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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Speak for yourself. I'd be up against @0xDEAFC0DE, who would be almost guaranteed to pick a puzzle game. But then, if I can get a few participation points, I'll climb a bit into a more favourable position
  2. In fairness to Nintendo though, a LOT of those accessories flopped in Japan. Why would they want to go to the effort to making them for the American market if they didn't think they'd make money off it? I know ROB is gonna be brought up as a counterpoint, but that doesn't count - although it had a slim chance of success, it was something that could (and did) sell systems due to it's uniqueness. When they're trying to come into a dying market and sell a console, they needed something drastically different. But if the NES was already in America when ROB was released in Japan, I guarantee they wouldn't have brought it over here.
  3. I believe it's mentioned somewhere that qualifying gamers are contacted, so if they don't confirm, I presume they go to 17, 18, etc, until they can fill out the 16 player bracket.
  4. Why not? That was done on the 2600... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GameLine Of course, that wasn't even the first attempt at online downloads... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayCable So in theory, it could've been done. The thing about technology is that the only limitation is what they're willing to try and achieve. I guarantee the idea was pitched several times, however the tech was either not at the point it needed to be, or it was too expensive to widely release it. Though things like the XBand, Satellaview, Sega Channel, and countless other products showed that the idea of online play and distribution was on the minds of many in the industry for a LONG time. I didn't say you were, I was saying that people were so focused on the label being fake that they didn't consider the rest of the package. I was responding more to the seller's reply than yours.
  5. I'm not familiar enough with the N64 to be 100% sure that's not a variant. Is there a change to the code on the box? The most likely would be a USA-1 variation if that's the case. Maybe someone else can shed some more light on this for ya?
  6. Because those pins go to the expansion port on the bottom of the system. Once Nintendo decided there wasn't going to be anything using that port (like, y'know, a disk drive or something), they stopped putting those pins on the carts to save money. A fraction of a cent doesn't seem like much savings, but over hundreds of millions of carts, it adds up.
  7. Seriously though, look at the pin connector. I've seen legit games with fake labels before, but 72 pins means an automatic fake. By 1992, every cart should be missing the pins in the middle that go to the expansion port. I'm not gonna judge the veracity of his statement, but buyer beware, because this is 1000% a repro (and not a typo - I'm THAT sure it's fake).
  8. I I have no idea. I haven't used an Apple product since the old Apple II at school that we all used to play Oregon Trail on, so I've never had any reason to look for a Mac version of anything. Apparently Mesen is only made for Linux and Windows though, so you're probably SOL there. But I'm sure there's some sort of Mac option out there.
  9. Interesting that I took bronze in Sports despite only having played 3/4 games...everyone in 4th and below is totally slacking...
  10. Looking at his feedback history, I've found a bunch of purchases as a buyer (item isn't listed, just the feedback) from some Asian replacement part dealers, so my first thought was intentional...but then I looked at what those sellers were actually selling, and not one was dealing in chips. My guess is that he saw a deal on the page of one of his usual sellers' pages, bought it, and discovered it was a repro when he got it. So yeah, that'd be my guess. And it would explain why a guy who buys a LOT of repair parts (and thus likely has game bits) would not be willing to post pictures of the PCB.
  11. If the only thing off is some paler colors, odds are it's just slightly sun faded.
  12. 100% fake. While MMC1 boards exist with all 72 pins on them, the expansion port pins were removed by 1990. Since Dragon Fighter came out in 1992, it should not be possible for all the pins to be present on the board. Even without the other red flags, this is an obvious oversight on the part of the faker.
  13. 11,220 Well that's half an hour of my life I will never get back. What a piece of shit game. I have zero desire to improve this, and was actually pretty close to saying "fuck it" and not bothering to get a participation score.
  14. Funny, that's the type of gameplay I loved as a kid. Still do, but I have far less time than I did back then.
  15. I have never actually played a Crash game. I was more into RPGs and exploration-based games.
  16. Growing up in the console war era, most people chose either Mario or Sonic. I don't like either series.
  17. The label itself looks fine. Color is right, cuts are right. The lifting on the edge is normal, as is that bubble near the top of the cart. I've seen it on all sorts of carts. If anything would concern me, it's that it looks almost TOO nice. But everything else checks out, so I'd say you have yourself a really nice, 100% legit label. Although if you're really concerned, take a look at the board...if that checks out, then I wouldn't sweat it. Nice snag.
  18. It's simply a matter of diminishing returns though...the closer we get to being able to deliver photo realistic graphics, the less variation you're going to see between generations. You can't get more realistic than reality after all.
  19. Two Bobbit clerics, and two Fuzzy wizards. That's all you need.
  20. Yeah, it's hard to even give the shit away here. Probably the same in most places. It's too bad though, cuz there's some real hidden gems on the 2600. Intellivision too.
  21. Yeah, but that other 1% will still be out there I don't mind paying fair price, and I don't mind if what I pay today ends up being more than what I'd get tomorrow, because I have no intention of ever selling them. So at the end of the day, it's a non-issue for me. If I don't have it, I want it...and if the bubble bursts, I'll be able to acquire more faster
  22. I also suck at the game, so it's easier to let the computer do the work for me
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