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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. I wasn't referring to this week in particular. A one-life run is alright, although with this game being as hard as it is, I don't think a minimum score for participation should've been necessary. I might've put in for my three points if I could actually achieve a score No, the specific ruleset that came to mind was Battletoads. But there's others. I would've participated if it was a simple one-life run, but all the extra shit...I took one look and was like "next week..."
  2. If the game is so easy that you have to come up with special rules to have the game in the competition, why have that game in the competition? I'd rather play something new and obscure than have to play some convoluted special ruleset just to have the game in the competition. In fact, those type of rulesets are more likely to make me NOT play the game, even if it's one I enjoy.
  3. I'm 100% in. Already planning my draft order...
  4. 8 participants = 3 rounds 16 participants = 4 rounds Yeah, more players takes more time on that basis alone. And then if you get into numbers between the two, there's definitely more work. So yeah man, the time and energy thing 100% factors in.
  5. Fun fact - George Orwell was a card carrying communist. When communists are like "y'know, maybe we should warn people what happens when this shit goes too far..." to me, that says something more than anything anyone else could say.
  6. They hate us for honouring our extradition treaty with the US and for following the rule of law. One of the few things Trudeau has done right was not cave into China's "hostage diplomacy."
  7. Same people think the Soviet Union wasn't that bad. I'm sorry, my grandfather survived the holodomor. Don't tell me the Soviets weren't that bad when I'm the descendant of a Soviet genocide survivor. I'll literally strangle you! Marxism looks great on paper. Once it's put into practice however...
  8. The worst part is that here in Canada there are a bunch of fuckwits that think it'd be a grand idea if we were more like the Chinese. Go figure.
  9. They aren't mutually exclusive...maybe someone playing fantasy football would join up for hockey too.
  10. RPGs (especially dungeon crawlers) and turn-based strategy are my jam. Point-and-click adventure games are fun too. Pretty much anything where my poor reaction time is not a detriment to play
  11. He also wasn't gonna take it in the first place. He shook the guy's hand, turns to leave, and the guy's like "hey, you're forgetting something"
  12. For this regard, look at the NHL when Covid shut shit down. They wanted to finish off the season, figured out a way that ending the regular season as it stood would still work, and then came up with a playoff format that was agreeable before they even considered restarting. And then the following season, same thing - they figured out a way to get it done reasonably fairly. Maybe it wasn't an ideal scenario, but it was better than nothing - and everyone knew what to expect down the road (barring Covid outbreaks that threw multiple wrenches into the mix at various points...but even those were dealt with reasonably). The fact is, despite the clusterfuck, they STILL came up with a way to make it work at the outset, so nobody was like "well, what do we need to do to get in?"
  13. I'm with @Dr. Morbis. The criteria to get in should either be straight points, or the criteria should be posted at the beginning of the season. If wins matter, or anything else for that matter, it should be spelled out early on so that every competitor is on the same page. That said, do the genre leaderboards matter for anything or are they just posted for fun?
  14. I don't think the Game Genie would've been a factor. I remember renting it shortly after it came out and there were no codes (which makes sense since it was released so late). I don't recall any being submitted to magazines, so unless you had a code update (which were extremely rare), or came up with your own codes, I don't think you would've been using a Game Genie on Kirby's Adventure.
  15. Oh good, the concussions didn't completely screw up my memories Crazy thing is that NESWorld is still up and running. The forum is deader than NA is, but at least Martin's site is still useable. I think that's why people are pissed about NA's demise - it's not about the forum, although that's disappointing. It's because Jeff scuttled the database. Forums are born and die every day. Nobody'd care if yet another one kicked the bucket as there's always another coming up to fill the void. It's the information being lost to the ages that hurts people most. If Jeff had left NA up and running and just killed the forum, people's distaste would've long since been buried.
  16. It 100% could've. I've seen it happen countless times. I've been part of it a few of those times. So yeah, it could've happened there.
  17. 1. From what I can gather in 30 seconds on Google, the tags are both technically accurate in this situation. However, transgender is the more accurate of the two in this particular case. 2. Samus was never a male, thus was never trans-anything. The only allusions to Samus being anything but female were assumptions made in the instruction manual based on her nature as a mysterious figure that nobody knew anything about.
  18. There had been at least one before that, likely more than one. I know that for a fact because @Bronty took a ton of flak from the community for overpaying for his - a whopping $3k.
  19. Having been there during the planning/discussion phases before NA came into being, I can assure you your perception is correct. Right from the get-go, it was meant as a database. Another NES-centric forum was most certainly not necessary at the time, although because of the database, most people from those sites migrated into one central place - NA. Most other NES forums pretty much died within months of NA's launch, simply because the bulk of the user base migrated en masse. But again, this was not because of the forum, it was because of the database that much of the traffic ended up there in the first place.
  20. The database should be accessible through the wayback machine if nothing else. wayback.archive.org Though there are certainly gonna be issues using it, it's still better than nothing, and could be a good resource to restart a database for anyone so inclined.
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