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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. The database was absolutely NOT a "component of the forum." The forum was a component of the database. Let's be real here.
  2. Basil watched me get to Round 11 on the weekend, so 10 is very much doable. I'll post my score here when I get an "official" one. EDIT: WOOOOOOOW...as easy as it was to get far on the NES, it's far more difficult on my computer. The controller input is way too sensitive on the emulator...gonna probably have to dig up the cart from the mess of boxes I have...good thing I also need to dig up another cart for an unrelated reason
  3. If I remember correctly from the time, NA was not started to be a forum, it was started to be the penultimate database of information for the NES, as information was scattered over multiple websites and forums, and finding it was a goddamn chore for all but the most hardcore of us. The forum was added more as an extra than anything. With all the other communities out there at the time, there was really no need for another one. The site was meant to be a database right from day one.
  4. Wait wait wait...does he think he only bought the forum? Does that mean that @Dain might still own the database itself? Or is Jeff completely unaware of what he actually owns?
  5. I fully agree with this. Regardless of how one feels about him, Pat checks enough boxes to qualify for expert status. And while there are definitely guys that would be a better representative to use for sealed collecting, one doesn't have to collect sealed games to know enough about it to comment. I wish there were more experts, or a better quality one than Pat, but you have to remember that he's also a recognizable face. People who don't know much about the hobby may have seen Pat on Youtube, whereas other experts don't really have that face that would lend gravitas to the statements they make. So like it or not, Pat was probably the ideal person to have as an expert hobbyist. Honestly, if you're looking in terms of rarity, there's actually several games that would qualify as rarer than SE in sealed condition. Titles that you probably wouldn't expect. Hell, Tim Atwood had between 12 and 18 (depending whether he had two or three cases), and the 6-12 that he parted out are more than the number of copies that a few other titles got. He did have a point about the first appearances, but since Mario's first appearance was Donkey Kong, I would argue that SMB would be better equated to Amazing Spider-Man #1 than Amazing Fantasy #15 All that said, I would've argued that from a long-term collectible standpoint, SMB sealed would 100% be more sought after than Stadium Events ever would be due to desirability. But from a rarity standpoint, you're still wrong about SE being the top of the heap.
  6. While you're at it, add Blazing Saddles, The Producers (the original, not the modern remake...you want the one with Gene Wilder in it), Young Frankenstein and Robin Hood: Men in Tights. They're the most popular of the bunch for a reason - they're all bloody gold!
  7. I doubt it was a test market, because I remember seeing them late 80s/early 90s here in Calgary. We weren't yet in oil boom times yet, maybe only 1/2 to 3/4 of a million residents, so I highly doubt they'd use Calgary as a test market. I also remember seeing them when I was at my grandma's (could've tried them, but I opted for Pac-Man cereal instead...was like Lucky Charms but just the marshmallows). That's Prince George, BC, which is hardly a test market area. So yeah, it was Canada-wide 100%.
  8. I guess most collectors hate me after cracking that Gun*Nac then...
  9. Yeah, it's in English. I'm not sure if the game was completed, but given that there's a couple longplays online I would assume so. I was supposed to play it through since those kind of games are my jam, but I never did get around to it. It's not a Pony Canyon port either...Kemco-Seika did it. Incidentally, the ports you mentioned are all pretty awesome imo, save for Ultima V...that's more of an unplayable mess. But the rest were decent ports at worst, and awesome at best.
  10. While I remember them being on the shelf, I never got to try them. My parents kept the sugar away from my sister and I for the most part, so any kind of cereal that wasn't at least moderately healthy was off the table. It's kind of a sore point for me now when I watch my mom give my nieces all sorts of sweets, but I suppose that was the same feeling she had watching my grandma do the same with us
  11. Yeah, it's a repro of the unreleased NES version. Well, it was released in Japan, just not here. Now that I'm making my own repros, if it's something that interests you, I could do it up for ya.
