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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. I fully expect him to post a score. Why accept the invitation to the playoffs if you're not gonna partake. I am hoping to sneak through though...and hoping beyond hope that round 2's opponent picks a game that I am absolutely pro at
  2. Yeah, I wouldn't have put that much effort into it tbh. @bertsampson left the pick up to me though, which means I need to put in a solid effort
  3. EDIT: New score, and probably my official entry now, unless I get bored and do another round or two. 10750
  4. Yeah, there's absolutely nothing wrong with L'Empereur if you like the other Koei strategy games. Oddly enough, my first time nearing completion was also killed by a battery issue. It wasn't dead, but I encountered a glitch that wiped my save, just as I had conquered Russia and was about to invade England for the win Guess that's one of the few perks of emulation - never having to worry about corrupted saves
  5. Man, the sheer amount of planning I am putting into this game to try and maximize points...Keroppi is probably the easiest game of the bunch to play through, but completing the levels is far from enough to do it up. @0xDEAFC0DE is right that there are ways to squeak a few more points out, but here's hoping that it's entirely unnecessary...
  6. Yeah, I noticed the bulk of the points are coming out of the heart levels. I also noticed a few of the levels getting a LOT harder by level 3 or so. I could only imagine how tough the end game is.
  7. So Keroppi is pretty dang fun in all honesty, although it falls into the same trap as Kirby's Adventure for me - too easy to be fun for a long period, but too long to be fun to play through completely. As it sits, my game is still in progress, so I'm not ready to submit, but I will say it's a grindy affair, with not much leeway to gain points - you either figure it out quickly or fail miserably. Thankfully, I've figured it out pretty quickly
  8. Oh, and here's the table so far - @Dr. Morbis vs @Mega Tank - Pooyan @NESfiend vs @Ausden - Chase HQ @PII vs @FireHazard51 - Chase HQ @0xDEAFC0DE vs @MegaMan52 - Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken @mbd39 vs @JamesRobot - Pooyan @bertsampson vs @the_wizard_666 - Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken @Krunch vs @docile tapeworm - @Jeevan vs @Bearcat-Doug - Games remaining: Ninja Hattori-Kun Challenger
  9. Okay, so I suck at Little Ninja Hattori, and Challenger is a complete unknown but likely favours my opponent...so @Dr. Morbis is right, I'm picking Keroppi. I may not want to, but it's my best bet at squeaking into round 2 Also of note - my first choice was Pooyan. I'm definitely disappointed there
  10. You own the physical object, not the data. The data is owned by the copyright holder.
  11. You know I've been playing games since '89, not much later than you, and have never had the issue you have with swapping buttons. Just admit that you're not an adaptable person, and thus had to resort to making your own tools to adapt on your behalf.
  12. @Dr. Morbis actually had a controller made for him for that very issue. Weird thing is I've never personally had a problem with it. Takes like 3 seconds to get used to it
  13. Not regularly, no. But I love pickle brine, and have drank straight glasses of vinegar for money in the past. Straight white vinegar is probably the worst of the bunch, but I still like that shit.
  14. Yes. Seriously, any kind of vinegar I don't have an issue with. White, wine, malt, cider, balsamic...they all taste good to me
  15. There's an English patch on Romhacking: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/165/ And unlike Holy Diver, it doesn't change how the game runs, so there's no issue using it for competition.
  16. I happen to be the type that actually DOES drink vinegar straight up...
  17. Fixed price works better for everyday items that have a known value. It's trickier with rarer items that don't pop up often, as you either sell low to get paid quickly or sell high and hope someone bites at it. Some items simply don't have a market price beyond the last known sale because they just don't change hands often enough to find an average. Like, I can guarantee you I massively overpaid on Myriad based on the known sales data, but since that data was 4 years old at the time, I basically just had to make an offer that I could live with that would secure the purchase. If I sold it tomorrow, I'd be hard pressed to break even, but in a few years when it hasn't been around for a while, then I might be able to make it back, or even make money on it. Not that I plan to sell it, that thing is gonna be a centrepiece in my collection until the day I die, just using an extreme example.
  18. That's why I said you've probably improved since then Besides, them arcade games are right in your wheelhouse. I'm not surprised at all by the pick. Figured it'd be either Pooyan or Challenger for ya. As for your opponent, it's either @Ausden, @RH, or someone who placed in between the two of them, as @RH has already stated he's in if it gets down to him. Per the standings... 19th Ausden 41 20th 8bitdontquit 37 20th Mega Tank 37 22nd Gloves 29 23rd Deadeye 27 24th CasualCart 25 25th Sumez 22 25th RH 22 Not sure where @BeaIank is at with the process, whether @arnpoly is in or out, or how far down the list she is, but I'm sure she'll chime in once she has something to report.
  19. He's okay at it. I mean, I've beat him before at Pooyan. While he's likely played it a few times since though, I'm sure it has more to do with not having played most of the others rather than epic skill at that particular game.
  20. Balloon Fight has a split seam, so price-wise I would assume it's a bit of a wild card. $5k might be right in the ballpark...though I don't know much about current rates aside from them being absolutely retarded.
  21. If he's willing to ship internationally, he's opening up a viable option for me to buy shit online without having to use eBay's GSP scam. I'd be willing to give it a go on that basis alone. Essentially though, what he's doing is an alternative to eBay, where you can price things how you want and get every cent of your asking price when the listing sells. He'll mark it up to pay the fees, rather than take a cut of the price you sold it for. The result is more or less identical on the buyer's end, as the markup pays the shipping costs and fees, so they are only paying the price shown on the site. So if the buyer wants $100, and the markup is $20, the listing will show $120. The buyer pays $120, the seller receives $100, both are happy and aren't hit with extra charges at checkout. It definitely has a place, but it remains to be seen whether the idea is as sound in practice as the theory seems. I'd be willing to check it out regardless though, as y'all Yanks don't seem to like sending shit to the rest of the planet.
  22. Those would have been opened so damn quick. Fuck gloves and that bullshit. I literally would've taken that knife and opened the shit out of them. Most of them are still needed for the sealed list...maybe all of them (I honestly haven't even looked in ages)
  23. Thing is, he has skill...enough of it to slack off and fall down the rankings and still make the top 8. Whereas with me, I basically just got participation scores most of the way. There's no comparison here.
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