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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. I dunno, it looks good...even if it's not an actual promotional piece, it may still hold value aesthetically to a fan of the game. I don't think $20 or $30 is really out of line for it, depending on the material used and whether the quality is as nice in person as it is in the image.
  2. Just hit -10 for the first time ever. I need to practice the back half though...I can pretty consistently get the front nine with at least a -8 or so, but the back half only has a couple "easy" holes, and there's a few that you really need to get lucky with the wind to have a hope of doing well. Still, I'm thoroughly enjoying the game...wish the other two were as engaging.
  3. Yeah, I am not likely to get very far in Tennis without a ton of practice. Soccer I might be able to eke out a tie, but I honestly have no idea how to maintain possession, nevermind score a goal. Factoring the -2 from Tennis, I'd still need a -16 in Golf to tie Bert's total score, meaning I'm pretty much screwed. I'd have to beat him to advance regardless of my placement. Unless... Hey @BeaIank and @guillavoie, what happens if me and @bertsampson tie our scores in this round? Do we both advance, or would there be a tiebreaker in place? My understanding is that only one of us can move forward, and even though the likelihood of me pulling out even a draw is slim to none, there isn't any indication of what would happen in the event of a draw between the two of us. Just in case such a circumstance ever comes up again in the future, having a precedent to fall back on may help with future rulings.
  4. I don't see myself getting better at either of the other games, so I'd need at least a -17 (a birdie on almost every hole) on Golf to have a chance at topping Bert. I did compete in the other two games to give myself a legitimate score, but I have an infinitesimally small chance at seeing the finals. Also, the sports bracket this year didn't cover any true skill games, which is how I ended up in second place despite not competing in one of the games, so I wouldn't use the bracket standings as an indicator of ability in this round
  5. So only 5 people have scores listed so far, and only two have scores in all three games...and since there's no way I'll beat @bertsampson, my score is likely to be irrelevant to the competition anyway, so I might as well do an unofficial scoreboard up... @Bearcat-Doug = 17 @bertsampson = 14 @the_wizard_666 = 4 @Dr. Morbis = 3 (no score in Tennis, -2 factored in) @NESfiend = 0 (no score on Tennis or Golf, -2 factored in) So with no changes, the top four are @Bearcat-Doug, @bertsampson, @Dr. Morbis, and @NESfiend, by nature of being the only ones to make submissions. Note that incomplete scores may also be voided per @BeaIank's earlier post, so the only ones confirmed would be @Bearcat-Doug and @bertsampson. Also, because of that requirement, if a complete submission comes in, I will rank that higher than any incomplete submission on the board, so start getting those pictures up people!
  6. I actually find the 18th hole to be a slight reprieve after the shitstorms of the earlier holes. But maybe that's just me.
  7. You say that like it's a bad thing. Honestly, I kinda dig that part of the game - makes it feel more real.
  8. Double Eagle could be a coding trick too though...instead of having to display a new phrase, they could simply call up the "double" part of the double bogey and reference "eagle" instead of "bogey." This wouldn't make a huge difference, but on those early games the handful of bytes saved by not having to display a word that would almost never appear is a huge savings in terms of code.
  9. My personal favourite eagle was on the 18th hole against @Dr. Morbis, from the sand trap. We were playing for a game, and that eagle caused us to tie
  10. Well, you know the way to my place, get your ass down here and show me! EDIT: And bring me some more of my shit while you're at it
  11. Your total score is 3 points, not 5...Tennis is -2 until you win two games...
  12. The challenge is what I like most too. There's a lot more thinking, although there's limitations too...the option to hit the ball high or low to give top/back spin would be nice, as would club recommendations (virtual caddy), but overall I like how much you have to practice to get even passable at it.
  13. Yeah, I noticed that. I also noticed that hole 6 is a rarity, in that I drive with a lower club and then follow up with a higher one...think there's one or two others like that, but it's definitely not something you'd normally think to do.
  14. Under normal competition rules, you would still have to post a score to get participation and ranking points, but in this round, posting a score in a single game proves participation. The rules in Tennis are clearly stated with regard to playing - if you chose not to play, it's -2 because anything not a win (including a draw) gives negative points. With Soccer, the scoring is via score differential, so not playing is a draw. Unless something is changed in the rules to say otherwise, not playing soccer just gives no points...and with how hard it is to score on the highest difficulty, I would be inclined to say that's entirely fair. That's why I'm marking what clubs to use on an average run...obviously high winds can mess with it, but it gives you an idea of how you should modify strategies to adapt.
  15. Most people have trouble scoring anywhere near par, so it would've been a solid start.
  16. I've managed birdies on every hole, just never strung them together into one run before. My prior PB was +2, which is why I said that obliterates it. On that run, I managed a birdie on 8 of the first 10 holes, and only bogeyed on holes 12 and 13. No double bogeys, and a couple more birdies down the stretch got me my score. Like I said, I'm sure some of y'all can do better, but it's a massive improvement on my personal best, so I'm happy with it. Been playing since then too, and I just can't seem to pull it off again...my last run was +12, although to be fair I was using that run more to test clubs out anyway to pick the best options. Obviously you adjust for the wind, but for the most part I think I have enough of an idea to maybe do a lot better consistently...
  17. If you don't play, you don't score, thus a tie. Again, if you can't get at least a draw, don't post your score.
  18. The way it's written, that's how it would work. Thus, it'd be foolish to post a losing score.
  19. The rules state that your score for soccer is goals for minus goals against. If you don't play, it's 0-0. Tennis the rules explicitly state if you do not win, you get -2. A draw from not playing is not a win, so that'd be -2 points. 6-0/6-0 gets two points and any other win gets you a push. So based on the rules, my overall score is 5 points.
  20. TOTAL = 14 Points Golf: -15 = 15 Points Tennis: 0-6/0-6 = -2 Points Soccer: 1-0 = 1 Point
  21. I see nobody here has posted a Golf score yet. Maybe I should submit mine after all...I mean, I sent it privately to @Dr. Morbis because of our side-bet and because it blew my mind that I obliterated my personal best on what was only my second or third game. I doubt I'd beat @bertsampson anyway, especially with me not playing either of the other two games, but it's hard not to post when the bar hasn't been set yet...
  22. I would assume it would depend if the Switch versions are emulated or ported.
  23. You sure know how to make a guy feel wanted man! I may consider it...I'm gonna be playing Golf anyway to try and one-up @Dr. Morbis after all...but I'm not sure how I feel about losing and still having the potential to advance to the final. I honestly don't know how I feel about that possibility, although the likelihood of beating @bertsampson and at least three others is pretty slim anyway. I guess I'll have to think about it.
  24. Tell you what, just for you, I'll play Golf (and ONLY Golf) this week. Obviously my +3 doesn't count since I didn't take a picture, but I'd happily keep our personal competition going.
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