreal! But yeah, they get around 300 guts back at half time for all players. I try to spread the shots out as much as possible because of this - you don't want to use up all of one guy's specials and then have to play keep away the rest of the game. Some guys also have abilities only when receiving the pass, so you'd have to get the ball to them while in the crease for their special shots to happen. I'll leave it to you to find them, but I found their shots tended to hit posts/deflate the ball more often than scoring, but that could just be my own luck.
  3. Awesome job @Krunch A couple small pointers that don't really do much overall but can help. First, sub out James from the roster for Brook. The reason is that for some reason James is super weak compared to the rest of the starters. Brook by comparison is incredible. At the half, if Damon is low, use Hans as the replacement, as he's also high enough statistically to not suck nuts. The rest of the players are meh, so not really worth using unless the option is a dead player. The reason you use Brook in place of James is simply because his defensive stats are better than Hans' stats, so even though his passing and dribbling is slightly lower than Hans, since James is a DF, those stats aren't nearly as big an issue as his tackling and cutting skills, which are much better than Hans' stats. But yeah, for how little James/Brook is a factor for me when I played, it wasn't a huge deal, but even one or two possessions would make it worth the swap IMO. Also, unless Eddie is completely beat, don't sub him out at all. Neither of the other goalies are worth using, so don't waste time on them. In all the games I played, I swapped him once, and only because Brazil had a huge burst of offence in the first half and he was completely drained. His Wolf move is the only thing keeping the ball out on most shots.
  4. So I suppose we can put an unofficial leaderboard up: Some fat bastard - 25 Just falling short - 22 Delicious Math - 12 The Real Bad Skillz - 11 Did I miss anyone?
  5. Dude, I gotta give you props for your honesty there. I'm sure it must've been tempting to pretend it didn't happen. I'd do the same of course, but still, that's commendable. Especially with you and @Dr. Morbis in such a tight race. @Dr. Morbis Looks like you got some work to do
  6. Yeah, I definitely gave it my all. I was honestly just hoping to match your 18 goals @NESfiend, as I thought that would be the cap. I managed to score 10 in the first half though, so I figured 19 was a real possibility...to hit 20 though, that was insane, and I doubt I could duplicate it if I wanted to. At that point, I figured I only needed 3 on Brazil, and managed 5, so I'm pretty happy. Sure there's room for improvement against Brazil, but to string two great games together would take some doing for sure. Unless @Krunch has a ringer of a score, or @0xDEAFC0DE has mastered the RNG factor, I think this one is in the bag at this point. I did give @Dr. Morbis a few pointers that I've avoided posting (don't want to give away my tactics to everyone), but since he's mostly concerned with keeping ahead of @PII, I highly doubt he's going to put the effort in that I did to get 25 total points. I'm honestly surprised I did...I thought I had it at 15, so thanks for pushing me!
  7. Pretty much this. Honestly, I had heard the game was awesome and still hadn't given it a shot because I can't stand soccer. Now though, I'm glad I did. It's a pretty solid game all around, and definitely better than I had expected going in.
  8. You dirty bastard. I've been feeling sick, and was hoping you were done. *sigh* Ah well, let's see if you can bring it now...
  9. I think I could actually top 15 against Germany if I try...I just don't know if I can top 6-0 against Brazil on top of that. Funny enough, as I said before, it was 5-0 at half-time. It could've been an even wider margin if the goalie didn't decide to actually play in the second half
  10. IIRC, the point wasn't even needed. He just wanted to do something in his last game that would be remembered. And whether he hit it or not, it totally would have been noteworthy. But hitting it, that was cool.
  11. Yeah, that's so goddamn annoying. Funny thing, I was up 5-0 at the half and suddenly their goalie decided to play. Some games it's impossible to score, and others the dude is a bloody sieve. Anyway, challenge accepted. Game on
  12. I still haven't broke that milestone yet, but Brazil is a LOT tougher. I've managed to get shutouts, but it's hard as fuck to score on their goalie. I had a sequence where the goalie was down for three goddamn shots and somehow kept it out. Needless to say, the only time I've scored more than 3 was the only game I played where I allowed goals. I gotta say, requiring us to play both games every time makes it a LOT tougher. I won't even go into the Brazil match unless I at least tie my Germany game, which I've done a couple times now, but with no luck against the Brazilians. Fucking bollocks.
