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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. I'm assuming it's because there's technically no end to it. But I dunno if that's a determining factor or not.
  2. A couple key tips: 1. Don't let Wile E. go offscreen. It seems counter intuitive to not just go as quick as possible, but he gets a massive burst of speed that can be hard to dodge on narrow paths. I keep him near the right edge so I have plenty of time. 2. You get a ton of points if you can knock him down. The cars are probably the easiest to do it with, but there's other hazards that you can trick him into. Not only do you get the points when he's hit, you get bonus points when/if you beat the level as well. 3. Try not to miss any bird seed unless absolutely necessary. There's a 10k bonus after beating level 1 if you get all the seeds. Not sure if this goes up every level, but free points are free points.
  3. The real story here is that I got third with a score I thought was easy to beat. Y'all need to try harder...jeez, I shouldn't be anywhere near the top on this game
  4. 43,917 POINTS Progress is being made here. Almost through level 2 before dying...and this marks the first time I've ever been caught by the pogo stick Got the cars to hit Wile E. three times on level 1, so that helped. Well that's better. Made it to level 2, with a score well above participation level. On one life the game is fairly short too, I may give this one a fair bit more time than I initially thought... First time playing in a LONG time. Didn't get very far, but I did get far enough for participation. Obviously I'll try and improve sometime this week, but if I don't I've at least landed some points
  5. Actually, in this case I don't share his opinion. I do think Castlevania: The Adventure is a steaming pile of dog turds, and I happen to prefer the Metroid style Castlevania games over anything that came before them. So yeah, in this case I'm in agreement with the consensus (other than preferring Simon's Quest to any Castlevania before Symphony of the Night).
  6. Could just make it where if you loop the game your run ends. Having a score on stage 1 in itself proves that you looped the game since you can't actually get a score until you beat stage 1. Also, there's no way to prove the number of loops short of taking pictures every time. I don't think we'll have much to worry about though...I tested out some of the later levels and honestly, it gets pretty damn tough. Doubt many (if any) will make the level cap anyway, nevermind through all 50 stages. But yeah, distance + low score sounds like the best option in my mind. It also has the bonus of not voiding submissions that came in already
  7. No point pressing can be problematic as well, as one can have a bunch of points out of necessity that the next person may not, depending on route taken, etc. I've had levels where I didn't make a single kill, and others where I got multiple kills without trying. Progress/Score may work best for this game, especially considering how low scoring the levels can be when played out normally.
  8. I think this one could also fit as a puzzle game, but action is likely what was intended. Road Runner is definitely arcade though. Anyway, this game is a LOT harder than I remember it. Just played it for like half an hour and only just figured out level 2. Not sure I enjoy it at all though, but it's not as bad as I was expecting...just kinda meh.
  9. STAGE 14; 15,500 First Score: Did a bit of practice on the early stages and it's paid off. The only ones I really have issues with are the levels that have a bunch of digging to get the gold, but even then it's not too bad. It's far from a great game, but it's not terrible. I may make a few more runs to try and top this. Not sure how much I'm gonna enjoy this...on one hand I remember playing a lot of it when I was younger (borrowed a copy from my dad's friend a couple times), but I haven't been able to get into it when I got older. It's not the kind of game that is usually in my wheelhouse, but at the same time there could be some fun memories attached. That said, I may have to record my runs for this, if the score window is as limited as it sounds, it may be easier to get a shot by pausing a recording rather than by trying to time it right. But we'll see how it goes. Anyway, score reservation here.
  10. Stage 1 speed run could be fun too. Might also be more accessible than a final stage speed run. Although I would suggest with a speed run that it's not 1 life. Dying costs time, so there's incentive to not die from that, so there's no reason to kill a run because of a death. But yeah, I feel like this is a pretty good candidate for a future speed run.
