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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. That'd be the same issue with MSG too then...it's an MMC5 game
  2. MSG is 1.5 MB with the English patch, so it won't work on the regular one. Repros are also pricey due to it being an MMC5 game, making donors a pain to acquire. It also uses the expansion audio...not much of it mind you, but enough to be noticeable. If you don't have a Pro and want a repro, feel free to message me as I have already successfully made MSG, including enabling the expansion audio on the cart (you'd still have to mod your system to hear it though, but that's a 10 minute job if you can solder and have a 48K resistor on hand). Just know that I have around $50 into the game in parts, so it won't be an inexpensive repro.
  3. That's fair. Basically it gives you a map of each level. You then figure out which screen was the start, and count the screens until your respawn to get your section. On that map, each screen gives a handy dandy white box around it, so you can just count each one from the start. Now, I'm not sure if each screen is a new respawn point, but I'm sure someone'll figure that out if they die on one screen and respawn on another, but I figure for simplicity's sake, just count screens to the respawn.
  4. Wait, so your first attempt was worse than mine? Okay, it wasn't my first attempt, but it was my first time making level 2
  5. They're PNGs of the level layouts. Click your level, and it gives you the entire layout. What's not to understand. Incidentally, that site is a HUGE resource I've used many, many times. Kinda surprised more people don't know about it.
  6. I have yet to complete a set in almost 25 years of collecting. But when you want literally everything, it's really hard to save for those grail purchases.
  7. You mean the shit that made me go AWOL so frequently? Yeah, I'm feeling a lot of that here too. Thankfully it's confined to only a couple of discussions, rather than the entire fucking forum like it was there.
  8. Edited accordingly. And for anyone who isn't sure of their sectors... http://vgmaps.com/Atlas/NES/index.htm#HolyDiver I'm not sure if the white boxes are for a sector or simply the screen, but I'm sure Bea can figure it out from there
  9. For the record, Pooyan is more "arcade" than "shooter." Although shooting is involved, it's more about accuracy and timing than just shooting shit. Regardless, it's probably my personal favourite on the list...although in fairness I've only played that and Little Ninja Hattori.
  10. I couldn't have said it better myself dude! When I started collecting in the '90s, games were abundant, cheap, and easily obtained. Even the rarest of the rare could be had for next to nothing because nobody gave a crap. As the hobby grew into more of a mainstream market, demand skyrocketed. As such, so did the prices. What was easily a manageable hobby in the late '90s/early 2000 on a minimum wage salary (not a whole hell of a lot...back then it was $5/hr CDN, with about a 65 cent exchange rate) has since got to the point where the barrier to entry is a LOT higher. As such, the market for bootlegs (including repros, as they are simply bootlegs under a different name) has increased alongside the collector's market. Thing is, you don't need the original to enjoy the game. Some people want a large collection of individual carts, but can't afford the legit thing. While I don't condone the practice, I understand the appeal of someone wanting something on their shelf that looks, feels, and plays legit, even if it doesn't hold any real value. Sure, you can play the game via emulation, or a Power Pak or Everdrive or whatever, but there's an appeal to having it on the shelf in a singular format that a ROM on a computer simply doesn't have. So why are so many collectors hell-bent on ostracizing those who can't afford to break into the hobby, or who didn't get in before it was cool? There are a myriad of reasons someone might choose a repro over a legit copy. There are, however, no reasons to attack their choice.
  11. There are plenty of repros that have had a rise in their intrinsic value. Whether it's branding, making limited runs, or whatever, there are some that fetch more on the secondary market than they ever did originally. That would, by your definition, make them collectibles. At the end of the day, it's all semantics. We don't need terms to describe subsets of collectors, or their motivations. We simply need to accept that some people view what we collect as a fool's errand while simultaneously having others view theirs the same way. There's enough people trying to ridicule us from outside our hobby because of what we collect. We simply do not need that bullshit within our hobby as well.
  12. For whatever reason, iirc it's only on the packaging that they shortened the title. The title screen had it as The Legend of Galahad. I could be mistaken though...my copy is a LONG way away from me at the moment.
  13. I don't know the hotkey. And beyond that, that doesn't help anyone who is using real hardware.
  14. Regardless of motivations, we all collect. Thus we are all collectors. I don't care if you collect graded sealed games or wads of donkey turds, you're amassing a collection of something. What you collect, as well as why you collect, are entirely irrelevant. Thus, this whole discussion is a matter of semantics and is an utter waste of time. As for the term "new breed," it flat out makes sense. There are people entering the hobby that are collecting repro carts. They're still gaming, buying, and even selling, but they're collecting something new, thus they're a type of collector that simply didn't exist even a decade ago. The fact is that, while the old guard doesn't understand it and thus wants to minimize or eliminate it, they are still collecting something, and thus are just as legitimate as anyone else in the collecting sphere. The problem is not the term, because its an accurate one. The problem is the negative connotations being attached to it. That thread didn't start out to antagonize or diminish anyone's hobby. This one, however, clearly did.
  15. Stage 2, Sector 2, with 36 Magic Found myself a clever way to get the picture on death...not sure if y'all would count that, since I basically shut the emulator down and reopened it, but short of recording my progress I don't see a better option to take the picture. Poor @Dr. Morbis, he's gonna have a bitch of a time here.
  16. I forgot this game didn't have an actual score...this is gonna be a weird one to do...
  17. Better idea - let's not. No need to divide and conquer here. We can all love games without needless division among our ranks.
  18. I will tell you with near certainty that @Dr. Morbis does not have such a TV in his house, and likely never will.
  19. My thinking is it's a matter of word choice. His post seems more diplomatic whereas yours might be more hostile? I dunno, I'm too lazy to go back and reread it. But suffice to say, sometimes it's not about what is said, but rather how it's said. And in a format like a web forum, where there is limited ability to express context that would be readily apparent when vocalized, word choice becomes paramount. Hell, in this regard, I can point to you personally - there were a few times in the Chiller thread where I was saying more or less the same thing that Dr. Morbis was saying (not tagging him so he doesn't feel obligated to join the shit show ), yet you reacted positively to my post and negatively to his. The wording in his posts seemed like an attack, whereas mine are deliberately diplomatic, thus the different reactions. I would assume this is a similar scenario, just with shoes on different feet.
  20. I wouldn't be interested for functionality. I'd be interested for historical value. I have my toaster for functionality
  21. Could you restore it to factory defaults? Cuz that's the only way I'd even care about it
  22. Not gonna lie, that's a strange one to end up on a random shelf in Surrey. Did you import it? Or is it a repro?
  23. I dunno, I'm new. Give me the Cliffs Notes version? Or if you prefer, the Thug Notes one
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