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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. That was the bulk of what my PS3 got used for actually...then I got the Xbox One and never needed the PS3 again
  2. I've never had one that didn't. I dunno, luck I guess. One failed after a 48 hour Morrowind run (yes, an OG Xbox title killed my first 360), but Microsoft went so far as to send me a box to ship the console to them, postage paid, and got me a replacement, which I still use to this day. Also have another one I bought from a friend so they didn't get ripped off at EB. Same with me for the PS3. Went to a local everything store, and they were getting out of electronics. Snagged a ton of PS3 games, which I still have. Like 4 in every 5 games I own are still new for the PS3...the rest were either bought used or were one of the half dozen games I played
  3. Hopefully not as long as this one did. Down to Stadium Events, Cheetahmen, the Panesians, and every Sachen aside from Huge Insect
  4. Naw, the "I'm too lazy to mirror the image" variant
  5. the_wizard_666


    Honestly, I'd rather someone who is actively collecting them get them too. I'm mostly just busting your balls. Mostly. They are still pretty cool though, and finding anything that isn't Mario or Pokemon to put on the shelf is a rare thing these days.
  6. That's basically my PS3 library. I only bought the system for the download-only Wizardry game. I honestly can't remember the last time I fired it up...it's more or less just a dust collector.
  7. the_wizard_666


    True, but you've seen the vast number of knick knacks around that add flavour to the shelves. I would LOVE to add some DQ stuff to the mix, as Mario and Pokemon are getting old
  8. There wasn't a specific moment per se. I consider the start of my collecting as the day I got my first paycheck in '97, as I transitioned from begging for a $5 video store sell off title from my parents to actually spending my own money. But since I never sold any of my childhood stuff, I would say my collecting technically started on Christmas Day of '89 when I got my NES and TMNT for Christmas As an aside, it wasn't until around 2000ish that I realized video games were actually something people considered a collectible. Not sure the exact timeframe without digging up the old mags, but the "Collector's Closet" section of Tips & Tricks magazine was the first time I realized other people were as into games as I was. And it wasn't until around 2002/3 that I joined an online community, although I didn't really get heavy into online forums until a few years later. So depending on the metric defining me as a collector, I could be pretty much anywhere between '89 and '06
  9. the_wizard_666


    Seriously @Dr. Morbis??? You had spares and didn't put them in the box of stuff for me?
  10. I don't usually post my pickups, but this one is so noteworthy I'm making an exception.
  11. Back on topic, I just got me a rare 6-in-1 variant in the mail today.
  12. I think we've had a few of these chats in the past, don't worry, I enjoy them too. Just that my head isn't all there lately. I'm far from my best self these days, and it must be clear considering how it showed through in my posts before.
  13. Okay, I may have new shit to contribute. My brain just isn't properly functional lately and I don't wanna sound dumber than I already am
  14. That's because I have nothing new to add to the conversation.
  15. What? It's true. From the day I got my NES, I never cared for it. Luckily I got TMNT the same Christmas. Probably helped shape my tastes - I don't like "run to the right" games. Platformers like TMNT, Metroid, Simon's Quest, etc, are more my jam...loved being able to explore areas rather than just getting to the end. It's also a contributing factor to my dislike of SMB3. I felt SMB2 was a HUGE improvement over the first, and 3 just seemed to go back to "more of the same" instead of continuing with what I liked to play.
  16. Considering that I've scratched off games like The Mutant Virus, Conan, and a slew of other "hard" games, the one that people find most surprising when they hear I haven't beat it is Super Mario Bros. But then, I never liked the game, and couldn't be arsed to put the time in to beat it because there's a million and one games I'd rather play. Honestly never understood the appeal tbh. But really, they're all games...there's nothing that I need to beat. If I were to pick one that I really need to go back and finish though, it'd be Nightshade. Last time I played it was around 20 years ago, and I got to the end boss fight, only to not know how to use the staff and die. The thing that irked me enough to not pop it in again though...that was the game over screen showing that I had completed 99% of the game. Talk about salt in the wound!
  17. Also, if anyone wants to pay a massively inflated price, I happen to have a sealed Puppeteer
  18. I don't think it makes it easier to read. But I'm also not against you changing it. It adds a bit of personality to your posts. It'd be annoying if everyone did it, but for one or two people, whatever, who really cares. I think the question was asked as a serious inquiry though, not as anything saying "don't do this." I say if the option is there, use it, have fun with it, and express yourself As for the actual topic, this has been asked countless times in the last 15 years or so...pretty much at the point of the Angry Nintendo Nerd (before James realized that he'd have to go multiplatform to survive long-term). He'd put out a video, prices on the game(s) covered would spike, etc. Rarely did those spikes last, so if anything, sell your copy now and buy it again cheaper later on when shit settles down. But yeah, with more people doing YouTube videos, these kinda spikes are more frequent than ever, but they rarely result in a lasting price hike.
  19. I have literally never encountered that problem with a perfectly working controller while playing this game. Just saying.
  20. The reason I wanna know why someone would do that is simple - you already have a legit one to be able to back swap it. And since the OP is the only known copy that says NFR on the front, there wouldn't suddenly be two. And since even that one has a sticker on the back, a back swap wouldn't cause you to have two...at best you have one NFR and one damaged NFR that would be of lesser value. It's doable, sure, but it doesn't make sense to do it.
  21. Apparently their programmers had no NES knowledge at all, and were sent on a field trip to a company for a crash course. There's anecdotal and circumstantial evidence pointing to Lucasarts, but there's nothing substantial to prove it. As an aside, I'd be interested in seeing someone with actual NES programming skills and time to kill take Action 52 and actually finish it
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