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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Facebook Marketplace is loaded with shit like that. They'll say $20 but then you go in and it's $20 for one item, and everything else is higher. It could also be that he paid a higher price to secure it, or have it delivered to him, or some other thing that may have influenced the change.
  2. Honestly, I doubt my ability to make it to round 2... @bertsampson isn't exactly a pushover or anything. The game selection doesn't help build my confidence any either. That said, I'm looking forward to whatever game he ends up choosing...except Chase HQ...fuck racing games.
  3. Regardless, as I said, the bottom four is set. If Arnie declines, then Deaf plays Mega, Pii plays with Fire, and you play Ausden, and whoever accepts plays the good doctor. So while they aren't set matches, three of them are a coin-flip between two people.
  4. So assuming @arnpolyis in, we're looking at the following for the matchups, unless I made an error of some sort: @Dr. Morbis vs @Ausden @NESfiend vs @FireHazard51 @PII vs @MegaMan52 @0xDEAFC0DE vs @arnpoly @mbd39 vs @JamesRobot @bertsampson vs @the_wizard_666 @Krunch vs @docile tapeworm @Jeevan vs @Bearcat-Doug The top four matches are still up in the air, but the bottom four are set. Just figured I'd post it so people can think about their ideal game picks for their matchup.
  5. That's why I believe it came down to manufacturing costs. But you'd have to ask Bunnyboy about it to be sure, and I doubt he'd tell
  6. That's a great idea, except that I can't draw! Anyway, I'll ask my roommate if there's any wrapping paper in the house...if not, I suppose I'll have to go to the dollar store...
  7. I'm betting he picked it for cost purposes. SD was pretty much standard even at the time, so my guess is that the components for a CF slot were cheaper than the ones for an SD slot. Definitely sucks from a longevity standpoint, but given the price point and the niche appeal, you gotta keep the costs down somehow if you're gonna turn a profit.
  8. And some of the best games were the exclusive titles that never made it here. Battle City, Circus Charlie, Goonies, Mappy, and a crapload of others.
  9. I found the things, and am gonna throw in one little extra that hopefully is appreciated. Then it's off to the PO Not sure if I should mark the box as "Don't Open Before Christmas" or if I should wrap the gift inside the box and let them figure it out
  10. You're an American, not a 'Murican. There's a difference So to test the theory, I just looked into it. I used my old postal code and a random zip code from Indianapolis (got it from a random generator, no shenanigans here). I also used arbitrary values - used a 2 pound package, 6x4x4 inches (6x4 was the minimum for First Class International on USPS, and I had to have dimensions for Canada Post to even find a rate). To ship from Calgary to Indianapolis, it came to $24 Canadian, working out to $19.05 USD. The same package from Indy to Calgary costs $21.25. So while yes, that example cost more, I hardly think anyone should complain about $2.20, especially when the buyer is paying for the cost of shipping anyway. There is literally no excuse to not ship to Canada aside from being too lazy to take a minute to fill out the customs declaration. So basically this company can't even be arsed to give proper credit to the people who made the games...sounds like the old Atari...
  11. That's how brackets work. We don't have divisions set up here to split the competition, so yeah, 1st vs 16th is the norm. Also, you might move up...there's at least one confirmed to not be playing.
  12. I knew a buddy with a Famicom multicart back in the day. They were pretty commonplace here. Originals not so much, but bootlegs with converters were all the rage.
  13. All I see is excuses. It's not any cheaper for me to send shit to the US, but I do it, as do thousands of other Canadians. Although I will say, I've generally stopped selling to anyone I notice that doesn't ship to Canada. If you won't ship to me, I sure as fuck ain't shipping to you.
  14. Some people can bend their ankle like that. It's rare but possible. I'm more worried about his aim...what is he, a stormtrooper? Jeez...
  15. So basically they're taking a super niche product and reducing the possibility of selling it by restricting it to one market...SMRT! Seriously though, that kind of shit is why I don't buy online much, at least from the US. They're literally the only country with people that don't ship worldwide. Damn lazy 'Muricans.
  16. I honestly don't remember. In all honesty, I think it was originally my cart, and lost it to him, and then subsequently won it back. We've done shit like that a few times over the years. Hard to keep track. I will say though, I usually win if there's nothing on the line...he really only brings his A game when there's stakes to be had, whereas I don't have that other gear - I do as good as I can and that's it. I will say though, he's added a few caveats to "any game in the library" over the years...ain't nobody gonna beat me at The Punisher
  17. The way it worked was that YOU said you could beat me at ANY game I chose, and I chose Pooyan. I then allowed you to go first because I KNEW I'd beat you regardless, as I had played it before and you had not. That said, it may well have been bragging rights (it HAS been over a decade), but you were the one who threw down the gauntlet, as usual. I just wanted to eat my hot dog And speaking of bets, didn't I win Moon Ranger off you?
  18. Almost every NES game was also a Famicom game, so by that logic...
  19. I don't remember if we bet money or food that day. Then again, food costs money
  20. That "crap" is probably my favourite game on that list. And it won me a bet against Dr. Morbis once, so that was pretty cool too.
  21. Bear in mind a no-death low point run would have you avoiding mushrooms (1000 points iirc). If you can no-death the game without picking up a mushroom and without warping, well, that's a feat I'd love to see. Record that shit and put it on YouTube man! But yeah, the SMB thing was more of a joke...SMB3 though, that would actually be a challenge worthy of such competitors...and throwing in the low-score variation as well...that'd be a fun ass competition to see!
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