  13. So you're saying I may have some competition this week then? Maybe I'll do another run or two...
  14. A drop goal is attempting to kick the ball through the uprights when the ball hits the ground. The big difference between a drop goal and a punt is the contact with the ground. They're tricky to execute accurately in the context of an American football game, so it's always noteworthy when it happens. From the Wikipedia article for drop goals: To date, the only successful drop kick in the NFL since 1941 was by Doug Flutie, the backup quarterback of the New England Patriots, against the Miami Dolphins on January 1, 2006, for an extra point after a touchdown. Flutie had estimated "an 80 percent chance" of making the drop kick,[13] which was called to give Flutie, 43 at the time, the opportunity to make a historic kick in his final NFL game; the drop kick was his last play in the NFL.
  15. If you trace the evolution of the sports, rugby evolved from soccer, and American football evolved from rugby. Makes a lot of things in American football make sense in that context too, like how anyone can make a lateral pass at any time, or how drop goals are still a thing (albeit rare). I prefer rugby personally, but the sports have a lot in common because one begat the other.
  16. Traditionally we only require all loops if that's what it takes to get an ending, like with Arkista's Ring. For Low G Man I'm pretty sure it's only one loop (though you're welcome to go through all three if you'd like). @scaryice should be able to confirm/refute that, but I'd say a single loop is all that matters.
  17. Damn...ah well, pretty sure I can at least match my 10 points against Germany, it's just Brazil that's a crapshoot. Thanks for the ruling though, as it would definitely have mattered for my next run
  18. Pretty sure most Taxan games is one loop. Mystery Quest IIRC was an exception due to not really giving an ending until after three loops. I know 8 Eyes and GI Joe are single loop runs, so I don't see any reason Low G Man would be different.
  19. Quick question @BeaIank - do both games have to be done back to back or can we improve each game individually? I ask because I just improved my score against Germany, and while I intend to attempt to improve on my score vs Brazil, I want to know if I can post one score without the other. It may not make a difference on this attempt, but I want to make sure before it becomes one.
  20. FUUUUUUCK! @BeaIank you weren't kidding...I just played a perfect game against Germany, with a 9-0 win, but the score disappeared super quick! It's literally a fraction of a second, and no way to view prior scores. Brutal! Ah well, now I just have to shoot for double digits EDIT: Might as well use this as my score post too: 20-0 + 5-0 = 25 POINTS Okay, so the first thing - I didn't realize until after the first game that I forgot to bring up my nametag. That said, it's quite obviously my setup, but if @BeaIank requires I suppose I'll have to redo the score. That said, it took forever to get a score I was confident would hold up...even then, I took a slight step back in my game against Brazil, as the bastard goalie played unreal. One sequence had me take 8 consecutive shots on his prone goalie and didn't score a goal...like how is that even possible? Well that happened...I'm honestly stunned by this development Well, I'm pretty sure I've capped out my score against Germany, though I may still try for more. The game against Brazil however...that was tricky. I was up 3-1 at the half, but my goalie was pretty much depleted (he had 6 Guts remaining). As such, I had to sub in Lucas, who while decent, simply doesn't match up to Eddie. Had they not scored with 10 seconds remaining though, and if their goalie hadn't turned it on in the second half, it could've been a much more lopsided game... There's definitely room for improvement here, as my first attempt had me at 9-0 against Germany with little effort, and I had two shots go off the post against Brazil. There's definitely a skill gap between the two teams...not sure how Germany got as far into the tournament as they did being that easily dispatched Anyway, I'm really digging this game overall, which is surprising to me since I've never really cared for soccer. Much like Tecmo NBA, I think I may actually play through this one at some point soon. I did play the first three matches of the story mode to get a feel for the game, but it's pretty damn intuitive overall. There are flaws for sure, but overall it's a pretty solid game. Makes me wonder why there aren't more sports RPGs out there...
  21. I'm just trying to figure out how you managed to get as far as you did @PII. Three continues only got me to level 6
  22. Just found: At the start of level 1 there's a sign that says "short cut." If you go through the opening you warp to level 3. Not much help for scoring, but for anyone wanting to practice the later bits, or just get through the game faster, it might help. You also get a free man when you take it. EDIT: On further plays, after resetting the game, it shows as "closed." I'm wondering if that's a way to continue from where you left off? I died on level 3, so that's entirely possible...
  23. Sorry, I didn't even see your post. It's definitely better to PM. Anyway, I didn't post prices on items I wasn't sure how to price appropriately. Anything without a price is for offer. I do have numbers in mind, but I don't wanna ask too much/not enough for them without gauging interest first.
  24. Ah, gotcha. It's the cart + autograph, yeah. I paid for the signature, so I can't just give it away
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