  12. I agree with ya. A real tribute wouldn't have incorporated his accent into the name.
  13. Well, it was fun while it lasted. Until next time man! We're All Total Asshats Seriously, I have no idea.
  14. Yeah, that damn Heritage thread alone... No rush man, there's tons of work to do. As long as it's in the queue that should be enough
  15. Thinking about it, the gasoline smell could've been from a flooded home, but not in any way related to the heating system. Just dawned on me that pumps used to drain flooded areas typically run on gasoline. I schlepped a bunch of those at my old job when the Bow River flooded here. That could be where it came from.
  16. That already makes him more credible than WATA in my books.
  17. Any time. I used to mod one of the pre-NA forums. I know how thankless the task is, and there really is no right way to do it as someone will inevitably get salty about whatever move is made (or not made). And like I said in one of the posts, it doesn't matter if I agree with it or not, it's your call. For example, I was unaware of any PMs you received (as I obviously would be since they're private), but it still doesn't change my feeling that stepping in may have been a touch premature. But that's MY feeling, and is entirely irrelevant to the task at hand. VGS is a great place, and you've done your best to make it that way. All the props in the world for doing the work to make it that way! Between him and NGD (who I've messaged), I think the only one missing would be dangevin EDIT: Thinking about dangevin, I still have his Dragon Wars repro that he lent me like 15 years ago He probably don't give a shit at this point, but I lost touch with him before I could give it back. If he does pop in somehow, I'd love to resolve that at some point, whatever it would entail.
  18. "Oil-fired furnace" is a far cry from "fuel oil tank." I had said "gas" as a short for "gasoline," but since natural gas/propane furnaces are called gas ones as well, I should've just used the full term. Apology for the confusion on that.
  19. The fact is, you actually get good enough to beat games, regardless of difficulty or genre. That's no easy feat. I'm sure you could approach their level if you put the effort into it, but that isn't your goal. Entirely respectable. But to have the skill to master so many different types of games at a level high enough to complete them, that's top tier shit imo.
  20. I woke up admittedly to less, around 10ish pages, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading every post up to that point. But then, that's the kind of thing I enjoyed about message boards back in the day that I feel is lacking on most nowadays. There's a reason I'm still hanging out on this thread. The relevant info is intriguing, the drama has been relatively mild and honestly not detrimental (despite being a side story to the main topic), and the bro banter has been a wonderful blast from the past. Again, it's an agree-to-disagree thing in my opinion, and if it gets too far out of hand I'm sure @Gloves will step in (as he did in the brief pause, whether or not I agree with his stance is irrelevant - I'm not doing his job). At this point, me too. Still waiting on Tim Atwood though
  21. Do it! Mel Brooks is a comedic genius! Spaceballs isn't even his best work, but it's fucking hilarious! The character posted is Pizza the Hutt, an obvious parody of the Star Wars slug The bulk of the movie is a Star Wars parody, but they throw in bits from other sci-fi as well. If you like it, check out his other works...except Dracula: Dead and Loving It, that was pure shite.
  22. Either would be awesome tbh. Both are already on the contents list, but Loopz has a manual variant iirc (possibly Dick Tracy as well), and any slight variance in the contents warrants a new listing. That said, I totally get not selling from the collection. Maybe if you get a dupe we can work something out though I have nothing against @Gloves, I think he does an excellent job in an unenviable position. I just disagree about it being an issue. Not saying I'd leave here either, just that I'd like to go to wherever they are as well. Also bear in mind that for a lot of these guys, there hasn't been a conversation between any of us for many years. It may seem excessive in the context of this single thread, but being that it's the only thread they've posted in, and the thread has already been shit all over, I don't see it as a huge issue. Agree to disagree.
  23. The question I'd have is whether it's actually a bootleg or if it's a Japanese version of a Limited Run rerelease...basically, is it a fake or an official aftermarket release.
  24. With all the old timers here, I just shot NGD a message on Facebook. Also showed that I haven't messaged him since my sister was pregnant...that kid is now 8...fuck I suck at keeping in touch
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