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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Awesome! It's funny, I don't like playing through in one shot cuz it's tedious, but I don't want to intentionally end my game either, so it's kind of a "rock and a hard place" thing I'll post my in-progress shot and update accordingly when/if I continue with it
  2. Question @BeaIank - Can we post an in-progress score? I know tomorrow is gonna be a busy day and I may not get time to actually finish my game. I'm still deathless after 9-4, and I honestly have no idea how long this run is going to last. Basically I'm asking if I have to wait until game over or if I can just post a score at any time?
  3. One of these days I'm going to play through it to see if there actually IS an ending. AdamL used cheats to determine that it infinitely loops, but there's every possibility that the game ends at some point, whether it's the level counter stopping or an actual ending. The SMS version of Gauntlet (which appears to be similar to Gauntlet II on the NES) suggests 512 levels on the back of the box, so it's quite possible that there's an actual ending. And if I have to play into the thousands, I'm game for that, just to actually say that I did it
  4. Well, having cracked 200K, it looks like once I finish this round I'll be second only to @Splain currently. Surpassing him is not outside the realm of possibility either...I just can't stand to play the game for more than 20 minutes in a stretch. Thankfully taking rest breaks isn't against the rules either, as I still haven't lost a life yet. This game is just hella boring on the low settings...too damn easy!
  5. I never noticed it costing me points, but it hasn't made much of a difference to me overall. Still haven't died yet at the end of 4-1, and am just under 100K points. Just don't leave unused pieces on the blank spots on the board...after clearing the level it docks points for each unused piece.
  6. You're in Alberta? Might want to check out Video Game Trader in Calgary...last time I was there they had a Turbografx kiosk. Not sure if it's for sale, but I'm sure Jeff will entertain offers.
  7. I'm in Calgary, so nowhere in the area. But if there's anything you're looking for, let me know
  8. I just finished 3-2, have just under 70K, and have not yet died. Honestly, I'm more bored than anything. game's too easy!
  9. 1,117,550 Now, I probably could've done better if I was any good at the bonus levels, but since I am lucky to get like 500 points on them, they're pretty much a waste of time. Thankfully I'm good at building loops, as I'd probably have a @Dr. Morbis level score without it I probably could've gone longer, but fuck, I'm done with this game...
  10. Whereabouts in Canada? I'm not sure where mine are at the moment, but if I come across them and you're close, I may be able to help.
  11. Be glad you skipped Play N Trade, that place is garbage. He wanted $50 for bottom barrel Intellivision games, and went up from there. Only other one I made it to was Press Start, which didn't have much of interest but was fairly priced. Funny though, the owner is a chick from Victoria, though she mentioned her dad was a co-owner. Her son was there, and he was older...maybe her son had a kid? I dunno, regardless, that was the only place I made it to that didn't suck nuts. It's funny that there's way better places to go in Calgary than in Vancouver despite having a fraction of the population. There was fuck-all for Vancouver gaming groups too...it's like retro isn't a big thing there.
  12. Funny, I've beat both and I vastly prefer Quest over Exodus. Sadly the NES wasn't capable of doing justice to Ultima 5, as according to my buddy it's by far his favourite (he still boots up his dad's Apple II every couple years to play it).
  13. 133650 Well, this was a lot easier than I remembered it. Had a bit of trouble getting past the second floor, but once I did I managed to run through the rest of the loop, albeit by the skin of my teeth. I don't really like the game enough to try and improve on this, but I'm definitely happy to add it to my beaten list!
  14. It may have been done at the retail level though, that's why I'm not really sure what to think. The carts were distributed from Japan, the Cali address is simply where Tecmo's American branch was located.
  15. The thing about it is that Nintendo was the only publisher that made -CAN regional games. That's why this is an anomaly to me...it's not a Nintendo-published game. Was this an early attempt at satisfying Quebec's language laws, or did some store independently do this on their own? I've never seen anything like this that wasn't Nintendo-published, so I have no clue how common this was.
  16. So a local friend of mine, @Joyomofrobro, was showing me a few items from his collection, and his Ninja Gaiden stood out as a major oddity. See for yourselves: Obviously, those are full-box stickers on the front and back of the box, and the bilingualism suggests it was done for the Quebec market. Sadly, as it was used, and found in Alberta, there is no indication whether it came with a French manual added in like the Color Dreams carts sent to France did, but I'm curious whether this was a widespread thing or if he's got a major one-off. In 25 years of collecting I have not come across anything like this, but I'm also not really in the market for variants either. The cart and manual included are both -USA (as is the box technically, the front and back are stickers after all). It's not often I see something new in this hobby, so I'd love to know more if anyone has more info.
  17. You know you can always just mention me by name. I'm pretty sure everyone already knows about my attention span, procrastination, etc
  18. Probably because they're not too common outside of China. Makes a fun little set for people to go for.
  19. That's not a bad idea tbh. It's not like anyone's clamouring to get those ones off the list Magic of Scheherazade is one of those games I've been meaning to put time into as well. I love the game, but never put the time in to beating it. Maybe next year. Anyway, for my progress report, I've now hit the 50% mark on Conflict, all on the highest difficulty. I've noticed I'm having the best luck just straight rushing to the base tank and hoping for the best - you can't afford to take casualties, but if the RNG goes your way, you can usually get there within the first few turns and take it out. By the time you build up the points to build anything of any use, it's too late to matter anyway as you'll likely take out two or three units along the way. Also got my 12th win in Bases Loaded...haven't been putting much effort into it, but any time I have 20 minutes to kill I knock a game off. 15% down and counting.
  20. Was wondering how long it was gonna take you to bite the bullet on those ones ABC is next right?
  21. 9500 Yeah, I suck nuts when it comes to shooters. Hoping to improve on this significantly, but I'm not sure how much gaming time I'm gonna have this week, so I figured I should lock in a participation score
  22. I'm pretty sure he mentioned it being sealed, but I could be mistaken. @Code Monkey?
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