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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Another reason to hold off posting. Although in fairness, Batman has been done to death online, so I doubt any of us has come up with something better For the competition purposes, the photos should suffice, but a video leaves no room for debate whether or not a run is legit. Honestly, I may consider doing videos for every submission next year, just cuz I can I know it's not necessary, but it's kinda fun IMO.
  2. That's where my money is at, although who knows with Bert. I'm guessing he's sitting on some great scores, but then, I'm betting Basil is too It's amusing to me how me and NESfiend are the only scores posted officially (last I checked anyway), and we're likely gonna be #4 and #5
  3. Well, I'm still getting to 3-1, but at least I shaved some time off my run. Not gonna bother updating though, I know I can do infinitely better, but I do need to find a way to conserve some ammo on the level 2 boss...and to get around the timing of the jumping gorilla dudes as well. Those beasts are assholes! @0xDEAFC0DE Yeah, most of those pointers I more or less figured out, but the first gear wall on 2-3 is a great tip...now if only I could pull off the jump properly Thanks for the tip on 1-2 as well, as I knew you could despawn them, just didn't know exactly where they despawn The dropper is probably a more reliable method of gaining health than the end of 2-3 where I usually do it, but man, I just can't seem to figure out the best way to do it without getting murdered This game is pissing me off though...it's like I can do shit right, but I keep fucking up the execution on it. Like every goddamn time.
  4. My progress is posted already. Nothing new to report.
  5. Well, I'm stuck on level 3 for now, but I did manage to improve on Macross, so there's that...
  6. Just made level 3, and I'm gonna have to watch some videos of that shit...goddamn those big mother fuckers come out of nowhere and fuck you up!
  7. Game Genie that shit for practice man...I know that's not how you like to do it, but you're on a schedule here As for me, I'm consistently getting to the second boss, and only taking around 10 minutes or so. Making progress at least.
  8. So the fact that I no-deathed TMNT as an adult is a sham because I used a Game Genie on it when I was a kid? Because that's how you sound right now...
  9. I suck at shooters and still managed 300K with a minimum of effort. I'm sure you'll do just fine man. It's pretty easy as far as shooters go, but it's pretty damn fun regardless.
  10. I can think of one very prominent example of this. He's a long-time respected community member who started out as a moneybags buying up everything he could get his hands on. Not naming names, pretty sure the old timers know who I'm talking about and for the rest it's really irrelevant anyway, as his knowledge and love of the game have earned him the respect of the community, myself included. But yeah, just because someone is new to the scene and are dropping Benjamins like a boss doesn't mean they aren't in it for the long haul, nor does it mean they have nothing to contribute to the hobby as a whole. It's part of the reason I feel that labelling people in the hobby is counter-productive at best, and flat out detrimental to the community at worst.
  11. Save states ARE banned, per the rules, for the competition. There is, however, no rule against using them for practice, nor should there be. It's no different than using the modded ROM provided on the speedrun site to skip levels for practice, or using a Game Genie toward the same purpose. As long as the run itself is done properly, they serve as simply another tool in the box to get better faster.
  12. True, although neither is "ain't" and yet everyone knows what that means Some cursory research has shown that the term was coined in the late 80s to describe games like Mario, but it encompassed everything from Contra to Donkey Kong. Literally anything with platforms to run on and jumping mechanics. Hence why it shouldn't be a separate genre from "action." Of course, this is best left to the off-season, as it's just semantics with regard to the competition right now. Just more of a commentary on why @0xDEAFC0DE is actually good at a "platform" game
  13. It's an action game, as are 99% of platformers. It really shouldn't be a separate genre... EDIT: And really, it wasn't a separate genre back in the day. Not sure when the term was coined, but they were either classed as action or action/adventure games for years.
  14. I'm also not likely to beat it. Hell, I can't even beat the first boss yet I had no idea such features existed...but that said, I'm also not surprised that they do.
  15. Nothing to see here. Triple posted like a jackass
  16. Man, I suck at Batman Got as far as the first boss...gonna take some serious effort to get even a respectable score He hosted it on YouTube. He's asking if he could post the video to YouTube for his submission so nobody questions it's legitimacy. This is due to not being able to have the timer in the frame. Anyway, I was thinking about it, and for anyone playing on console, would it be easier to record the run and then time it's playback? It'd be easier to do the stopwatch thing from a video than to get the right timing while playing. The idea doesn't affect me any (I'm probably just gonna use the checkpoint tool that speedrunners use since I'm emulating anyway), but it'd definitely be a factor for someone like @Dr. Morbis who won't have the timer in the same image.
  17. This dude is an absolute gem to work with. Just throwing that out there if anyone is on the fence.
  18. He hosted it on YouTube. He's asking if he could post the video to YouTube for his submission so nobody questions it's legitimacy. This is due to not being able to have the timer in the frame. Anyway, I was thinking about it, and for anyone playing on console, would it be easier to record the run and then time it's playback? It'd be easier to do the stopwatch thing from a video than to get the right timing while playing. The idea doesn't affect me any (I'm probably just gonna use the checkpoint tool that speedrunners use since I'm emulating anyway), but it'd definitely be a factor for someone like @Dr. Morbis who won't have the timer in the same image.
  19. Link for the lazy: Definitely more awesome in the game though...
  20. @BeaIank - I know that when the Batman point system was designed, there were only four people planned. Now that there's 5, is that going to be adjusted or is the 5th place guy getting 0 points? Figure that'd be important to figure out on day 1
  21. I edited my first post for a score post...just thought I'd ask whether I should wait for my respawn to take the picture on Macross or if pausing on death like I did is fine. This may or may not be my best score, but I'm gonna try again eventually so it may be moot, but better to figure out what's best early in the week than at the 11th hour EDIT: It's a moot point...I haven't been able to time my pause fast enough to get it on death another time, and I've already surpassed that score.
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