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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. 11,150 5030 Well, still suck at the game, but I doubled my score. That's probably it for the week though. Fuck I hate one-life rulesets in hard as balls shooters. Took me ages just to break the participation barrier. Maybe next week will be a game I actually WANT to play... *checks* Nope, guess not. Fucksticks.
  2. Well that's good to know NOW... Anyway, I have time now, I'll just give it another go
  3. 39:30 Score edited, and photos replaced. Still room for improvement, as I had some connectivity issues. Could probably get it sub-30, but I dunno if I wanna do it again As with the original, my phone's camera sucks so I included a screen grab for legibility.
  4. Posting can be done while pooping. Gaming can't.
  5. 18,000 Better get my 3 points. Gonna try to do better, but I suck at this kind of game...this is my second best run to date, and the first that I managed to pause before dying.
  6. It's Xybots. And now to get this back to the rightful order...
  7. Most have straightforward scoring that is easily manipulated. The outright broken games, however, should simply not be played. Of course, most would come to light pretty easily by simply playing the game for an hour or so before picking it as a contest title.
  8. @0xDEAFC0DE The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis @Hammerfestus Star Voyager
  9. The solo competition is bogged down by broken games, convoluted rules and lack of participation from those outside the top 6 or so. And y'all wanna add more to the mix? Let's get the solo shit down before we start working on teams.
  10. I think it's a convenience thing really. "Up to 72 pins" doesn't have the same ring to it.
  11. @Richardhead If someone loses in the tournament to someone who hasn't been playing as much, then they need to get good. The only realistic gripe one could have is if someone intentionally kept their score low to get a low seed, but since there's no logical reason to do that, I doubt anyone here actually DID that. And even if they did, thems the breaks. If you wanna play, then play. Anyone has an issue with it, fuck 'em.
  12. And if there's any Famicom games you'd like a translated cart of @NESfiend, just PM me. I make repros now, including the elusive Metal Slader Glory
  13. And knowing your (lack of) skill at Pooyan, I doubt you'll pick that either
  14. Well, I only know two of those games, but they're fun ones. Nothing I'm insanely GOOD at, but fun nonetheless. And looking quickly at the other games, I don't see anything particularly terrible either!
  15. Mattel didn't make it, only distributed it. But yeah, it wasn't a Nintendo designed product, just a licensed one. Bad example on my part. I was thrown off by the Mattel logo, which was the Canadian distributor for Nintendo at the time, and their logo was on ALL Nintendo published items at the time of the Power Pad's release. The Power Pad, on the other hand, was a marketing ploy by Nintendo. While it was reasonably successful in Japan, Nintendo only wanted it so that when people said video games were causing laziness in kids, Nintendo could argue that they were pushing a product to combat that issue. In that regard, the pad wasn't for kids, it was to convince the parents that it wasn't a harmful toy.
  16. @BeaIank I just thought - a list of 4 games being picked from means that 8th place has no "home field advantage" at all because they're left with the scraps from the other brackets. I'd maybe make it a pool of 5 or 6 titles so that there's still an option for the 8th place gamer to choose between.
  17. "Safe" products like the Power Glove, or Power Pad?
  18. Yeah. Maybe we can convince @BeaIank to leave puzzle and sports games out of the pool? Naw, that'd be unfair too. Right? Those are definitely games you want to have in the main competition, not the tourney. The tourney needs to be TOUGH games. Also, I pity the fool who willingly plays The Punisher against me
  19. I don't think America was considered a "safe" zone. It was their biggest market, sure, but their draconian policies about what could be released here were them ensuring that they didn't lose a large, yet extremely fragile, market.
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