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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Space Shuttle Project is done. Surprisingly easy to be honest, it's pretty much just a shitton of quicktime events with a couple of too-easy arcade sequences thrown in for flavour. Honestly, the worst part was the takeoff, and even that was only an issue for the last two stages...the rest of the game was just a battle of attrition.
  2. Metal Max is done. Man, that was a hell of a game! Highly recommend it to anyone who's into RPGs.
  3. All three modes of Bible Adventures are done. Noah's Ark was fun, the other two weren't nearly as good. Baby Moses can die in a river. And David and Goliath wasn't so bad, aside from the final level. Pain in the arse...but it's done
  4. So I just discovered something in Metal Max...there are actually two different endings. The good one comes when you play through the entire game, save the world, and go to your father to retire. However, since that option exists at the start of the game, curiosity got the best of me, and I tried retiring early. That led to the bad ending. I'm not counting it as a personal completion getting that ending, but since it's an actual end sequence that differs from the good ending, I figured I'd mention it. So Metal Max is either done or still a work in progress, whatever is decided...but either ending gives a full credit roll, so it fits the definition required for this thread.
  5. Also, the reason I've been so quiet is because I'm working on one of the RPGs...specifically Metal Max. It's actually pretty fun, although weird shit like finding (and holding on to) your sister's panties is mildly disturbing
  6. I'll be honest, most of that information came straight out of the manual But I'm glad it helped!
  7. Elevator Action is done...holy balls did that take some effort!
  8. I kinda feel the same way. It's solid, but not spectacular. It is cool to see a proto-Metroidvania on the NES though.
  9. Ufouria is done. Fun game, not terribly tough, but some of the bosses are annoying as fuck Still, it's another new completion for me
  10. I've already beat it, and I don't enjoy it enough to replay it on day one.
  11. According to AdamL's guide, Road Runner has 4 unique levels, and a high score of 200K. I'm assuming the goal would be to loop the game, although personally I would also require the default score to be beaten as well...though I don't think 200K is terribly difficult to get to if you're able to loop the game
  12. There's nobody better to run this than @scaryice. I (obviously) don't always agree with how he does it, but he's doing infinitely better than I did the first few years when I was running it. I take too many hiatuses, so it only made sense to pass the reins, and I couldn't have handed them to a better guy. Which is why I'm gonna do what I can to knock off some of the unlicensed games, in order to add the rest for 2023. I am questioning the FDS additions though...mainly because I'm unsure about how to emulate them. Physical FDS releases are a crapshoot if they even still work, so emulation may be the only way...so if anyone knows a good FDS emulator... Also, I don't like the addition of hacks, but again, I'm not outright against it. It's cool to try something different, and it's not like there's an overabundance of them on the list, so it's hard to really argue with it. @Dr. Morbis I'd really like to see you back in the fold man...and really, what better way is there to show Scary that the unlicensed games should be added en masse than to finish off the project. Either way, I get it, but your skillset is much broader than mine is, and could be a bigger boon than my intermittent gaming will be.
  13. So we get an arbitrary selection instead of proper inclusion of every North American release? *sigh* Guess I'm still out. Good luck next year though EDIT: Actually, y'know what? No, I'm gonna go in after all. I'm gonna make my focus be the unlicensed list, and try and get the other 30ish games included in 2023. Still, I don't like how it came down to an arbitrary selection instead of a community poll, but whatever. Not sure about @Dr. Morbis though, but he probably feels the same as I do. But yeah, I miss participating, and at least there's some unlicensed there.
  14. We don't know what the government considers "significant exposure" though, so that statement in and of itself doesn't mean much.
  15. I specified "other" for the final question, as I feel a combination of options would be my pick. I'd make sections chronologically (like a chapter for each year), and then have the chapter's entries alphabetized. I also think that if you choose any method other than alphabetical, you should have an alphabetized index at the back.
  16. It could be a component of the plastic, or a metal used in the pins. My bet is that because of the legalese, even harmless trace amounts have to be disclosed, hence the warning label. I doubt there's any actual risk.
  17. I wouldn't say that. I would say that the style western-developed games seem to have taken were simply not the games that console players of the day wanted to play. Western games were all the rage in the PC market, and indeed many of them were ports of PC games. Home computers were huge in Europe, where many of those development houses were located, and where most western developers cut their teeth. They simply made the games they always did, that were popular in the market they were accustomed to serving.
  18. It's funny what Googling your name brings up I'm glad I looked around though, because my original plan for the included repro was gonna be The Goonies...so maybe it was a bit more of a gamble than I realized
  19. It's not the Classic Series release. What I'd said was that the back label may have been on the Classic Series version, but it definitely wasn't on the version shown in the picture. In this case, it's 100% a back swap...but at least he got a rarer back out of it instead of having a later game with an older back on it
  20. Um...there are no RPG elements in Genghis Khan, nor any other Koei game. The only non-strategy game is Uncharted Waters, and even that falls more into the adventure category than anything else.
  21. Yeah, don't quote me on this, but I don't think I've seen that back on any Blades of Steel carts...maybe the Classic Series release, I honestly don't recall off hand, but definitely not that one. Pretty sure it's a back swap. Still, an awesome game to get!
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