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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Honestly, I suck at Soccer too. I'm gonna be relying heavily on Golf, as it's the only game I'm remotely decent at...although I still suck at it
  2. Not gonna lie, I'm probably not even gonna play Tennis. If the only way to score is to play perfectly, there's no way I'm gonna get a score anyway. Gonna have to play the shit out of Golf and maybe get a couple points out of soccer.
  3. I honestly don't know why Baseball isn't an option. It's a better option than Tennis is, that's for sure. And I hate Baseball
  4. I flubbed a couple heart stages, but after seeing my opponent's score, I wasn't worried about starting over to get them. I also don't see myself playing that game ever again
  5. I could get behind that option. I'd probably end up out of the tourney because of it, but at least it'd be a fun idea!
  6. I would actually really dig that. Just saying. Hell, just make Golf an option...
  7. Requiring video makes me hope nobody picks Tennis. I suck nuts at Soccer, and Hyper Sports is gonna be rough, but fuck video.
  8. Maybe @rdrunner could chime in here? If anyone could destroy Pooyan on real hardware, it'd probably be him
  9. Nevermind a standout, there isn't even a good option...
  10. 195900 While I could definitely improve my score, I decided that since my opposition doesn't seem to care, why should I? Now, if I was playing @0xDEAFC0DE, I'd still be perfecting my run, but as it sits, I'm gonna go with this
  11. Wow...I was looking forward to winning this round, but then I saw next weeks games. Couldn't have put something fun in there eh?
  12. The weird thing is, if @Dr. Morbis loses, then you're playing the #16 seed and he's choosing the game. Too late to change the formula now, but I feel like the seeding should've been reset every round, kinda like how the NHL does it - highest remaining seed faces the lowest remaining seed. I would suggest that in this format though, the highest seed in each bracket should be choosing, not just the winner of the bracket. No way the 16th seed should potentially have "home field advantage" at any point.
  13. I can too. I'm playing on Mesen myself.
  14. I played through it. It's surprisingly well done for a game for 5 year olds
  15. I was talking as a seller too. I've never had a buyer that was a problem unless they were American. Just throwing that out there.
  16. While I see where it's awesome from the seller's perspective, the GSP is absolute trash from the buyer's perspective, to the point that I actively avoid any listing that uses it. I'm also far from the only one, so if you're making a ton of sales internationally, think of how many more you'd be making if you took care of it yourself. In the 15 or so years I've been buying/selling/trading online, I can count on one hand with fingers left over the number of issues I've had with the postal service, and only a couple more times where I had any sort of issue at all. Based on my personal experiences, I feel the "risks" are massively overblown. Especially when every problem I've ever had came from the US...
  17. Yeah, some just buy shit at full price and instantly depreciate the value by like 300% or more
  18. I would open them even if I paid the asking price they'll command. Of course, I can't afford the asking price, but I've set that precedent in the past
  19. We all get prizes then. It just might not be a welcome prize...
  20. Looks good @Dan64. I'll go through later in more detail, but I noticed a small issue with this listing: https://minusworlds.com/prod-details?id=184 Basically, it's listed as NES but should be under Genesis. There may be a way to flag the error, but I didn't see it, and I'm sure the seller would appreciate it being listed properly. Aside from that though, the site looks good. Hope the venture works out well for you!
  21. So if noone else competes, do I get all the prizes? Seriously though people, this only takes a few minutes, give it a whirl. It brings back memories of the late '90s internet
  22. I'm thinking my run is probably gonna be somewhat similar. Who knows, maybe I'll even beat your score
  23. I would suggest waiting until you're planning to play it for the first time. Why start draining the battery if you aren't using it right away?
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