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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. @guillavoie I for one am pleased with that resolution. However, I still stand by my voluntary withdrawal from the competition. While I wouldn't have been able to respond to @bertsampson's score with the remaining time, I also likely wouldn't have bothered even if I had the time, as the prospect of playing through the game again was, frankly, a thought I did not relish. If his score is considered valid, then I lost fair and square. Thank you for stepping in, as I really only wanted a fair resolution to this whole debacle. And I do want to reiterate as well that, despite my tone, I have no ill feelings toward you OR @BeaIank. I look forward to next year's competition!
  2. Wow, I just ended a round and got +3, one off my personal best. You have a LOT of work to do man...
  3. @Gloves Dude, you're 100% right. I do apologize for my abrasiveness, and I truly do appreciate the work that is being done. I have no personal animosities toward @BeaIank, @guillavoie, or anyone else involved. I think a big part is that this was simply the tipping point, and everything that I've held back in the interest of not hurting feelings just kinda blew up. I love that the contest exists, and frankly it's the only part of the board that I frequent anymore, which is why I'm so passionate about it in the first place. I'm definitely willing to work with the team instead of against them.
  4. With over 1500 or so games between NES and Famicom, not even counting homebrews, you're telling me there's no way to find 32 that can be played that would be both fun AND competitive without resorting to convoluted rules? I'm sorry, I don't buy it. Refer to my avatar.
  5. You chose to sit out because the pot boiled over during the tournament you chose to sit out of? How does that even make sense? Anyway, I'm done. I've said my piece, and whether y'all agree or disagree is irrelevant.
  6. Funny, that's not what I was referring to, but since you mentioned them...why have that rule in a game like Elevator Action where there is zero way to prove that someone didn't die at some point in their run? The top players still post redonkulous scores, but unless there's a score cap that is reasonably accessible to many players (like, say, Contra), what's the point of that restriction? And hell, why make any sort of restrictions like that at all before the tournament stage anyway? Exceptions could be made for something like SMB where people will likely play regardless of the ruleset, but I would also argue that if a game is so damn broken that you have to change the rules to allow it to be used, why bother using it? Pages 6 and 7 give me the old 404... Regardless, like I've stated before, I'm okay with being in or being eliminated based on a ruling that makes sense. I'm not okay with the "fuck it" attitude being presented by the person in charge of making said ruling. I've mentioned a few other gripes in my posts, but that's the gist of it. I wasn't gonna win, and frankly I was surprised to get as far as I did, but all of this really turns me off of even continuing to compete, so I simply won't, regardless of what happens. Maybe next year I may rejoin the contest, but as it is there's a sour taste in my mouth right now and I'm officially out of 2021 regardless. Wonder if someone can get Bimmy Lee back on board...
  7. I'm not gonna out anyone who isn't willing to out themselves, so I'll leave it up to them if they want to make any sort of public statements. But there were several weeks through the competition that it was obvious there was zero effort made beforehand to test out whether the games are suitable to be played in the first place. And the few times there was an effort made, it was to basically be as punishing as possible and discouraging participation for most average players.
  8. If my PM box and private off-site communications are any indication, there's far more than two people complaining. There's just far fewer with the stones to rock the boat.
  9. How many games have there been this year where people were excited to play, saw the rules, and said fuck it? That's not fun man. EDIT: And to that point, how many times have rules had to be changed or implemented on the fly because something that could've been figured out with 5 minutes of research hadn't been factored in? I get that we get busy and this is on her time, but if she can't handle it, get someone who can.
  10. I understand all that, but if it's too much, the reins should be passed on. I'm not hating on Bea personally, she's been one of my favourite members for a long time and will continue to be one. But man, the competition is supposed to be FUN. People aren't supposed to gripe about how shitty the rules are, how the games suck, etc. And that has happened in almost every goddamn week. I'm no longer having fun with this competition, if I even was having any to begin with...that kinda got muddied as well.
  11. Let's be clear. I would be okay with winning on a technicality. I would be okay with losing on another technicality. I'm not okay with a "leader" who would rather blow shit up completely and take an option that was literally unfathomable in it's stupidity than to make a ruling one way or another and do the damn job. If that's how shit's gonna be run, I'll have no part in it, simple as that.
  12. This is your "solution" to the problem? Basically making last week a waste of everyone's time? That's literally the stupidest idea in the history of competition. Furthermore... This post, along with plenty of your statements throughout, have made me realize that to you, this competition is more about punishing players with arbitrary changes, asinine rulesets, and inconsistent decision making, rather than a friendly competition among friends. As such, here's my solution - I rescind my entry and am out of round two. You can either put Bert back in as a round of 8, or you can do a fresh round as your "solution" entails, but either way, I can't justify competing when the leadership couldn't be arsed to give enough of a shit to do their job properly.
  13. In fairness, I've played it before, and kinda like it, but goddamn is it ever hard. My submission for that would likely be Skinny-calibre.
  14. Let's be real...had I been playing directly against you, all bets were off. I honestly didn't expect Bert to come in and beat my score, and the fact that he popped in slightly late, but had he posted it earlier I may have actually tried. I just didn't wanna play through it again unless I absolutely had to
  15. Well, now that he's done half-assing the tournament, maybe he can get back to half-assing his stories
  16. VGS doesn't have a time. NA had the clock in the corner to give "NA Time" that everyone could see regardless of time zone. Unless @Gloves plans to add that feature to VGS, then there likely won't be any nice, standard way to know what time the rounds end.
  17. I love how the only time anyone ever mentioned that is when it was the difference between advancing or elimination. Like "Oh, my score doesn't count? Well neither does his." If mine is disqualified, I'm okay with that, but it shouldn't have been brought up as a Hail Mary out of nowhere.
  18. Another option would be to allow me to redo my score. Disqualify his second score for the time thing, but give me a chance to put up a score to beat his. Although that would mean I'd only have to get to like level 4 or so, and likely wouldn't be a good solution either. Perhaps a one-day playoff of a random game? We both have one day to put the best score up in a game of the peanut gallery's choosing. Might be the fairest choice, but then it puts off the actual bracketing (although scores could technically still be earned). Also ends up giving whichever one wins a one-day handicap on the round of 8. Let's just say there's no good solution...but the easiest would be to apply the precedents in place, and either be more strict in the future or scrap the rule.
  19. Let's be real though, even if I go through, I'm likely not making it past the next round anyway, so I don't particularly care one way or another. It's just something that is gonna stick in my craw if I'm DQ'd for an image that would've been accepted any other time throughout the competition. Still gonna play Golf though...fucking love that game.
  20. The record is kept on @0xDEAFC0DE's unofficial bracket though, so while the pic isn't there anymore, the score could still stand. Also, a lot of sites allow admins to see a log of edits, so it may still exist on the server. Anyway, as mentioned, the precedent says that my score should count, and the updated score should not.
  21. I hear that. I mean, if it was ruled invalid, at least half my scores through the competition would also be invalid, making my participation in this round a mistake. Not to mention that it should've been mentioned several days ago when I posted it rather than after it's too late to do anything about it.
  22. And yet I submit exactly the same way every round of the contest and nobody's said shit. And nobody mentioned anything in the several days since I posted it? Talk about lame...
  23. How is it not valid? I submitted it per the rules.
  24. I'll second that. @Mega Tank, that's a pretty respectable score, comparable to my best runs...although I also didn't know about the power ups and stuff. They're definitely a game changer. Without using them, your score is pretty damn solid.
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