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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. All I know about Tiger handhelds is they were everywhere back in the day, and they're pretty crap as far as the games themselves, but they're so damn cool looking. Definitely a neat nostalgia thing, but there's not really much of a niche for them that I've seen. There are a ton of rare ones though, and most can be had for reasonable prices.
  2. When I ran it it also included all PAL exclusives as well. Only thing not there was the Sachen games, and that honestly owed more to the fact that I didn't know they existed when I started it off, or they most certainly would be there. Hell, by this point, since the goal had been beaten multiple times, I likely would've added homebrew games as well. But yeah, Scary does a fantastic job running the show, so if this is how he wants to run it, that's his call. I just don't see the point in doing what has been done multiple times before. And it was 100% me when we found that out man. I was in the midst of my huge unlicensed kick...think I did 5 of them that day IIRC. I actually requested my entries to that point be removed from the list, but it didn't happen. Needless to say, I haven't contributed a completion to the list since that day.
  3. Yes I have. The main game had no shooting. If you wanna count the minigame sections, go ahead, but I wouldn't call the entire game a shooter based on those. That'd be like calling Kid Icarus a shooter because of the final stage, or calling SMB a shooter because you can shoot when you get the flower.
  4. You too Joseph! Glad to see you still kicking around here! Also, I'll have to get in touch next time I'm home, cuz I still have that giant load of burned discs I was setting aside for ya, along with that Double Dragon handheld. Seeing as I've moved cities, I really should get that stuff to you when I'm in town next
  5. We were for a while...we even knocked out the full unlicensed library too, with time to spare. And honestly, with me and Basil both playing, I'm sure a few more games would be knocked out just based on that.
  6. He. Yet another person I've met face to face. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was the one who told him about NA when I randomly met him at a Goodwill
  7. We both stopped participating at the same time for the same reason. It was documented earlier in this thread as well. I think the idea was to poll everyone involved at year end and see which way the winds were blowing, but I have no idea if that was accepted by Scary or not.
  8. What argument? I'll start contributing again when they're brought back in. Until then, I don't see the point of completing ~90% of the library and calling it complete.
  9. Is Contra a shooter? Or Rambo? Which is a different genre from shooters. When I say "shooter," I think "shoot-em-up." And when I think "shoot-em-up" I absolutely do NOT think of fixed-screen arcade shooters like Galaga or Space Invaders. Fixed screen shooters are a subgenre of arcade games, not shooters. No, Galaga's background scrolls. Take out the star field and you have Space Invaders without the bases. Well yeah, that's kind of the point...and why there's more sub-genres of arcade games than any other genre. This is why shooting does not equal shooter. You can shoot shit in the majority of video games, but I wouldn't call 99% of them shooters. I wouldn't call any of those games platformers either. Much like how I say fixed screen shooters are not shoot-em-ups, I wouldn't call them platformers either. They have elements of what we'd call a platformer, sure, but they're not quite there. What I would say is games like Galaga, Centipede, or Space Invaders were proto-shooters, as they lack enough to not fit in the genre, but their influence on it is undeniable. I think that's where much of the issue lies - they're not true shoot-em-ups, but they have a ton of elements that make you feel like they should be. As for the point about "shooters must scroll," I suppose I could concede that point, but there's also a general, linear progression through the game. That would actually make more sense, as a game like Time Pilot would absolutely be a shooter, but lacks the scrolling features. This would also make a game like Gyruss fit better.
  10. I'd class Jaws as arcade-action. No scrolling, no shooter.
  11. The shooter genre is pretty easy to figure out. You need shooting, obviously, but also the screen should auto-scroll. If it doesn't, you have an action game. So some issues with the original list @Crabmaster2000 posted: Air Fortress - This is a genre hybrid, with a SHMUP portion and an action portion. Back to the Future - This has the auto-scrolling of the SHMUP genre, but no actual shooting. This fits better in the "action" category than as a shooter. Captain Planet and the Planeteers - Again, more of a hybrid game. As the kids it's a shooter, but once Captain Planet is summoned it becomes more of an action game. Also not sure if the scrolling in the shooting section is an auto-scroll or not, it's been a while since I've played it Cobra Command - No scrolling = no shooter. It's a tactical action game. Defender II - This one's tricky, but I default to the "no scrolling, no shooter" mindset. Should be listed as an "arcade" game. Destination Earthstar - Another hybrid. Part of the game is indeed a shooter, but it's hidden behind a flight simulation. Empire Strikes Back (Hoth and Bespin) - I don't think the 2600 portion fits as a shooter, but Bespin sure does. Still, I would classify it as an action-platformer, much like Vice Project Doom. You wouldn't call VPD a first-person rail shooter just because of the one level. Kid Icarus (final stage?) - Yeah, the final stage, and ONLY the final stage, is a shooter. That would make this a hybrid at best however. Section Z - An interesting one, as it's definitely a shooter, but with exploration elements. Only commenting because I think that's a cool addition to the genre, as opposed to a disagreement with the classification like the rest of these scrubs The Guardian Legend - This is another hybrid. The NES had a lot of these eh The Hunt for Red October - This fits if you exclude the final level, which turns it into an action-platformer out of nowhere. But for like 95% of the game, it's a shooter. Just making a note rather than disputing the classification. The Little Mermaid - Another action game. This one doesn't even really have a shooter element to it. Not sure how it made the cut... Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth - If you only play it for 5 minutes, yeah, it's a shooter...but it's definitely a hybrid. Xexyz - Definitely has shooter portions, but the bulk of the game is an action adventure. And now for the list of questionables, here's my thoughts: Balloon Fight? - Arcade, no question Bump n Jump? - This one's tricky...it has pretty much every aspect of a shooter except for the shooting. I'd call it an arcade-action title rather than a shooter. Captain Skyhawk? - While it's most certainly not something that most people think of when thinking about shooters, it checks all the boxes. Scrolling. Shooting. Yup. Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine? - Action-adventure with shooter elements would be my pick. Galaga? - No question about this one either, it's a single-screen arcade game. Shooting alone does not make a shooter, you also need a scrolling screen to fit the genre. Gyruss? - This one is tricky, but I think it fits. "But where's the scrolling" I hear you say...well, I would say it's unique in that the ship is scrolling along the Z-axis rather than the X- or Y- axis. That said, it would also fit well in the arcade genre, so either could work, and would hear no dispute from me. Iron Tank? - Naw, it's an action game through and through. Jackal? - Same thing. Action, not shooter. Knight Rider? - Interesting...shooter elements added to Rad Racer. I noticed in the longplay I watched that the player only shot at some cars and not all...I'm thinking shooting everything in sight is not the goal, which would put me off calling it a shooter. That said, I think it fits best as a racer/shooter hybrid. Mach Rider? - Much like Knight Rider, I'd be okay with it being called a shooter, but it fits better as a hybrid racer/shooter than as a straight up version of either. Millipede? - Single screen arcade games are easy. It's "arcade," not "shooter." Paperboy? - Arcade action. Paperboy 2? - Also arcade action. Raid on Bungeling Bay? - Starting to see a pattern with these arcade action games... Roadblasters? - Pretty much the same thing as the two Rider games above. I'd be okay with it, but it's not the right fit imo. Ultimate Air Combat (bombing missions) - The bombing missions are arcade-action, no question. The rest is obviously a flight simulator
  12. To be fair, those tubs are also not air-tight. The gnarliest shit I got was the time a buddy gave me a bunch of his old VHS tapes and some random shit...among the random shit was a bunch of floppy disks containing Windows '95...which had been stored for 20+ years in a Tupperware container...even though it hadn't seen direct sunlight in years and resided in Alberta (one of the driest areas in Canada), you could literally smell mold. But then, like you said, the quality of the plastic isn't exactly top tier there either. But regardless, airtight (or close to it) isn't good for long term storage. Of course, I think a big reason I wouldn't store shit like that long term is simply because I wouldn't store shit long term. I like to have my collectibles accessible, so I try to find a spot to display everything.
  13. Bam Bam Bigelow and Bret Hart teamed up to win a Bedlam tournament in WWF Raw. Goddamn the game is tough...a HUGE difficulty spike over Royal Rumble! EDIT: Also, the win condition should be modified...only One on One, Tag Team and Bedlam have an actual tournament, while Royal Rumble and Survivor Series are both one-round finishes...and if we don't count the Royal Rumble in the RR game, why should it count here?
  14. That's adorable! Makes me miss my nieces more! Also, Aerobiz Supersonic is pretty fun, but terribly easy, almost disappointingly so. Great place to start for a Koei noob though...which by the sounds of it you are not
  15. Surprised it was still on the board, but Mr. Perfect just won the WWF World Heavyweight Championship in WWF Royal rumble.
  16. Also, how did I not notice that the first time I posted here EDIT: Wait, I did Damn necro posts
  17. Not all consoles. Like 95% of them sure, but not all. When Majesco took over distribution they removed the pack-in and sold it as a stand-alone title to save costs. Hence why it was sold separately, and why it's so damn rare. Thinking about it, the Majesco hardware is also pretty damn rare...
  18. I would never use plastic tubs or any form of airtight container to store shit. Ever open an airtight container that's been sitting for years? Fucking stinks.
  19. So I officially finished in 4th then? Then my mission of not-last has succeeded. Hope I did @Bearcat-Doug proud, since I wouldn't be here if he hadn't vacated. And jumping from 12th in the overall standings to fourth, despite the clusterfuck circumstances that led me here, is pretty damn awesome as well. Thanks to @BeaIank, @guillavoie, and all my opponents for a great season! Hoping to improve my overall rankings next season (although I doubt my playoff performance will be anywhere near as good as this season ), but for now, congrats @bertsampson on your win! After four straight though, are you gonna retire and give the rest of us plebs a chance, or are you gonna compete next year and give @Dr. Morbis a run for his money? Guess we gotta tune in next year to find out
  20. Well, I FINALLY made 3-2, and on my best run ever time-wise too! Hope that between that and Macross I can secure a position of not last place
  21. True. Better safe than sorry until @BeaIank confirms it
  22. That's why I figured the progress still mattered. 3-2 is further than 3-1, and should be treated as such. The tie-breaker is then the time. Otherwise, what's the point of putting a 3-2 finish in if the guy that died at the start of 3-1 is gonna have a better time overall than the one who actually made it further into the game?
  23. My understanding is that it's distance first, then time.
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