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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Yes, he developed it, under contract to Codemasters. If they weren't funding it, it wouldn't have been developed, making Codemasters the developer. If I work for a company, that company gets credit for my work as long as I'm employed. That's the way things go. Unless he did it independently of Codemasters, there's no argument here. As for looking it up, I'm not gonna do that. Why should I? I asked for evidence to the claims you made, and you failed to provide it. It's not up to me to prove your arguments. And again, yeah, they may very well have developed it, but if they did it using Codemasters' money, then it's a Codemasters product, plain and simple. Contracted development is a commonplace thing, and basic logic such as that has been established long before the game industry was even a thing.
  2. Just dug up some old articles, and you're right, though plausible, Camerica is a completely separate company from Codemasters. They just never really did games up until they signed the deal with Codemasters, they pretty much were a joystick distributor. Acemore only seems to fit as a smaller company who's products were licensed to Camerica for distribution and sale. From what I can tell as well from all that is that Codemasters were the ones behind the development of the Game Genie. I'd like to see something about this random Taiwanese guy because this thread is literally the first I'd ever heard of it. Regardless though, it's not uncommon for companies to contract out development of their ideas to smaller companies or even individuals, and typically in signing contracts for those deals, those companies/individuals sign over any sort of rights they have to the item in question, meaning that even if this random Taiwanese guy came up with it or did all the design/development on it, if he was contracted to Codemasters, the rights were signed over to them in the process. It's legal semantics, but basically if he was doing the work for them, then officially as well as legally, the company developed it, not the employee working on it. The only way he'd have any sort of chance of being recognized as the developer is if he developed it independently and sold it to them.
  3. Camerica is literally "Codemasters America." They published their own developed titles. As for the development of the Game Genie, I'd put that square on Codemasters as well, with the Taiwanese dude you mention likely being the manufacturer.
  4. This is one of those little things that really makes me love this community
  5. I have a couple licensed Camerica accessories, so they were clearly licensees at some point, but then the Game Genie hit and tanked that. Makes me wonder if they would've released their games with a license if they hadn't made the Game Genie.
  6. Yup. They're (almost) all at VGT now Yeah, but I was the only one at those meetups with a big ol' viking beard. And being 6'2 and ~350lbs, I figure the "giant" tag works well here
  7. Wow...gotta say, I didn't know that. I do know there were a bunch of unlicensed games that were licensed there, mostly Tengen titles, but I didn't know it worked the other way I just figure looking at crap that got the seal, like Wayne's World or The Last Starfighter, and comparing them to games like Bee 52 or Rolling Thunder, which did not, would show how asinine the argument is in the first place. There's a ton of licensed fare that make the Color Dreams games look like Super Mario, so yeah, that argument never held weight with anyone who actually knows the library. It definitely seems to be the way younger folk think. I'd love to see what they would've done in a rental store when they were choosing between Wayne Gretzky Hockey or Rolling Thunder, which was a choice I distinctly remember making because I was gonna go with Gretzky (I'm Canadian, of course I'd pick hockey ), but my friends were like "no, you don't want that garbage." The seal was never a consideration, but if it was, I would've likely had a disappointing weekend.
  8. Can someone explain to me why some people seem to not care about the history of unlicensed games because Nintendo didn't put their seal of craptacularness on it?
  9. It's quite possible. I'm the giant dude with the giant beard
  10. Do I know you? I'm not familiar with the username, but I know (or know of) most of the local collectors.
  11. Seriously? I actually rather dig the soundtrack myself. Definitely far from annoying.
  12. Thanks! Got a bit lucky with the level selection - had one electric ring and two ice rings in the final 7 rounds, the rest were normal, so it really helped push the score a bit. I don't know if I wanna bother going higher or not though...I think there's time for one more run, but I'm kinda MUSCLE'd out
  13. 128200 15200 Love the game, but I suck at it. Phone's charged, so here's my participation score. I can likely do better, but I may or may not find time to do so. SCORE EDIT: Put a bit more time into actually submitting a reasonable score. Hardest part is getting the levels down. This particular level is a pain in the arse though. Don't know if I have it in me to improve on this one...love the game, but only in short doses - like most platformers, they just grate on me if I play too long.
  14. New score posted. May do one more in a bit, since I'm in spitting distance of second now, but I dunno if I wanna do that...may just have to settle for third here.
  15. You know, I was inclined to not bother with it, but all this telling me what to play is really making me wanna play MUSCLE again...
  16. "Finish" a game with no actual ending? Not bloody likely
  17. Well, I'm currently playing Elite: Dangerous, so that may be how it rolls But who knows, space truckin' gets old sometimes when you're just shuttling between the same two locations repeatedly
  18. Finally got a participation score after several failed attempts. I had some red enemies spawn in quick succession, which was a small boost..let me get the score just before the first boss (gonna have to relearn how to fight him as well...been too damn long since I last played). Then I realized my phone is charging, meaning I can't snap a picture just yet. So now I have to decide if I wanna wait to snap a 15,200 score that I'm probably gonna beat later anyway, or just keep going.
  19. Yeah, I just had a good run averaging 50k through the first three rounds, and got stopped in my tracks, losing on round 4. Some of the guys are cheap bastards, and when they spawn in an electric ring, they're hard to fight against.
  20. My vote probably means zilch, but I'm inclined to allow it since he asked nicely Just so long as everyone has the same window.
  21. Love this game! Not very good at it, but it's such a fun game
  22. Only 2500 points behind @Bearcat-Doug eh? Maybe I'll play one more round to try and break the top 3. Maybe.
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