  11. That sounds like being an encouraging father who wants him to take stock of his flaws to be the best he can be.
  12. No, Splinter simply recognizes that Raph needs more love and guidance shown. It's not that the others are loved less, it's that Raph needs it shown more. I always identified most with Don, although Mikey was a favourite because, well, my name is Michael, so it made me connect more to the show to identify with the guy they're calling by my name
  13. Bump for some new stuff. Mostly PC games and action figures this time, and some odds and ends. Lots still to come.
  14. So basically get to learnin' Since I haven't coded much of anything since the early 2000s (I'd say around 20 years, give or take), where would you recommend I begin? Not sure I wanna make a career per se, but it'd be nice to have the door open even if I don't go through it...and I know not all languages are useful in the real world
  15. It's getting better, though my future is a bit dim at the moment. I'll figure it out though. My interest is getting rekindled though...just tinkering with it is making me want to do more of this kind of thing. Maybe I'll try learning to muck with code again...been so long, and I did enjoy it...just gotta get my living space in order first. EDIT: Also, I have a lot on my plate now, but there were several Pac-Man chips in that pile. I'm too lazy to compare ROMs, but this may be of interest to you: https://lostmediaarchive.fandom.com/wiki/Unreleased_Pac-Man_Tengen_Port Basically, it sounds like they were at some point planning to give Pac-Man the Ms. Pac treatment with extra stuff instead of being identical to the Namco Famicom version. These may be too late to be that version, but it's not outside the realm of possibility...
  16. So I didn't send them your way. Shit. I'll get them zipped and PM you a link to the drive. I'm actually going through them right now, making some notes on the things I can't figure out, and then I'll be getting it zipped up and uploaded. Sorry about that man...life's gone through a lot of upheaval, and frankly, I just plain forgot about it. I definitely have a lot more time than ever right now though, so it's gonna be done at some point tonight.
  17. Well, unlike the third game, I can't really tell if there's even a difference between the turtles other than cosmetically. I just switch it up periodically for a change of pace. Anyway, edited in the unofficial scoreboard on the first page (my first post after my score) if anyone wants to take a peek.
  18. I always considered it by the numbers. And the game itself has 10 stages by it's own internal breakdown. Frankly, if I beat Bebop, I would've numbered it as level 3 as well, before such a breakdown was necessary. That said, I think literally everyone here knows how progress should be tracked, and if someone got to the sewers, they would be a higher level than someone who didn't. I have to ask - if you had died on Bebop, and I managed to kill him but died on the first enemy on stage 3, giving me 132 points to your 133, would you think it was fair to have me ranked below you due to the sewer technically being part of scene 2? I think not. Basically, whether you number them as the game does behind the scenes, or broken down (scene 2 part 1 being the street and scene 2 part 2 being the sewer), they are functionally identical and 100% equivalent regardless of the naming conventions used. In other words, break it down like so: Level 1 - Scene 1 Level 2 - Scene 2, Part 1 Level 3 - Scene 2, Part 2 Level 4 - Scene 3, Part 1 Level 5 - Scene 3, Part 2 Level 6 - Scene 4, Part 1 Level 7 - Scene 4, Part 2 Level 8 - Scene 5 Level 9 - Scene 6 Level 10 - Scene 7 With that handy dandy conversion chart, anyone can figure out how far they've progressed. Though I think additional breakdowns on scene 7 for the separate boss fights (so Level 11/Scene 7-2 for the Krang fight and Level 12/Scene 7-3 for the Shredder fight) should also be used as checkpoint markers, as bosses are pretty tough in this game overall, although those distinctions are entirely at @BeaIank's discretion. Regardless, there is no need for anyone to conform to a numbering system - use the scenes or use the levels, it really isn't important, as long as progression can be identified.
  19. If that's referring to me, I admit I'm pretty bad at procrastinating. Did I ever even send you the files? I still have them and can send them your way pretty quickly. I think I've compiled as much as I can get without having to figure things out anyway. That depends on whether they actually take a hit or not. If it's a completely unreleased game and a finished build (or at least fully playable), it wouldn't be too tough to make a run of repro carts, sell them, and THEN release the ROM. Myself and @Dr. Morbis both make repro carts, and I'm currently looking into making boxes and manuals as well (I may not have the means to acquire the tools though...but it doesn't hurt to look into it). There are certainly costs involved in such an endeavor, but it's certainly possible to do. The information is out there, the tools and materials aren't outrageously expensive...it's really just a matter of how much time and energy it's worth to do it. 100% this. There are no guarantees that the chips won't crap out at some point. If you have the data dumped, it's easy enough to fix it, or at least not lose a piece of history to the ravages of time. While I wouldn't condone releasing it after the item is out of your hands, you can easily pass the file along to a buyer to save them from having to dump it themselves, and just delete it on your own end afterward. Even without plans to release the ROM, you should definitely back it up.
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